1,717 research outputs found

    Optimal randomized incremental construction for guaranteed logarithmic planar point location

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    Given a planar map of nn segments in which we wish to efficiently locate points, we present the first randomized incremental construction of the well-known trapezoidal-map search-structure that only requires expected O(nlogn)O(n \log n) preprocessing time while deterministically guaranteeing worst-case linear storage space and worst-case logarithmic query time. This settles a long standing open problem; the best previously known construction time of such a structure, which is based on a directed acyclic graph, so-called the history DAG, and with the above worst-case space and query-time guarantees, was expected O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2 n). The result is based on a deeper understanding of the structure of the history DAG, its depth in relation to the length of its longest search path, as well as its correspondence to the trapezoidal search tree. Our results immediately extend to planar maps induced by finite collections of pairwise interior disjoint well-behaved curves.Comment: The article significantly extends the theoretical aspects of the work presented in http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.543

    Improved Implementation of Point Location in General Two-Dimensional Subdivisions

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    We present a major revamp of the point-location data structure for general two-dimensional subdivisions via randomized incremental construction, implemented in CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library. We can now guarantee that the constructed directed acyclic graph G is of linear size and provides logarithmic query time. Via the construction of the Voronoi diagram for a given point set S of size n, this also enables nearest-neighbor queries in guaranteed O(log n) time. Another major innovation is the support of general unbounded subdivisions as well as subdivisions of two-dimensional parametric surfaces such as spheres, tori, cylinders. The implementation is exact, complete, and general, i.e., it can also handle non-linear subdivisions. Like the previous version, the data structure supports modifications of the subdivision, such as insertions and deletions of edges, after the initial preprocessing. A major challenge is to retain the expected O(n log n) preprocessing time while providing the above (deterministic) space and query-time guarantees. We describe an efficient preprocessing algorithm, which explicitly verifies the length L of the longest query path in O(n log n) time. However, instead of using L, our implementation is based on the depth D of G. Although we prove that the worst case ratio of D and L is Theta(n/log n), we conjecture, based on our experimental results, that this solution achieves expected O(n log n) preprocessing time.Comment: 21 page

    Farthest-Polygon Voronoi Diagrams

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    Given a family of k disjoint connected polygonal sites in general position and of total complexity n, we consider the farthest-site Voronoi diagram of these sites, where the distance to a site is the distance to a closest point on it. We show that the complexity of this diagram is O(n), and give an O(n log^3 n) time algorithm to compute it. We also prove a number of structural properties of this diagram. In particular, a Voronoi region may consist of k-1 connected components, but if one component is bounded, then it is equal to the entire region

    Parallel Transitive Closure and Point Location in Planar Structures

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    AMS(MOS) subject classifications. 68E05, 68C05, 68C25Parallel algorithms for several graph and geometric problems are presented, including transitive closure and topological sorting in planar st-graphs, preprocessing planar subdivisions for point location queries, and construction of visibility representations and drawings of planar graphs. Most of these algorithms achieve optimal O(logn) running time using n/logn processors in the EREW PRAM model, n being the number of vertices

    On the Complexity of Real Root Isolation

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    We introduce a new approach to isolate the real roots of a square-free polynomial F=i=0nAixiF=\sum_{i=0}^n A_i x^i with real coefficients. It is assumed that each coefficient of FF can be approximated to any specified error bound. The presented method is exact, complete and deterministic. Due to its similarities to the Descartes method, we also consider it practical and easy to implement. Compared to previous approaches, our new method achieves a significantly better bit complexity. It is further shown that the hardness of isolating the real roots of FF is exclusively determined by the geometry of the roots and not by the complexity or the size of the coefficients. For the special case where FF has integer coefficients of maximal bitsize τ\tau, our bound on the bit complexity writes as O~(n3τ2)\tilde{O}(n^3\tau^2) which improves the best bounds known for existing practical algorithms by a factor of n=degFn=deg F. The crucial idea underlying the new approach is to run an approximate version of the Descartes method, where, in each subdivision step, we only consider approximations of the intermediate results to a certain precision. We give an upper bound on the maximal precision that is needed for isolating the roots of FF. For integer polynomials, this bound is by a factor nn lower than that of the precision needed when using exact arithmetic explaining the improved bound on the bit complexity