4,832 research outputs found

    Optimal Content Placement for En-Route Web Caching

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    This paper studies the optimal placement of web files for en-route web caching. It is shown that existing placement policies are all solving restricted partial problems of the file placement problem, and therefore give only sub-optimal solutions. A dynamic programming algorithm of low complexity which computes the optimal solution is presented. It is shown both analytically and experimentally that the file-placement solution output by our algorithm outperforms existing en-route caching policies. The optimal placement of web files can be implemented with a reasonable level of cache coordination and management overhead for en-route caching; and importantly, it can be achieved with or without using data prefetching

    A Literature Survey of Cooperative Caching in Content Distribution Networks

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    Content distribution networks (CDNs) which serve to deliver web objects (e.g., documents, applications, music and video, etc.) have seen tremendous growth since its emergence. To minimize the retrieving delay experienced by a user with a request for a web object, caching strategies are often applied - contents are replicated at edges of the network which is closer to the user such that the network distance between the user and the object is reduced. In this literature survey, evolution of caching is studied. A recent research paper [15] in the field of large-scale caching for CDN was chosen to be the anchor paper which serves as a guide to the topic. Research studies after and relevant to the anchor paper are also analyzed to better evaluate the statements and results of the anchor paper and more importantly, to obtain an unbiased view of the large scale collaborate caching systems as a whole.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Practical service placement approach for microservices architecture

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    Community networks (CNs) have gained momentum in the last few years with the increasing number of spontaneously deployed WiFi hotspots and home networks. These networks, owned and managed by volunteers, offer various services to their members and to the public. To reduce the complexity of service deployment, community micro-clouds have recently emerged as a promising enabler for the delivery of cloud services to community users. By putting services closer to consumers, micro-clouds pursue not only a better service performance, but also a low entry barrier for the deployment of mainstream Internet services within the CN. Unfortunately, the provisioning of the services is not so simple. Due to the large and irregular topology, high software and hardware diversity of CNs, it requires of aPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Coordinated en-route transcoding caching for tree networks

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    ©2004 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.As transcoding caching is attracting an increasing amount of attention, it is important and necessary to find methods to distribute multiple versions of the same media object in the Internet. In this paper, we first present a mathematical model for the problem of optimally determining the locations in which to place multiple versions of the same media object in tree networks such that the specified objective is achieved. This problem is formulated as an optimization problem. Second, we propose a low-cost dynamic programming-based solution for solving this problem, by which the optimal locations are obtained. Finally, we evaluate our model on different performance metrics through extensive simulation experiments and compare the results of our model with those of existing models that consider transcoding caching either on a path or at individual nodes only.Keqiu Li, Hong She

    Object Replication Algorithms for World Wide Web

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    Object replication is a well-known technique to improve the accessibility of the Web sites. It generally offers reduced client latencies and increases a site's availability. However, applying replication techniques is not trivial and a large number of heuristics have been proposed to decide the number of replicas of an object and their placement in a distributed web server system. This paper presents three object placement and replication algorithms. The first two heuristics are centralized in the sense that a central site determines the number of replicas and their placement. Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet traffic and the rapid change in the access pattern of the World-Wide Web, we also propose a distributed algorithm where each site relies on some locally collected information to decide what objects should be replicated at that site. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated through a simulation study. Also, the performance of the proposed algorithms has been compared with that of three other well-known algorithms and the results are presented. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithms

    WebWave: Globally Load Balanced Fully Distributed Caching of Hot Published Documents

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    Document publication service over such a large network as the Internet challenges us to harness available server and network resources to meet fast growing demand. In this paper, we show that large-scale dynamic caching can be employed to globally minimize server idle time, and hence maximize the aggregate server throughput of the whole service. To be efficient, scalable and robust, a successful caching mechanism must have three properties: (1) maximize the global throughput of the system, (2) find cache copies without recourse to a directory service, or to a discovery protocol, and (3) be completely distributed in the sense of operating only on the basis of local information. In this paper, we develop a precise definition, which we call tree load-balance (TLB), of what it means for a mechanism to satisfy these three goals. We present an algorithm that computes TLB off-line, and a distributed protocol that induces a load distribution that converges quickly to a TLB one. Both algorithms place cache copies of immutable documents, on the routing tree that connects the cached document's home server to its clients, thus enabling requests to stumble on cache copies en route to the home server.Harvard University; The Saudi Cultural Mission to the U.S.A

    Weighted Cache Location Problem with Identical Servers

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    This paper extends the well-known p-CLP with one server to p-CLP with m≥2 identical servers, denoted by (p,m)-CLP. We propose the closest server orienting protocol (CSOP), under which every client connects to the closest server to itself via a shortest route on given network. We abbreviate (p,m)-CLP under CSOP to (p,m)-CSOP CLP and investigate that (p,m)-CSOP CLP on a general network is equivalent to that on a forest and further to multiple CLPs on trees. The case of m=2 is the focus of this paper. We first devise an improved O(ph2+n)-time parallel exact algorithm for p-CLP on a tree and then present a parallel exact algorithm with at most O((4/9)p2n2) time in the worst case for (p,2)-CSOP CLP on a general network. Furthermore, we extend the idea of parallel algorithm to the cases of m>2 to obtain a worst-case O((4/9)(n-m)2((m+p)p/p-1!))-time exact algorithm. At the end of the paper, we first give an example to illustrate our algorithms and then make a series of numerical experiments to compare the running times of our algorithms