3,801 research outputs found

    Optimal placement of User Plane Functions in 5G networks

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    Because of developments in society and technology, new services and use cases have emerged, such as vehicle-to-everything communication and smart manufacturing. Some of these services have stringent requirements in terms of reliability, bandwidth, and network response time and to meet them, deploying network functions (NFs) closer to users is necessary. Doing so will lead to an increase in costs and the number of NFs. Under such circumstances, the use of optimization strategies for the placement of NFs is crucial to offer Quality of Service (QoS) in a cost-effective manner. In this vein, this paper addresses the User Plane Functions Placement (UPFP) problem in 5G networks. The UPFP is modeled as a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem aimed at determining the optimal number and location of User Plane Functions (UPFs). Two optimization models are proposed that considered various parameters, such as latency, reliability and user mobility. To evaluate their performance, two services under the Ultra-Reliable an Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) category were selected. The acquired results showcase the effectiveness of our solutions.Postprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic Scheduling and Optimal Reconfiguration of UPF Placement in 5G Networks

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is a key technology in the road to 5G and beyond networks. Significant reductions in both latency and backhaul traffic can be achieved by placing server applications, and network functions at the network edge. However, this implies new challenges for their dynamic placement and management. In this paper, we tackle the problem of dynamic placement reconfiguration of 5G User Plane Functions (UPFs) in a MEC ecosystem to adapt to changes in user locations while ensuring QoS and network operator expenditures reduction. In this vein, an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solution is proposed to determine the optimal UPF placement configuration (e.g., number of UPFs and user-UPF mapping) by considering several cost components along with service requirements. Moreover, a scheduling technique based on Optimal Stopping Theory (OST) is presented to decide the optimal reconfiguration time according to instantaneous values of latency violations and established QoS thresholds. Extensive simulation results demonstrate their effectiveness, achieving significant improvements in metrics such as number of re-computation events, reconfiguration costs, and number of latency violations over time

    A framework for the joint placement of edge service infrastructure and User Plane Functions for 5G

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    Achieving less than 1 ms end-to-end communication latency, required for certain 5G services and use cases, is imposing severe technical challenges for the deployment of next-generation networks. To achieve such an ambitious goal, the service infrastructure and User Plane Function (UPF) placement at the network edge, is mandatory. However, this solution implies a substantial increase in deployment and operational costs. To cost-effectively solve this joint placement problem, this paper introduces a framework to jointly address the placement of edge nodes (ENs) and UPFs. Our framework proposal relies on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and heuristic solutions. The main objective is to determine the ENs and UPFs’ optimal number and locations to minimize overall costs while satisfying the service requirements. To this aim, several parameters and factors are considered, such as capacity, latency, costs and site restrictions. The proposed solutions are evaluated based on different metrics and the obtained results showcase over 20% cost savings for the service infrastructure deployment. Moreover, the gap between the UPF placement heuristic and the optimal solution is equal to only one UPF in the worst cases, and a computation time reduction of over 35% is achieved in all the use cases studied.Postprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic, Latency-Optimal vNF Placement at the Network Edge

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    Future networks are expected to support low-latency, context-aware and user-specific services in a highly flexible and efficient manner. One approach to support emerging use cases such as, e.g., virtual reality and in-network image processing is to introduce virtualized network functions (vNF)s at the edge of the network, placed in close proximity to the end users to reduce end-to-end latency, time-to-response, and unnecessary utilisation in the core network. While placement of vNFs has been studied before, it has so far mostly focused on reducing the utilisation of server resources (i.e., minimising the number of servers required in the network to run a specific set of vNFs), and not taking network conditions into consideration such as, e.g., end-to-end latency, the constantly changing network dynamics, or user mobility patterns. In this paper, we formulate the Edge vNF placement problem to allocate vNFs to a distributed edge infrastructure, minimising end-to-end latency from all users to their associated vNFs. We present a way to dynamically re-schedule the optimal placement of vNFs based on temporal network-wide latency fluctuations using optimal stopping theory. We then evaluate our dynamic scheduler over a simulated nation-wide backbone network using real-world ISP latency characteristics. We show that our proposed dynamic placement scheduler minimises vNF migrations compared to other schedulers (e.g., periodic and always-on scheduling of a new placement), and offers Quality of Service guarantees by not exceeding a maximum number of latency violations that can be tolerated by certain applications

    Joint Scheduling of URLLC and eMBB Traffic in 5G Wireless Networks

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    Emerging 5G systems will need to efficiently support both enhanced mobile broadband traffic (eMBB) and ultra-low-latency communications (URLLC) traffic. In these systems, time is divided into slots which are further sub-divided into minislots. From a scheduling perspective, eMBB resource allocations occur at slot boundaries, whereas to reduce latency URLLC traffic is pre-emptively overlapped at the minislot timescale, resulting in selective superposition/puncturing of eMBB allocations. This approach enables minimal URLLC latency at a potential rate loss to eMBB traffic. We study joint eMBB and URLLC schedulers for such systems, with the dual objectives of maximizing utility for eMBB traffic while immediately satisfying URLLC demands. For a linear rate loss model (loss to eMBB is linear in the amount of URLLC superposition/puncturing), we derive an optimal joint scheduler. Somewhat counter-intuitively, our results show that our dual objectives can be met by an iterative gradient scheduler for eMBB traffic that anticipates the expected loss from URLLC traffic, along with an URLLC demand scheduler that is oblivious to eMBB channel states, utility functions and allocation decisions of the eMBB scheduler. Next we consider a more general class of (convex/threshold) loss models and study optimal online joint eMBB/URLLC schedulers within the broad class of channel state dependent but minislot-homogeneous policies. A key observation is that unlike the linear rate loss model, for the convex and threshold rate loss models, optimal eMBB and URLLC scheduling decisions do not de-couple and joint optimization is necessary to satisfy the dual objectives. We validate the characteristics and benefits of our schedulers via simulation

    Container network functions: bringing NFV to the network edge

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    In order to cope with the increasing network utilization driven by new mobile clients, and to satisfy demand for new network services and performance guarantees, telecommunication service providers are exploiting virtualization over their network by implementing network services in virtual machines, decoupled from legacy hardware accelerated appliances. This effort, known as NFV, reduces OPEX and provides new business opportunities. At the same time, next generation mobile, enterprise, and IoT networks are introducing the concept of computing capabilities being pushed at the network edge, in close proximity of the users. However, the heavy footprint of today's NFV platforms prevents them from operating at the network edge. In this article, we identify the opportunities of virtualization at the network edge and present Glasgow Network Functions (GNF), a container-based NFV platform that runs and orchestrates lightweight container VNFs, saving core network utilization and providing lower latency. Finally, we demonstrate three useful examples of the platform: IoT DDoS remediation, on-demand troubleshooting for telco networks, and supporting roaming of network functions