5 research outputs found

    Scalable parallel communications

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    Coarse-grain parallelism in networking (that is, the use of multiple protocol processors running replicated software sending over several physical channels) can be used to provide gigabit communications for a single application. Since parallel network performance is highly dependent on real issues such as hardware properties (e.g., memory speeds and cache hit rates), operating system overhead (e.g., interrupt handling), and protocol performance (e.g., effect of timeouts), we have performed detailed simulations studies of both a bus-based multiprocessor workstation node (based on the Sun Galaxy MP multiprocessor) and a distributed-memory parallel computer node (based on the Touchstone DELTA) to evaluate the behavior of coarse-grain parallelism. Our results indicate: (1) coarse-grain parallelism can deliver multiple 100 Mbps with currently available hardware platforms and existing networking protocols (such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and parallel Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings); (2) scale-up is near linear in n, the number of protocol processors, and channels (for small n and up to a few hundred Mbps); and (3) since these results are based on existing hardware without specialized devices (except perhaps for some simple modifications of the FDDI boards), this is a low cost solution to providing multiple 100 Mbps on current machines. In addition, from both the performance analysis and the properties of these architectures, we conclude: (1) multiple processors providing identical services and the use of space division multiplexing for the physical channels can provide better reliability than monolithic approaches (it also provides graceful degradation and low-cost load balancing); (2) coarse-grain parallelism supports running several transport protocols in parallel to provide different types of service (for example, one TCP handles small messages for many users, other TCP's running in parallel provide high bandwidth service to a single application); and (3) coarse grain parallelism will be able to incorporate many future improvements from related work (e.g., reduced data movement, fast TCP, fine-grain parallelism) also with near linear speed-ups

    Exploiting Fine-Grain Concurrency Analytical Insights in Superscalar Processor Design

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    This dissertation develops analytical models to provide insight into various design issues associated with superscalar-type processors, i.e., the processors capable of executing multiple instructions per cycle. A survey of the existing machines and literature has been completed with a proposed classification of various approaches for exploiting fine-grain concurrency. Optimization of a single pipeline is discussed based on an analytical model. The model-predicted performance curves are found to be in close proximity to published results using simulation techniques. A model is also developed for comparing different branch strategies for single-pipeline processors in terms of their effectiveness in reducing branch delay. The additional instruction fetch traffic generated by certain branch strategies is also studied and is shown to be a useful criterion for choosing between equally well performing strategies. Next, processors with multiple pipelines are modelled to study the tradeoffs associated with deeper pipelines versus multiple pipelines. The model developed can reveal the cause of performance bottleneck: insufficient resources to exploit discovered parallelism, insufficient instruction stream parallelism, or insufficient scope of concurrency detection. The cost associated with speculative (i.e., beyond basic block) execution is examined via probability distributions that characterize the inherent parallelism in the instruction stream. The throughput prediction of the analytic model is shown, using a variety of benchmarks, to be close to the measured static throughput of the compiler output, under resource and scope constraints. Further experiments provide misprediction delay estimates for these benchmarks under scope constraints, assuming beyond-basic-block, out-of-order execution and run-time scheduling. These results were derived using traces generated by the Multiflow TRACE SCHEDULINGâ„¢(*) compacting C and FORTRAN 77 compilers. A simplified extension to the model to include multiprocessors is also proposed. The extended model is used to analyze combined systems, such as superpipelined multiprocessors and superscalar multiprocessors, both with shared memory. It is shown that the number of pipelines (or processors) at which the maximum throughput is obtained is increasingly sensitive to the ratio of memory access time to network access delay, as memory access time increases. Further, as a function of inter-iteration dependency distance, optimum throughput is shown to vary nonlinearly, whereas the corresponding Optimum number of processors varies linearly. The predictions from the analytical model agree with published results based on simulations. (*)TRACE SCHEDULING is a trademark of Multiflow Computer, Inc

    Optimal digital system design in deep submicron technology

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-174).The optimization of a digital system in deep submicron technology should be done with two basic principles: energy waste reduction and energy-delay tradeoff. Increased energy resources obtained through energy waste reduction are utilized through energy-delay tradeoffs. The previous practice of obliviously pursuing performance has led to the rapid increase in energy consumption. While energy waste due to unnecessary switching could be reduced with small increases in logic complexity, leakage energy waste still remains as a major design challenge. We find that fine-grain dynamic leakage reduction (FG-DLR), turning off small subblocks for short idle intervals, is the key for successful leakage energy saving. We introduce an FG-DLR circuit technique, Leakage Biasing, which uses leakage currents themselves to bias the circuit into the minimum leakage state, and apply it to primary SRAM arrays for bitline leakage reduction (Leakage-Biased Bitlines) and to domino logic (Leakage-Biased Domino). We also introduce another FG-DLR circuit technique, Dynamic Resizing, which dynamically downsizes transistors on idle paths while maintaining the performance along active critical paths, and apply it to static CMOS circuits.(cont.) We show that significant energy reduction can be achieved at the same computation throughput and communication bandwidth by pipelining logic gates and wires. We find that energy saved by pipelining datapaths is eventually limited by latch energy overhead, leading to a power-optimal pipelining. Structuring global wires into on-chip networks provides a better environment for pipelining and leakage energy saving. We show that the energy-efficiency increase through replacement with dynamically packet-routed networks is bounded by router energy overhead. Finally, we provide a way of relaxing the peak power constraint. We evaluate the use of Activity Migration (AM) for hot spot removal. AM spreads heat by transporting computation to a different location on the die. We show that AM can be used either to increase the power that can be dissipated by a given package, or to lower the operating temperature and hence the operating energy.by Seongmoo Heo.Ph.D