768 research outputs found

    Optimal PWM control of switched-capacitor DC/DC power converters via model transformation and enhancing control techniques

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    Abstract—This paper presents an efficient and effective method for an optimal pulse width modulated (PWM) control of switched-capacitor DC/DC power converters. Optimal switching instants are determined based on minimizing the output ripple magnitude, the output leakage voltage and the sensitivity of the output load voltage with respect to both the input voltage and the load resistance. This optimal PWM control strategy has several advantages over conventional PWM control strategies: 1) It does not involve a linearization, so a large signal analysis is performed. 2) It guarantees the optimality. The problem is solved via both the model transformation and the optimal enhancing control techniques. A practical example of the PWM control of a switched-capacitor DC/DC power converter is presented

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Intelligent cascaded adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system controller fed KY converter for hybrid energy based microgrid applications

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    Purpose. This article proposes a new control strategy for KY (DC-DC voltage step up) converter. The proposed hybrid energy system fed KY converter is utilized along with adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system controller. Renewable energy sources have recently acquired immense significance as a result of rising demand for electricity, rapid fossil fuel exhaustion and the threat of global warming. However, due to their inherent intermittency, these sources offer low system reliability. So, a hybrid energy system that encompasses wind/photovoltaic/battery is implemented in order to obtain a stable and reliable microgrid. Both solar and wind energy is easily accessible with huge untapped potential and together they account for more than 60 % of yearly net new electricity generation capacity additions around the world. Novelty. A KY converter is adopted here for enhancing the output of the photovoltaic system and its operation is controlled with the help of a cascaded an adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system controller. Originality. Increase of the overall system stability and reliability using hybrid energy system fed KY converter is utilized along with adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system controller. Practical value. A proportional integral controller is used in the doubly fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system for controlling the operation of the pulse width modulation rectifier in order to deliver a controlled DC output voltage. A battery energy storage system, which uses a battery converter to be connected to the DC link, stores the excess power generated from the renewable energy sources. Based on the battery’s state of charge, its charging and discharging operation is controlled using a proportional integral controller. The controlled DC link voltage is fed to the three phase voltage source inverter for effective DC to AC voltage conversion. The inverter is connected to the three phase grid via an LC filter for effective harmonics mitigation. A proportional integral controller is used for achieving effective grid voltage synchronization. Results. The proposed model is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink, and from the obtained outcomes, it is noted that the cascaded adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system controller assisted KY converter is capable of maintaining the stable operation of the microgrid with an excellent efficiency of 93 %.Мета. У цій статті пропонується нова стратегія управління перетворювачем KY (підвищення напруги постійного струму). Пропонована гібридна енергетична система, що живиться перетворювачем KY, використовується разом із контролером системи адаптивного нейро-нечіткого інтерфейсу. Відновлювані джерела енергії останнім часом набули величезного значення внаслідок зростання попиту на електроенергію, швидкого виснаження викопного палива та загрози глобального потепління. Однак через властиву їм уривчастість ці джерела забезпечують низьку надійність системи. Таким чином, гібридна енергетична система, що включає енергію вітру/фотоелектричних елементів/акумулятору, реалізована для отримання стабільної і надійної мікромережі. Як сонячна, так і вітрова енергія доступні з величезним невикористаним потенціалом, і разом вони забезпечують понад 60 % щорічного чистого приросту нових потужностей з виробництва електроенергії в усьому світі. Новизна. Перетворювач KY використовується тут для підвищення вихідної потужності фотоелектричної системи, і його робота керується за допомогою каскадного контролера системи з адаптивним нейро-нечітким інтерфейсом. Оригінальність. Підвищення загальної стабільності та надійності системи за допомогою гібридної енергетичної системи, що живиться перетворювачем KY і використовується разом з контролером системи з адаптивним нейро-нечітким інтерфейсом. Практична цінність. Пропорційний інтегральний контролер використовується в системі перетворення енергії вітру на основі асинхронного генератора з подвійним живленням для управління випрямлячою роботою з широтно-імпульсною модуляцією для забезпечення регульованої вихідної напруги постійного струму. Акумуляторна система накопичення енергії, в якій використовується акумуляторний перетворювач для підключення до кола постійного струму, зберігає надмірну потужність, що виробляється з відновлюваних джерел енергії. Залежно від стану заряду акумулятора, процес його зарядки і розрядки контролюється за допомогою пропорційного інтегрального контролера. Керована напруга кола постійного струму подається на трифазний інвертор джерела напруги для ефективного перетворення постійної напруги змінну. Інвертор підключений до трифазної мережі через LC-фільтр для ефективного придушення гармонік. Пропорційний інтегральний регулятор використовується для досягнення ефективної синхронізації напруги мережі. Результати. Запропонована модель змодельована з використанням MATLAB/Simulink, і з отриманих результатів випливає, що каскадний адаптивний нейро-нечіткий інтерфейс із системним контролером та перетворювачем KY здатний підтримувати стабільну роботу мікромережі з чудовим ККД 93 %

    Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems

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    The Special Issue "Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems" focuses on: - new strategies of control for electric machines, including sensorless control and fault diagnosis; - existing and emerging industrial applications of GaN and SiC-based converters; - modern methods for electromagnetic compatibility. The book covers topics such as control systems, fault diagnosis, converters, inverters, and electromagnetic interference in power electronics systems. The Special Issue includes 19 scientific papers by industry experts and worldwide professors in the area of electrical engineering

    Enhanced decoupling current scheme with selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation for cascaded multilevel inverter based static synchronous compensator

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    This dissertation is dedicated to a comprehensive study and performance analysis of the transformer-less Multilevel Cascaded H-bridge Inverter (MCHI) based STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM). Among the shunt-connected Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers, STATCOM has shown extensive feasibility and effectiveness in solving a wide range of power quality problems. By referring to the literature reviews, MCHI with separated DC capacitors is certainly the most versatile power inverter topology for STATCOM applications. However, due to the ill-defined transfer functions, complex control schemes and formulations were emerged to achieve a low-switching frequency high-bandwidth power control. As a result, adequate controller parameters were generally obtained by using trial and error method, which were practically ineffective and time-consuming. In this dissertation, the STATCOM is controlled to provide reactive power (VAR) compensation at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) under different loading conditions. The goal of this work is to enhance the performance of the STATCOM with the associated proposed control scheme in achieving high dynamic response, improving transient performance, and producing high-quality output voltage waveform. To evaluate the superiority of the proposed control scheme, intensive simulation studies and numerous experiments are conducted accordingly, where a very good match between the simulation results and the experimental results is achieved in all cases and documented in this dissertation

    Design and Control of Power Converters 2019

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    In this book, 20 papers focused on different fields of power electronics are gathered. Approximately half of the papers are focused on different control issues and techniques, ranging from the computer-aided design of digital compensators to more specific approaches such as fuzzy or sliding control techniques. The rest of the papers are focused on the design of novel topologies. The fields in which these controls and topologies are applied are varied: MMCs, photovoltaic systems, supercapacitors and traction systems, LEDs, wireless power transfer, etc

    Computational Method for a Class of Switched System Optimal Control Problems

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    Power quality improvement using passive shunt filter, TCR and TSC combination

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    Power system harmonics are a menace to electric power systems with disastrous consequences. The line current harmonics cause increase in losses, instability, and also voltage distortion. With the proliferation of the power electronics converters and increased use of magnetic, power lines have become highly polluted. Both passive and active filters have been used near harmonic producing loads or at the point of common coupling to block current harmonics. Shunt filters still dominate the harmonic compensation at medium/high voltage level, whereas active filters have been proclaimed for low/medium voltage ratings. With diverse applications involving reactive power together with harmonic compensation, passive filters are found suitable [41]. Passive filtering has been preferred for harmonic compensation in distribution systems due to low cost, simplicity, reliability, and control less operation [42]. The uncontrolled ac-dc converter suffers from operating problems of poor power factor, injection of harmonics into the ac mains, variations in dc link voltage of input ac supply, equipment overheating due to harmonic current absorption, voltage distortion due to the voltage drop caused by harmonic currents flowing through system impedances, interference on telephone and communication line etc. The circuit topologies such as passive filters, ac-dc converter, based improved power quality ac-dc converters are designed, modeled and implemented. The main emphasis of this investigation has been on a compactness of configurations, simplicity in control, reduction in rating of components, thus finally leading to saving in overall cost. Based on thesis considerations, a wide range of configurations of power quality mitigators are developed, which is expected to provide detailed exposure to design engineers to choose a particular configuration for a specific application under the given constraints of economy and desired performance. For bidirectional power flow applications, the current source converter is designed and simulated with R-L load. The necessary modeling and simulations are carried out in MATLAB environment using SIMULINK and power system block set toolboxes. The behavior of different configurations of passive tuned filters on power quality is studied. One of the way out to resolve the issue of reactive power would be using filters and TCR, TSC with combination in the power system. Installing a filter for nonlinear loads connected in power system would help in reducing the harmonic effect. The filters are widely used for reduction of harmonics. With the increase of nonlinear loads in the power system, more and more filters are required. The combinations of passive filters with TCR and TSC are also designed and analyzed to improve the power quality at ac mains. This scheme has resulted in improved power quality with overall reduced rating of passive components used in front end ac-dc converters with R-L load

    Online Control of Modular Active Power Line Conditioner to Improve Performance of Smart Grid

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    This thesis is explored the detrimental effects of nonlinear loads in distribution systems and investigated the performances of shunt FACTS devices to overcome these problems with the following main contribution: APLC is an advanced shunt active filter which can mitigate the fundamental voltage harmonic of entire network and limit the THDv and individual harmonic distortion of the entire network below 5% and 3%, respectively, as recommended by most standards such as the IEEE-519