6 research outputs found

    Efficient radio resource allocation for Device-to-Device communication

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    Využití Device-to-Device komunikace v bezdrátových sítích umožňuje přímou komunikaci mezi dvěma zařízeními, které se nachází v blízkosti sebe a využívají spektrum určené primárně pro běžné mobilní uživatele k navýšení kapacity sítě a k lepšímu využití spektra. Použití Device-to-Device komunikace v mobilní síti vede k určitým výzvám jako je například rušení běžných mobilních uživatelů s uživateli využívající komunikaci Device-to-Device. Správné využívání radiových zdrojů, výběr dostupných modů pro Device-to-Device komunikaci a alokování výkonu pro Device-to-Device zařízení v síti vede ke zvýšení celkové propustnosti systému. Navrhované metody maximalizují celkovou propustnost sítě pro běžné mobilní uživatele za garantovaných služeb a omezení rušení od Device-to-Device uživatelů. Tyto podmínky vedou ke zvyšující se komplexitě výpočtu s rostoucím počtem uživatelů. Navrhované metody alokování spektra jsou blízké k optimálním při užití přiměřené výpočetní komplexity.Device-to-Device communication in the cellular networks allows direct transmission between devices in each other's proximity that reuse the cellular spectrum intended for conventional cellular users to increase the network capacity and spectrum efficiency. The use of Device-to-Device communication leads to certain challenges such as interference of Device-to-Device users with the conventional users. The resource management, network mode selection and power allocation technique in a cellular network with Device-to-Device can improve performance of the system in terms of throughput. To this end, this thesis proposes a technique maximizing the total throughput of cellular users in wireless networks under given quality-of-service and interference constraints. These conditions lead to the complexity that increases with the number of users and Device-to-Device pairs. The proposed methods of spectrum allocation give the close-to-optional solution with reasonable time computation complexity

    A scalable data-plane architecture for one-to-one device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced

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    One-to-one device-to-device (D2D) communications are expected to play a major role in future releases of LTE-A, as well as in future 5G networks. Despite the abundance of works on resource allocation for D2D communications, few works, if any, discuss how D2D should be realized within the LTE-A protocol stack. While it is generally understood that D2D endpoints should be able to communicate both on the direct path or sidelink (SL) and on the relayed path (RP) through the eNB, little has been said on how this can be achieved in practice. In this paper we present a comprehensive proposal for a data-plane architecture for D2D communication: we define how communications should occur on the SL and the RP, and propose a solution for the challenges associated with mode switching between the SL and the RP. In particular, we argue that two different communication modes on the RP are required to allow D2D connections to be kept alive across cell borders in a multicell environment. Our proposal is scalable, since it does not require any signaling, and is guaranteed to not introduce losses. We evaluate our proposal through detailed system-level simulations, also focusing on its interplay with transport-layer protocols

    Secrecy-Optimized Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Undelaying Cellular Networks

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    L’objectif principal de l’introduction de la communication de périphérique-à-périphérique «device-to-device» (D2D) sous-jacente aux systèmes de communication sans fil de cinquième génération (5G), est d’augmenter l’efficacité spectrale (ES). Cependant, la communication D2D sous-jacente aux réseaux cellulaires peut entraîner une dégradation des performances causée par des co-interférences de canal sévères entre les liaisons cellulaires et D2D. De plus, en raison de la complexité du contrôle et de la gestion, les connexions directes entre les appareils à proximité sont vulnérables. En conséquence, la communication D2D n’est pas robuste contre les menaces de sécurité et l’écoute clandestine. Pourtant, les co-interférences de canal peuvent être adoptées pour aider les utilisateurs cellulaires (UC) et les paires D2D afin d’empêcher l’écoute clandestine. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions différents scénarios de problèmes d’allocation de ressources en utilisant le concept de sécurité de couche physique «physical layer security» (PLS) pour la communication D2D sous-jacente aux réseaux cellulaires, tout en satisfaisant les exigences minimales de qualité de service (QoS) des liaisons cellulaires et D2D. Dans le cas où PLS est pris en compte, l’interférence peut aider à réduire l’écoute clandestine. Premièrement, nous formulons un scénario d’allocation de ressources dans lequel chaque bloc de ressources (RB) temps-fréquence de multiplexage par répartition orthogonale en fréquence (OFDM) peut être partagé par une seule CU et une paire D2D dans un réseau unicellulaire. Le problème formulé est réduit au problème de correspondance tridimensionnelle, qui est généralement NP-difficile, et la solution optimale peut être obtenue par des méthodes compliquées, telles que la recherche par force brute et/ou l’algorithme de branchement et de liaison qui ont une complexité de calcul exponentielle. Nous proposons donc une méta-heuristique basée sur l’algorithme de recherche tabou «Tabu Search» (TS) avec une complexité de calcul réduite pour trouver globalement la solution d’allocation de ressources radio quasi-optimale.----------ABSTRACT: The primary goal of introducing device-to-device (D2D) communication underlying fifthgeneration (5G) wireless communication systems is to increase spectral efficiency (ES). However, D2D communication underlying cellular networks can lead to performance degradation caused by severe co-channel interference between cellular and D2D links. In addition, due to the complexity of control and management, direct connections between nearby devices are vulnerable. Thus, D2D communication is not robust against security threats and eavesdropping. On the other hand, the co-channel interference can be adopted to help cellular users (CUs) and D2D pairs to prevent eavesdropping. In this thesis, we investigate different resource allocation problem scenarios using the physical layer security (PLS) concept for the D2D communication underlying cellular networks, while satisfying the minimum quality of service (QoS) requirements of cellular and D2D link. If the PLS is taken into account, the interference can help reduce eavesdropping. First, we formulate a resource allocation scenario in which each orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) time-frequency resource block (RB) can be shared by one single CU and one D2D pair in a single-cell network. The formulated problem is reduced to the threedimensional matching problem, which is generally NP-hard, and the optimal solution can be obtained through the complicated methods, such as brute-force search and/or branch-andbound algorithm that have exponential computational complexity. We, therefore, propose a meta-heuristic based on Tabu Search (TS) algorithm with a reduced computational complexity to globally find the near-optimal radio resource allocation solution

    An adaptive social-aware device-to-device communication mechanism for wireless networks

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    Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is an essential element in 5G networks, which enables users to communicate either directly without network assistance or with minimum signaling through a base station. For an effective D2D communication, related problems in mode and peer selection need to be addressed. In mode selection, the problem is how to guarantee selection always chooses the best available mode. In peer selection, the problem is how to select optimum peers among surrounding peers in terms of connection conditions and social relationships between peers. The main objectives of this research are to identify mode selection between devices and establishing a connection with the best D2D pair connection without privacy leakage. Multi-Attribute Decision Making and Social Choice theories are applied to achieve the objectives. Mode selection scheme is based on Received Signal Strength (RSS), delay and bandwidth attributes to choose and switch among the available modes intelligently based on the highest ranking. Then, the peering selection scheme is proposed using RSS, delay, bandwidth and power attribute to find an optimum peer with concerning social relationship, by evaluating trust level between peers and excluding the untrusted peers from ranking which will increase the optimum quality of D2D connection. The proposed schemes are validated and tested using MATLAB. Two main scenarios, namely crowded network and user speed were considered to evaluate the proposed mechanism with three existing approaches where the selection is based on a single attribute. The obtained results showed that the proposed mechanism outperforms other approaches in terms of delay, signal to noise ratio, delivery ratio and throughput with better performance up to 70%. The proposed mechanism provides a smooth switching between different modes and employs an automatic peering selection with trusted peers only. It can be applied in different types of network that serves the massive number of users with different movement speed of the user