8 research outputs found

    Nearly Tight Spectral Sparsification of Directed Hypergraphs by a Simple Iterative Sampling Algorithm

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    Spectral hypergraph sparsification, which is an attempt to extend well-known spectral graph sparsification to hypergraphs, has been extensively studied over the past few years. For undirected hypergraphs, Kapralov, Krauthgamer, Tardos, and Yoshida (2022) have recently obtained an algorithm for constructing an ε\varepsilon-spectral sparsifier of optimal O(n)O^*(n) size, where OO^* suppresses the ε1\varepsilon^{-1} and logn\log n factors, while the optimal sparsifier size has not been known for directed hypergraphs. In this paper, we present the first algorithm for constructing an ε\varepsilon-spectral sparsifier for a directed hypergraph with O(n2)O^*(n^2) hyperarcs. This improves the previous bound by Kapralov, Krauthgamer, Tardos, and Yoshida (2021), and it is optimal up to the ε1\varepsilon^{-1} and logn\log n factors since there is a lower bound of Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) even for directed graphs. For general directed hypergraphs, we show the first non-trivial lower bound of Ω(n2/ε)\Omega(n^2/\varepsilon). Our algorithm can be regarded as an extension of the spanner-based graph sparsification by Koutis and Xu (2016). To exhibit the power of the spanner-based approach, we also examine a natural extension of Koutis and Xu's algorithm to undirected hypergraphs. We show that it outputs an ε\varepsilon-spectral sparsifier of an undirected hypergraph with O(nr3)O^*(nr^3) hyperedges, where rr is the maximum size of a hyperedge. Our analysis of the undirected case is based on that of Bansal, Svensson, and Trevisan (2019), and the bound matches that of the hypergraph sparsification algorithm by Bansal et al. We further show that our algorithm inherits advantages of the spanner-based sparsification in that it is fast, can be implemented in parallel, and can be converted to be fault-tolerant

    Graph Sparsification, Spectral Sketches, and Faster Resistance Computation, via Short Cycle Decompositions

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    We develop a framework for graph sparsification and sketching, based on a new tool, short cycle decomposition -- a decomposition of an unweighted graph into an edge-disjoint collection of short cycles, plus few extra edges. A simple observation gives that every graph G on n vertices with m edges can be decomposed in O(mn)O(mn) time into cycles of length at most 2logn2\log n, and at most 2n2n extra edges. We give an m1+o(1)m^{1+o(1)} time algorithm for constructing a short cycle decomposition, with cycles of length no(1)n^{o(1)}, and n1+o(1)n^{1+o(1)} extra edges. These decompositions enable us to make progress on several open questions: * We give an algorithm to find (1±ϵ)(1\pm\epsilon)-approximations to effective resistances of all edges in time m1+o(1)ϵ1.5m^{1+o(1)}\epsilon^{-1.5}, improving over the previous best of O~(min{mϵ2,n2ϵ1})\tilde{O}(\min\{m\epsilon^{-2},n^2 \epsilon^{-1}\}). This gives an algorithm to approximate the determinant of a Laplacian up to (1±ϵ)(1\pm\epsilon) in m1+o(1)+n15/8+o(1)ϵ7/4m^{1 + o(1)} + n^{15/8+o(1)}\epsilon^{-7/4} time. * We show existence and efficient algorithms for constructing graphical spectral sketches -- a distribution over sparse graphs H such that for a fixed vector xx, we have w.h.p. xLHx=(1±ϵ)xLGxx'L_Hx=(1\pm\epsilon)x'L_Gx and xLH+x=(1±ϵ)xLG+xx'L_H^+x=(1\pm\epsilon)x'L_G^+x. This implies the existence of resistance-sparsifiers with about nϵ1n\epsilon^{-1} edges that preserve the effective resistances between every pair of vertices up to (1±ϵ).(1\pm\epsilon). * By combining short cycle decompositions with known tools in graph sparsification, we show the existence of nearly-linear sized degree-preserving spectral sparsifiers, as well as significantly sparser approximations of directed graphs. The latter is critical to recent breakthroughs on faster algorithms for solving linear systems in directed Laplacians. Improved algorithms for constructing short cycle decompositions will lead to improvements for each of the above results.Comment: 80 page

    Optimal lower bounds for sketching graph cuts

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