662 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis: Shape Information via Points-To Computation

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    This paper introduces a new hybrid memory analysis, Structural Analysis, which combines an expressive shape analysis style abstract domain with efficient and simple points-to style transfer functions. Using data from empirical studies on the runtime heap structures and the programmatic idioms used in modern object-oriented languages we construct a heap analysis with the following characteristics: (1) it can express a rich set of structural, shape, and sharing properties which are not provided by a classic points-to analysis and that are useful for optimization and error detection applications (2) it uses efficient, weakly-updating, set-based transfer functions which enable the analysis to be more robust and scalable than a shape analysis and (3) it can be used as the basis for a scalable interprocedural analysis that produces precise results in practice. The analysis has been implemented for .Net bytecode and using this implementation we evaluate both the runtime cost and the precision of the results on a number of well known benchmarks and real world programs. Our experimental evaluations show that the domain defined in this paper is capable of precisely expressing the majority of the connectivity, shape, and sharing properties that occur in practice and, despite the use of weak updates, the static analysis is able to precisely approximate the ideal results. The analysis is capable of analyzing large real-world programs (over 30K bytecodes) in less than 65 seconds and using less than 130MB of memory. In summary this work presents a new type of memory analysis that advances the state of the art with respect to expressive power, precision, and scalability and represents a new area of study on the relationships between and combination of concepts from shape and points-to analyses

    Generating analyzers with PAG

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    To produce high qualitiy code, modern compilers use global optimization algorithms based on it abstract interpretation. These algorithms are rather complex; their implementation is therfore a non-trivial task and error-prone. However, since thez are based on a common theory, they have large similar parts. We conclude that analyzer writing better should be replaced with analyzer generation. We present the tool sf PAG that has a high level functional input language to specify data flow analyses. It offers th specifications of even recursive data structures and is therfore not limited to bit vector problems. sf PAG generates efficient analyzers wich can be easily integrated in existing compilers. The analyzers are interprocedural, they can handle recursive procedures with local variables and higher order functions. sf PAG has successfully been tested by generating several analyzers (e.g. alias analysis, constant propagation, inerval analysis) for an industrial quality ANSI-C and Fortran90 compiler. This technical report consits of two parts; the first introduces the generation system and the second evaluates generated analyzers with respect to their space and time consumption. bf Keywords: data flow analysis, specification and generation of analyzers, lattice specification, abstract syntax specification, interprocedural analysis, compiler construction

    Data-Flow Analysis for Multi-Core Computing Systems: A Reminder to Reverse Data-Flow Analysis

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    The increasing demands for highly performant, proven correct, easily maintainable, extensible programs together with the continuous growth of real-world programs strengthen the pressure for powerful and scalable program analyses for program development and code generation. Multi-core computing systems offer new chances for enhancing the scalability of program analyses, if the additional computing power offered by these systems can be used effectively. This, however, poses new challenges on the analysis side. In principle, it requires program analyses which can be easily parallelized and mapped to multi-core architectures. In this paper we remind to reverse data-flow analysis, which has been introduced and investigated in the context of demand-driven data-flow analysis, as one such class of program analyses which is particularly suitable for this

    PIPS Is not (just) Polyhedral Software Adding GPU Code Generation in PIPS

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    6 pagesInternational audienceParallel and heterogeneous computing are growing in audience thanks to the increased performance brought by ubiquitous manycores and GPUs. However, available programming models, like OPENCL or CUDA, are far from being straightforward to use. As a consequence, several automated or semi-automated approaches have been proposed to automatically generate hardware-level codes from high-level sequential sources. Polyhedral models are becoming more popular because of their combination of expressiveness, compactness, and accurate abstraction of the data-parallel behaviour of programs. These models provide automatic or semi-automatic parallelization and code transformation capabilities that target such modern parallel architectures. PIPS is a quarter-century old source-to-source transformation framework that initially targeted parallel machines but then evolved to include other targets. PIPS uses abstract interpretation on an integer polyhedral lattice to represent program code, allowing linear relation analysis on integer variables in an interprocedural way. The same representation is used for the dependence test and the convex array region analysis. The polyhedral model is also more classically used to schedule code from linear constraints. In this paper, we illustrate the features of this compiler infrastructure on an hypothetical input code, demonstrating the combination of polyhedral and non polyhedral transformations. PIPS interprocedural polyhedral analyses are used to generate data transfers and are combined with non-polyhedral transformations to achieve efficient CUDA code generation

    Parameterized Algorithms for Scalable Interprocedural Data-flow Analysis

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    Data-flow analysis is a general technique used to compute information of interest at different points of a program and is considered to be a cornerstone of static analysis. In this thesis, we consider interprocedural data-flow analysis as formalized by the standard IFDS framework, which can express many widely-used static analyses such as reaching definitions, live variables, and null-pointer. We focus on the well-studied on-demand setting in which queries arrive one-by-one in a stream and each query should be answered as fast as possible. While the classical IFDS algorithm provides a polynomial-time solution to this problem, it is not scalable in practice. Specifically, it either requires a quadratic-time preprocessing phase or takes linear time per query, both of which are untenable for modern huge codebases with hundreds of thousands of lines. Previous works have already shown that parameterizing the problem by the treewidth of the program's control-flow graph is promising and can lead to significant gains in efficiency. Unfortunately, these results were only applicable to the limited special case of same-context queries. In this work, we obtain significant speedups for the general case of on-demand IFDS with queries that are not necessarily same-context. This is achieved by exploiting a new graph sparsity parameter, namely the treedepth of the program's call graph. Our approach is the first to exploit the sparsity of control-flow graphs and call graphs at the same time and parameterize by both treewidth and treedepth. We obtain an algorithm with a linear preprocessing phase that can answer each query in constant time with respect to the input size. Finally, we show experimental results demonstrating that our approach significantly outperforms the classical IFDS and its on-demand variant
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