35,440 research outputs found

    Preliminary design of the full-Stokes UV and visible spectropolarimeter for UVMag/Arago

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    The UVMag consortium proposed the space mission project Arago to ESA at its M4 call. It is dedicated to the study of the dynamic 3D environment of stars and planets. This space mission will be equipped with a high-resolution spectropolarimeter working from 119 to 888 nm. A preliminary optical design of the whole instrument has been prepared and is presented here. The design consists of the telescope, the instrument itself, and the focusing optics. Considering not only the scientific requirements, but also the cost and size constraints to fit a M-size mission, the telescope has a 1.3 m diameter primary mirror and is a classical Cassegrain-type telescope that allows a polarization-free focus. The polarimeter is placed at this Cassegrain focus. This is the key element of the mission and the most challenging to be designed. The main challenge lies in the huge spectral range offered by the instrument; the polarimeter has to deliver the full Stokes vector with a high precision from the FUV (119 nm) to the NIR (888 nm). The polarimeter module is then followed by a high-resolution echelle-spectrometer achieving a resolution of 35000 in the visible range and 25000 in the UV. The two channels are separated after the echelle grating, allowing a specific cross-dispersion and focusing optics for the UV and visible ranges. Considering the large field of view and the high numerical aperture, the focusing optic for both the UV and visible channels is a Three-Mirror-Anastigmat (TMA) telescope, in order to focus the various wavelengths and many orders onto the detectors.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, IAUS 30

    Quartz-based flat-crystal resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectrometer with sub-10 meV energy resolution

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    Continued improvement of the energy resolution of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectrometers is crucial for fulfilling the potential of this technique in the study of electron dynamics in materials of fundamental and technological importance. In particular, RIXS is the only alternative tool to inelastic neutron scattering capable of providing fully momentum resolved information on dynamic spin structures of magnetic materials, but is limited to systems whose magnetic excitation energy scales are comparable to the energy resolution. The state-of-the-art spherical diced crystal analyzer optics provides energy resolution as good as 25 meV but has already reached its theoretical limit. Here, we demonstrate a novel sub-10meV RIXS spectrometer based on flat-crystal optics at the Ir-L3_3 absorption edge (11.215\sim keV) that achieves an analyzer energy resolution of 3.9\simmeV, very close to the theoretical value of 3.7\simmeV. In addition, the new spectrometer allows efficient polarization analysis without loss of energy resolution. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated using longitudinal acoustical and optical phonons in diamond, and magnon in Sr3_3Ir2_2O7_7. The novel sub-10\simmeV RIXS spectrometer thus provides a window into magnetic materials with small energy scales

    Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above Tc from the pseudogap state in the cuprates

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    The discovery of the pseudogap in the cuprates created significant excitement amongst physicists as it was believed to be a signature of pairing, in some cases well above the room temperature. In this "pre-formed pairs" scenario, the formation of pairs without quantum phase rigidity occurs below T*. These pairs condense and develop phase coherence only below Tc. In contrast, several recent experiments reported that the pseudogap and superconducting states are characterized by two different energy scales, pointing to a scenario, where the two compete. However a number of transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and tunneling spectroscopy experiments consistently detect a signature of phase-fluctuating superconductivity above leaving open the question of whether the pseudogap is caused by pair formation or not. Here we report the discovery of a spectroscopic signature of pair formation and demonstrate that in a region of the phase diagram commonly referred to as the "pseudogap", two distinct states coexist: one that persists to an intermediate temperature Tpair and a second that extends up to T*. The first state is characterized by a doping independent scaling behavior and is due to pairing above Tc, but significantly below T*. The second state is the "proper" pseudogap - characterized by a "checker board" pattern in STM images, the absence of pair formation, and is likely linked to Mott physics of pristine CuO2 planes. Tpair has a universal value around 130-150K even for materials with very different Tc, likely setting limit on highest, attainable Tc in cuprates. The observed universal scaling behavior with respect to Tpair indicates a breakdown of the classical picture of phase fluctuations in the cuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Shot-noise limited monitoring and phase locking of the motion of a single trapped ion

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    We perform high-resolution real-time read-out of the motion of a single trapped and laser-cooled Ba ion. By using an interferometric setup we demonstrate shot-noise limited measurement of thermal oscillations with resolution of 4 times the standard quantum limit. We apply the real-time monitoring for phase control of the ion motion through a feedback loop, suppressing the photon recoil-induced phase diffusion. Due to the spectral narrowing in phase-locked mode, the coherent ion oscillation is measured with resolution of about 0.3 times the standard quantum limit

    UVMag: Space UV and visible spectropolarimetry

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    UVMag is a project of a space mission equipped with a high-resolution spectropolarimeter working in the UV and visible range. This M-size mission will be proposed to ESA at its M4 call. The main goal of UVMag is to measure the magnetic fields, winds and environment of all types of stars to reach a better understanding of stellar formation and evolution and of the impact of stellar environment on the surrounding planets. The groundbreaking combination of UV and visible spectropolarimetric observations will allow the scientists to study the stellar surface and its environment simultaneously. The instrumental challenge for this mission is to design a high-resolution space spectropolarimeter measuring the full-Stokes vector of the observed star in a huge spectral domain from 117 nm to 870 nm. This spectral range is the main difficulty because of the dispersion of the optical elements and of birefringence issues in the FUV. As the instrument will be launched into space, the polarimetric module has to be robust and therefore use if possible only static elements. This article presents the different design possibilities for the polarimeter at this point of the project.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, SPIE Conference Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Montreal June 201

    Spectral pre-modulation of training examples enhances the spatial resolution of the Phase Extraction Neural Network (PhENN)

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    The Phase Extraction Neural Network (PhENN) is a computational architecture, based on deep machine learning, for lens-less quantitative phase retrieval from raw intensity data. PhENN is a deep convolutional neural network trained through examples consisting of pairs of true phase objects and their corresponding intensity diffraction patterns; thereafter, given a test raw intensity pattern PhENN is capable of reconstructing the original phase object robustly, in many cases even for objects outside the database where the training examples were drawn from. Here, we show that the spatial frequency content of the training examples is an important factor limiting PhENN's spatial frequency response. For example, if the training database is relatively sparse in high spatial frequencies, as most natural scenes are, PhENN's ability to resolve fine spatial features in test patterns will be correspondingly limited. To combat this issue, we propose "flattening" the power spectral density of the training examples before presenting them to PhENN. For phase objects following the statistics of natural scenes, we demonstrate experimentally that the spectral pre-modulation method enhances the spatial resolution of PhENN by a factor of 2.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure