5 research outputs found

    Applying Genetic Algorithm In Query Improvement Problem

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    This paper presents an adaptive method using genetic algorithm to modify user鈥檚 queries, based on relevance judgments. This algorithm was adapted for the three well-known documents collections (CISI, NLP and CACM). The method is shown to be applicable to large text collections, where more relevant documents are presented to users in the genetic modification. The algorithm shows the effects of applying GA to improve the effectiveness of queries in IR systems. Further studies are planned to adjust the system parameters to improve its effectiveness. The goal is to retrieve most relevant documents with less number of non-relevant documents with respect to user's query in information retrieval system using genetic algorithm

    Intelligent Fusion of Structural and Citation-Based Evidence for Text Classification

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    This paper investigates how citation-based information and structural content (e.g., title, abstract) can be combined to improve classification of text documents into predefined categories. We evaluate different measures of similarity, five derived from the citation structure of the collection, and three measures derived from the structural content, and determine how they can be fused to improve classification effectiveness. To discover the best fusion framework, we apply Genetic Programming (GP) techniques. Our empirical experiments using documents from the ACM digital library and the ACM classification scheme show that we can discover similarity functions that work better than any evidence in isolation and whose combined performance through a simple majority voting is comparable to that of Support Vector Machine classifiers

    Personalization of Search Engine Services for Effective Retrieval and Knowledge Management

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    The Internet and corporate intranets provide far more information than anybody can absorb. People use search engines to find the information they require. However, these systems tend to use only one fixed term weighting strategy regardless of the context to which it applies, posing serious performance problems when characteristics of different users, queries, and text collections are taken into consideration. In this paper, we argue that the term weighting strategy should be context specific, that is, different term weighting strategies should be applied to different contexts, and we propose a new systematic approach that can automatically generate term weighting strategies for different contexts based on genetic programming (GP). The new proposed framework was tested on TREC data and the results are very promising

    T茅cnicas evolutivas para la extracci贸n autom谩tica de conocimiento

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    Esta l铆nea de investigaci贸n propone el dise帽o, desarrollo y evaluaci贸n de t茅cnicas autom谩ticas para extracci贸n de conocimiento, de tal forma que sean capaces de sobrellevar la b煤squeda dentro de grandes espacios de informaci贸n. Para ello se propone, en primera instancia, la resoluci贸n de un problema de inter茅s general: el de reformulaci贸n autom谩tica de consultas. Una resoluci贸n autom谩tica para este problema podr铆a ser utilizada en diversas aplicaciones, tales como monitorear un t贸pico de inter茅s, especificar trackers tem谩ticos sobre redes sociales, identificar entidades y relaciones entre entidades en grandes corpus de documentos o recolectar material para portales tem谩ticos. Por sus caracter铆sticas (alta dimensionalidad del espacio de b煤squeda, carencia de subestructura optima, posibilidad de aprovechamiento de m煤ltiples soluciones) el uso de computaci贸n evolutiva parece adecuado para abordar su resoluci贸n. Un primer aporte de esta l铆nea dentro del 谩rea radica en la consideraci贸n de la in- corporaci贸n de operadores booleanos y otro tipo de modificadores a las consultas reformuladas y el control de la diversidad, ambos pensados como un mecanismo para lograr mayor expresi贸n en las consultas y, por lo tanto, mayor poder para expresar los conceptos de inter茅s involucrados. El segundo aporte consiste en proponer un marco de evaluaci贸n adecuado para la metodolog铆a desarrollada y el estudio y comparaci贸n con otras t茅cnicas. Por 煤ltimo, el aporte final aborda la aplicaci贸n de los m茅todos desarrollados en dominios espec铆ficos tales como bioinform谩tica (e.g. para identificaci贸n de interacciones entre entidades biol贸gicas) o redes sociales (e.g. para realizar miner铆a de opiniones mediante trackers tem谩ticos).Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI