5 research outputs found

    Optimal controlled random tests

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    Controlled random tests, methods of their generation, main criteria used for their synthesis, such as the Hamming distance and the Euclidean distance, as well as their application to the testing of both hardware and software systems are discussed. Available evidences suggest that high computational complexity is one of the main drawbacks of these methods. Therefore we propose a technique to overcome this problem. In the paper we propose the algorithm for optimal controlled random tests generation. Both experimental and analytical investigation clearly show the high efficiency of proposed solution especially for the multi-run tests with small number of iterations. The given tests can be applied for hardware and software testing but it seems they may be particularly interesting from the perspective of the effective detection of pattern sensitive faults in RAMs

    Scalable diversified antirandom test pattern generation with improved fault coverage for black-box circuit testing

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    Pseudorandom testing is incapable of utilizing the success rate of preceding test patterns while generating subsequent test patterns. Many redundant test patterns have been generated that increase the test length without any significant increase in the fault coverage. An extension to pseudorandom testing is Antirandom that induces divergent patterns by maximizing the Total Hamming Distance (THD) and Total Cartesian Distance (TCD) of every subsequent test pattern. However, the Antirandom test sequence generation algorithm is prone to unsystematic selection when more than one patterns possess maximum THD and TCD. As a result, diversity among test sequences is compromised, lowering the fault coverage. Therefore, this thesis analyses the effect of Hamming distance in vertical as well as horizontal dimension to enhance diversity among test patterns. First contribution of this thesis is the proposal of a Diverse Antirandom (DAR) test pattern generation algorithm. DAR employs Horizontal Total Hamming Distance (HTHD) along with THD and TCD for diversity enhancement among test patterns as maximum distance test pattern generation. The HTHD and TCD are used as distance metrics that increase computational complexity in divergent test sequence generation. Therefore, the second contribution of this thesis is the proposal of tree traversal search method to maximize diversity among test patterns. The proposed method uses bits mutation of a temporary test pattern following a path leading towards maximization of TCD. Results of fault simulations on benchmark circuits have shown that DAR significantly improves the fault coverage up to 18.3% as compared to Antirandom. Moreover, the computational complexity of Antirandom is reduced from exponential O(2n) to linear O(n). Next, the DARalgorithm is modified to ease hardware implementation for on-chip test generation. Therefore, the third contribution of this thesis is the design of a hardware-oriented DAR (HODA) test pattern generator architecture as an alternative to linear feedback shift register (LFSR) that consists of large number of memory elements. Parallel concatenation of the HODA architecture is designed to reduce the number of memory elements by implementing bit slicing architecture. It has been proven through simulation that the proposed architecture has increased fault coverage up to 66% and a reduction of 46.59% gate count compared to the LFSR. Consequently, this thesis presents uniform and scalable test pattern generator architecture for built-in self-test (BIST) applications and solution to maximum distance test pattern generation for high fault coverage in black-box environment


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    The main scientific and practical results on test diagnostics of hardware and software of computer systems are presented in brief history. More than 500 international and local publications including 17 books and 72 invention certificates reinforce the scientific results. The current state of research and a plan of future research of laboratory are presented.Кратко изложены основные научные и практические результаты исследований в области тестового диагностирования вычислительных систем, полученные в БГУИР в рамках представляемой научной школы. Приведены основные характеристики оригинальных решений в области стендового оборудования для тестирования цифровых модулей, контролепригодного синтеза вычислительных систем, методов компактного тестирования, теории сигнатурного анализа и методов самотестирования вычислительных машин и систем. Описаны новые оригинальные авторские методы псевдослучайного и вероятностного тестирования, исчерпывающего, псевдоисчерпывающего и почти исчерпывающего тестирования, управляемого случайного тестирования и оптимального управляемого случайного тестирования, а также квазислучайного тестирования программного обеспечения. Представлены результаты посвященные тестированию, самотестированию и саморемонтированию запоминающих устройств, а также неразрушающему тестированию оперативных запоминающих устройств (ОЗУ) с применением адаптивного сигнатурного анализа и симметричных маршевых тестов ОЗУ. Кроме того, приведены основные результаты по методам обеспечения целостности данных с использованием цифровых водяных знаков и запутывающих преобразований и их применению по обеспечению авторского права на программное обеспечение. Представлены результаты, полученные в области физической криптографии

    Optimal controlled random tests

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    Controlled random tests, methods of their generation, main criteria used for their synthesis, such as the Hamming distance and the Euclidean distance, as well as their application to the testing of both hardware and software systems are discussed. Available evidences suggest that high computational complexity is one of the main drawbacks of these methods. Therefore we propose a technique to overcome this problem. In the paper we propose the algorithm for optimal controlled random tests generation. Both experimental and analytical investigation clearly show the high efficiency of proposed solution especially for the multi-run tests with small number of iterations. The given tests can be applied for hardware and software testing but it seems they may be particularly interesting from the perspective of the effective detection of pattern sensitive faults in RAMs

    Kontrolowane generowanie optymalnych testow losowych

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    In this paper, controlled random tests have been analyzed, and the main criteria used for their synthesis, such as the Hamming distance and the Euclidean distance, have been presented. A method for synthesizing the optimal controlled random tests based on the use of the initial random test and addition operation has been proposed. В данной статье проводится анализ управляемых вероятностных тестов, а также представлены основные критерии, используемые для их синтеза, такие как расстояние Хэмминга и расстояние Евклида. Предлагается метод генерирования оптимальных управляемых вероятностных тестов, основанный на использовании исходного вероятностного теста и операции сложения