2,951 research outputs found

    State Feedback Optimal Control with Singular Solution for a Class of Nonlinear Dynamics

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    The paper studies the problem of determining the optimal control when singular arcs are present in the solution. In the general classical approach the expressions obtained depend on the state and the costate variables at the same time, so requiring a forward-backward integration for the computation of the control. In this paper, sufficient conditions on the dynamics structure are provided and discussed in order to have both the control and the switching function depending on the state only, so simplifying the computation avoiding the necessity of the backward integration. The approach has been validated on a classical SIR epidemic model

    How to Run a Campaign: Optimal Control of SIS and SIR Information Epidemics

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    Information spreading in a population can be modeled as an epidemic. Campaigners (e.g. election campaign managers, companies marketing products or movies) are interested in spreading a message by a given deadline, using limited resources. In this paper, we formulate the above situation as an optimal control problem and the solution (using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle) prescribes an optimal resource allocation over the time of the campaign. We consider two different scenarios --- in the first, the campaigner can adjust a direct control (over time) which allows her to recruit individuals from the population (at some cost) to act as spreaders for the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model. In the second case, we allow the campaigner to adjust the effective spreading rate by incentivizing the infected in the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model, in addition to the direct recruitment. We consider time varying information spreading rate in our formulation to model the changing interest level of individuals in the campaign, as the deadline is reached. In both the cases, we show the existence of a solution and its uniqueness for sufficiently small campaign deadlines. For the fixed spreading rate, we show the effectiveness of the optimal control strategy against the constant control strategy, a heuristic control strategy and no control. We show the sensitivity of the optimal control to the spreading rate profile when it is time varying.Comment: Proofs for Theorems 4.2 and 5.2 which do not appear in the published journal version are included in this version. Published version can be accessed here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2013.12.16

    A Sensitivity Matrix Methodology for Inverse Problem Formulation

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    We propose an algorithm to select parameter subset combinations that can be estimated using an ordinary least-squares (OLS) inverse problem formulation with a given data set. First, the algorithm selects the parameter combinations that correspond to sensitivity matrices with full rank. Second, the algorithm involves uncertainty quantification by using the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix. Nominal values of parameters are used to construct synthetic data sets, and explore the effects of removing certain parameters from those to be estimated using OLS procedures. We quantify these effects in a score for a vector parameter defined using the norm of the vector of standard errors for components of estimates divided by the estimates. In some cases the method leads to reduction of the standard error for a parameter to less than 1% of the estimate

    Selected topics on reaction-diffusion-advection models from spatial ecology

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    We discuss the effects of movement and spatial heterogeneity on population dynamics via reaction-diffusion-advection models, focusing on the persistence, competition, and evolution of organisms in spatially heterogeneous environments. Topics include Lokta-Volterra competition models, river models, evolution of biased movement, phytoplankton growth, and spatial spread of epidemic disease. Open problems and conjectures are presented

    Optimal vaccination strategies for a heterogenous population using multiple objectives: The case of L1 and L2-formulations

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    The choice of the objective functional in optimization problems coming from biomedical and epidemiological applications plays a key role in optimal control outcomes. In this study, we investigate the role of the objective functional on the structure of the optimal control solution for an epidemic model for sexually transmitted infections that includes a core group with higher sexual activity levels than the rest of the population. An optimal control problem is formulated to find a targeted vaccination program able to control the spread of the infection with minimum vaccine deployment. Both L1L_{1}- and L2L_{2}-objectives are considered as an attempt to explore the trade-offs between control dynamics and the functional form characterizing optimality. The results show that the optimal vaccination policies for both the L1L_{1}- and the L2L_{2}-formulation share one important qualitative property, that is, immunization of the core group should be prioritized by policymakers to achieve a fast reduction of the epidemic. However, quantitative aspects of this result can be significantly affected depending on the choice of the control weights between formulations. Overall, the results suggest that with appropriate weight constants, the optimal control outcomes are reasonably robust with respect to the L1L_{1}- or L2L_{2}-formulation. This is particularly true when the monetary cost of the control policy is substantially lower than the cost associated with the disease burden. Under these conditions, even if the L1L_{1}-formulation is more realistic from a modeling perspective, the L2L_{2}-formulation can be used as an approximation and yield qualitatively comparable outcomes

    Optimal Control of a Diffusive Epidemiological Model Involving the Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Time-Derivative

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    In this work we study a fractional SEIR biological model of a reaction-diffusion, using the non-singular kernel Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative in the Caputo sense and employing the Laplacian operator. In our PDE model, the government seeks immunity through the vaccination program, which is considered a control variable. Our study aims to identify the ideal control pair that reduces the number of infected/infectious people and the associated vaccine and treatment costs over a limited time and space. Moreover, by using the forward-backward algorithm, the approximate results are explained by dynamic graphs to monitor the effectiveness of vaccination

    Optimal Control of An Sir Model With Changing Behavior Through An Education Campaign

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    An SIR type model is expanded to include the use of education or information given to the public as a control to manage a disease outbreak when effective treatments or vaccines are not readily available or too costly to be widely used. The information causes a change in behavior resulting in three susceptible classes. We study stability analysis and use optimal control theory on the system of differential equations to achieve the goal of minimizing the infected population (while minimizing the cost). We illustrate our results with some numerical simulations