354 research outputs found

    Numerical solution of fractional integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions

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    In this paper, we present a numerical method for solving fractional integro-differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions using Bernstein polynomials. Some theoretical considerations regarding fractional order derivatives of Bernstein polynomials are discussed. The error analysis is carried out and supported with some numerical examples. It is shown that the method is simple and accurate for the given problem

    Algorithms for curve design and accurate computations with totally positive matrices

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    Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la teoría de la Positividad Total. Las matrices totalmente positivas han aparecido en aplicaciones de campos tan diversos como la Teoría de la Aproximación, la Biología, la Economía, la Combinatoria, la Estadística, las Ecuaciones Diferenciales, la Mecánica, el Diseño Geométrico Asistido por Ordenador o el Álgebra Numérica Lineal. En esta tesis nos centraremos en dos de los campos que están relacionados con matrices totalmente positivas.This doctoral thesis is framed within the theory of Total Positivity. Totally positive matrices have appeared in applications from fields as diverse as Approximation Theory, Biology, Economics, Combinatorics, Statistics, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Computer Aided Geometric Design or Linear Numerical Algebra. In this thesis, we will focus on two of the fields that are related to totally positive matrices.<br /

    Accurate computations with collocation matrices of the Lupaş-type (p,q)-analogue of the Bernstein basis

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    A fast and accurate algorithm to compute the bidiagonal decomposition of collocation matrices of the Lupaş-type (p,q)-analogue of the Bernstein basis is presented. The error analysis of the algorithm and the perturbation theory for the bidiagonal decomposition are also included. Starting from this bidiagonal decomposition, the accurate and efficient solution of several linear algebra problems involving these matrices is addressed: linear system solving, eigenvalue and singular value computation, and computation of the inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse. The numerical experiments carried out show the good behaviour of the algorithm.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Accurate and efficient computations with Wronskian matrices of Bernstein and related bases

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    In this article, we provide a bidiagonal decomposition of the Wronskian matrices of Bernstein bases of polynomials and other related bases such as the Bernstein basis of negative degree or the negative binomial basis. The mentioned bidiagonal decompositions are used to achieve algebraic computations with high relative accuracy for these Wronskian matrices. The numerical experiments illustrate the accuracy obtained using the proposed decomposition when computing inverse matrices, eigenvalues or singular values, and the solution of some related linear systems. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Optimal interval length for the collocation of the Newton interpolation basis

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    It is known that the Lagrange interpolation problem at equidistant nodes is ill-conditioned. We explore the influence of the interval length in the computation of divided differences of the Newton interpolation formula. Condition numbers are computed for lower triangular matrices associated to the Newton interpolation formula at equidistant nodes. We consider the collocation matrices L and PL of the monic Newton basis and a normalized Newton basis, so that PL is the lower triangular Pascal matrix. In contrast to L, PL does not depend on the interval length, and we show that the Skeel condition number of the (n + 1) × (n + 1) lower triangular Pascal matrix is 3n. The 8-norm condition number of the collocation matrix L of the monic Newton basis is computed in terms of the interval length. The minimum asymptotic growth rate is achieved for intervals of length 3