9,495 research outputs found

    Leakage-resilient Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes with Optimal Parameters

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    Algebraic Manipulation Detection (AMD) codes [CDF+08] are keyless message authentication codes that protect messages against additive tampering by the adversary assuming that the adversary cannot see the codeword. For certain applications, it is unreasonable to assume that the adversary computes the added offset without any knowledge of the codeword c. Recently, Ahmadi and Safavi-Naini [AS13], and then Lin, Safavi-Naini, and Wang [LSW16] gave a construction of leakage-resilient AMD codes where the adversary has some partial information about the codeword before choosing added offset, and the scheme is secure even conditioned on this partial information. In this paper we show the bounds on the leakage rate r and the code rate k for leakage-resilient AMD codes. In particular we prove that 2r + k < 1 and for the weak case (security is averaged over a uniformly random message) r + k < 1. These bounds hold even if adversary is polynomial-time bounded, as long as we allow leakage function to be arbitrary. We present the constructions of AMD codes that (asymptotically) fulfill above bounds for almost full range of parameters r and k. This shows that above bounds and constructions are in-fact optimal. In the last section we show that if a leakage function is computationally bounded (we use Ideal Cipher Model) then it is possible to break these bounds

    Combinatorial characterizations of algebraic manipulation detection codes involving generalized difference families

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    This paper provides a mathematical analysis of optimal algebraic manipulation detection (AMD) codes. We prove several lower bounds on the success probability of an adversary and we then give some combinatorial characterizations of AMD codes that meet the bounds with equality. These characterizations involve various types of generalized difference families. Constructing these difference families is an interesting problem in its own right

    Detection of Algebraic Manipulation in the Presence of Leakage

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    We investigate the problem of algebraic manipulation detection (AMD) over a communication channel that partially leaks information to an adversary. We assume the adversary is computationally unbounded and there is no shared key or correlated randomness between the sender and the receiver. We introduce leakage-resilient (LR)-AMD codes to detect algebraic manipulation in this model. We consider two leakage models. The first model, called \emph{linear leakage}, requires the adversary\u27s uncertainty (entropy) about the message (or encoding randomness) to be a constant fraction of its length. This model can be seen as an extension of the original AMD study by Cramer et al. \cite{CDFPW08} to when some leakage to the adversary is allowed. We study \emph{randomized strong} and \emph{deterministic weak} constructions of linear (L)LR-AMD codes. We derive lower and upper bounds on the redundancy of these codes and show that known optimal (in rate) AMD code constructions can serve as optimal LLR-AMD codes. In the second model, called \emph{block leakage}, the message consists of a sequence of blocks and at least one block remains with uncertainty that is a constant fraction of the block length. We focus on deterministic block (B)LR-AMD codes. We observe that designing optimal such codes is more challenging: LLR-AMD constructions cannot function optimally under block leakage. We thus introduce a new optimal BLR-AMD code construction and prove its security in the model. We show an application of LR-AMD codes to tampering detection over wiretap channels. We next show how to compose our BLR-AMD construction, with a few other keyless primitives, to provide both integrity and confidentiality in transmission of messages/keys over such channels. This is the best known solution in terms of randomness and code redundancy. We discuss our results and suggest directions for future research

    Nearly optimal robust secret sharing

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    Abstract: We prove that a known approach to improve Shamir's celebrated secret sharing scheme; i.e., adding an information-theoretic authentication tag to the secret, can make it robust for n parties against any collusion of size δn, for any constant δ ∈ (0; 1/2). This result holds in the so-called “nonrushing” model in which the n shares are submitted simultaneously for reconstruction. We thus finally obtain a simple, fully explicit, and robust secret sharing scheme in this model that is essentially optimal in all parameters including the share size which is k(1+o(1))+O(κ), where k is the secret length and κ is the security parameter. Like Shamir's scheme, in this modified scheme any set of more than δn honest parties can efficiently recover the secret. Using algebraic geometry codes instead of Reed-Solomon codes, the share length can be decreased to a constant (only depending on δ) while the number of shares n can grow independently. In this case, when n is large enough, the scheme satisfies the “threshold” requirement in an approximate sense; i.e., any set of δn(1 + ρ) honest parties, for arbitrarily small ρ > 0, can efficiently reconstruct the secret