493 research outputs found

    Automatic Intent-Based Secure Service Creation Through a Multilayer SDN Network Orchestration

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    Growing traffic demands and increasing security awareness are driving the need for secure services. Current solutions require manual configuration and deployment based on the customer's requirements. In this work, we present an architecture for an automatic intent-based provisioning of a secure service in a multilayer - IP, Ethernet, and optical - network while choosing the appropriate encryption layer using an open-source software-defined networking (SDN) orchestrator. The approach is experimentally evaluated in a testbed with commercial equipment. Results indicate that the processing impact of secure channel creation on a controller is negligible. As the time for setting up services over WDM varies between technologies, it needs to be taken into account in the decision-making process.Comment: Parts of the presented work has received funding from the European Commission within the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreeement n.645127, project ACIN

    Field-Trial of a high-budget, filterless, lambda-to-the-user, UDWDM-PON enabled by an innovative class of low-cost coherent transceivers

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We experimentally demonstrate an innovative ultradense wavelength division multiplexing (UDWDM) passive optical networks (PON) that implements the full ¿-to-the-user concept in a filterless distribution network. Key element of the proposed system is a novel class of coherent transceivers, purposely developed with a nonconventional technical approach. Indeed, they are designed and realized to avoid D/A-A/D converter stages and digital signal processing in favor of simple analog processing so that they match system, cost, and power consumption requirements of the access networks without sacrificing the overall performance. These coherent transceivers target different use case scenarios (residential, business, fixed, wireless) still keeping perfect compatibility and co-existence with legacy infrastructures installed to support gray, time division multiplexed PON systems. Moreover, the availability of coherent transceivers of different cost/performance ratios allows for deployments of different quality service grades. In this paper, we report the successful field trial of the proposed systems in a testbed where 14 UDWDM channels (and one legacy E-PON system) are transmitted simultaneously in a dark-fiber network deployed in the city of Pisa (Italy), delivering real-time and/or test traffic. The trial demonstrated filterless operations (each remote node selects individually its own UDWDM channel on a fine 6.25-GHz grid), real-time GbE transmissions (by using either fully analog or light digital signal processing), multirate transmission (1.25 and 10 Gb/s), high optical distribution network loss (18-40 dB) as well as a bidirectional channel monitoring system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Access and metro network convergence for flexible end-to-end network design

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    This paper reports on the architectural, protocol, physical layer, and integrated testbed demonstrations carried out by the DISCUS FP7 consortium in the area of access - metro network convergence. Our architecture modeling results show the vast potential for cost and power savings that node consolidation can bring. The architecture, however, also recognizes the limits of long-reach transmission for low-latency 5G services and proposes ways to address such shortcomings in future projects. The testbed results, which have been conducted end-to-end, across access - metro and core, and have targeted all the layers of the network from the application down to the physical layer, show the practical feasibility of the concepts proposed in the project

    Service level agreement framework for differentiated survivability in GMPLS-based IP-over-optical networks

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    In the next generation optical internet, GMPLS based IP-over-optical networks, ISPs will be required to support a wide variety of applications each having their own requirements. These requirements are contracted by means of the SLA. This paper describes a recovery framework that may be included in the SLA contract between ISP and customers in order to provide the required level of survivability. A key concern with such a recovery framework is how to present the different survivability alternatives including recovery techniques, failure scenario and layered integration into a transparent manner for customers. In this paper, two issues are investigated. First, the performance of the recovery framework when applying a proposed mapping procedure as an admission control mechanism in the edge router considering a smart-edge simple-core GMPLS-based IP/WDM network is considered. The second issue pertains to the performance of a pre-allocated restoration and its ability to provide protected connections under different failure scenarios

    Study of a hybrid OCDMA-WDM segmented ring for metropolitan area networks

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    Proceeding of: 12th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Cartagena, Spain, July 4-6, 2011Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) techniques have shown outstanding capabilities in the sharing of optical media, in particular in access networks. However, OCDMA systems may suffer from Multiple Access Interference (MAI) and other kinds of noise when many users access the shared media simultaneously, increasing the BER (Binary Error Rate) to unacceptable levels, that is, a situation at which all combined signals interfere and are lost. This work proposes a mixed OCDMA and Tunable Transmitter- Fixed Receiver (TT-FR) WDM and ring architecture at which the ring is split into small-size segments to limit the probability of MAI. Essentially, every segment in the ring has got two hub nodes (on the segment’s head and tail) which forwards inter-segment traffic to other hub nodes on dedicated home wavelengths, thus making use of WDM. The access media inside the segment is shared between the nodes by means of OCDMA, and code reuse is possible on different segments. Our performance analysis shows how to split a given ring into segments in order to minimise the BER due to multiple users accessing the network and allow for high bit-rates for a given traffic load. In addition, we analyse the possibility of introducing Forward Error Correction (FEC) at a moderate overhead cost to improve performance.The work described in this paper was carried out with the support of the BONE project (“Building the Future Optical Network in Europe”), a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission through the 7th ICT-Framework Programme. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the support of the T2C2 Spanish project (under code TIN2008-06739-C04-01) and the Greencom UC3M-CAM project under code (CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5624).Publicad

    Energy-Efficiency in Optical Networks

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