12,202 research outputs found

    Visual Importance-Biased Image Synthesis Animation

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    Present ray tracing algorithms are computationally intensive, requiring hours of computing time for complex scenes. Our previous work has dealt with the development of an overall approach to the application of visual attention to progressive and adaptive ray-tracing techniques. The approach facilitates large computational savings by modulating the supersampling rates in an image by the visual importance of the region being rendered. This paper extends the approach by incorporating temporal changes into the models and techniques developed, as it is expected that further efficiency savings can be reaped for animated scenes. Applications for this approach include entertainment, visualisation and simulation

    Offline and Online Optical Flow Enhancement for Deep Video Compression

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    Video compression relies heavily on exploiting the temporal redundancy between video frames, which is usually achieved by estimating and using the motion information. The motion information is represented as optical flows in most of the existing deep video compression networks. Indeed, these networks often adopt pre-trained optical flow estimation networks for motion estimation. The optical flows, however, may be less suitable for video compression due to the following two factors. First, the optical flow estimation networks were trained to perform inter-frame prediction as accurately as possible, but the optical flows themselves may cost too many bits to encode. Second, the optical flow estimation networks were trained on synthetic data, and may not generalize well enough to real-world videos. We address the twofold limitations by enhancing the optical flows in two stages: offline and online. In the offline stage, we fine-tune a trained optical flow estimation network with the motion information provided by a traditional (non-deep) video compression scheme, e.g. H.266/VVC, as we believe the motion information of H.266/VVC achieves a better rate-distortion trade-off. In the online stage, we further optimize the latent features of the optical flows with a gradient descent-based algorithm for the video to be compressed, so as to enhance the adaptivity of the optical flows. We conduct experiments on a state-of-the-art deep video compression scheme, DCVC. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed offline and online enhancement together achieves on average 12.8% bitrate saving on the tested videos, without increasing the model or computational complexity of the decoder side.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Motion compensated micro-CT reconstruction for in-situ analysis of dynamic processes

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    This work presents a framework to exploit the synergy between Digital Volume Correlation ( DVC) and iterative CT reconstruction to enhance the quality of high-resolution dynamic X-ray CT (4D-mu CT) and obtain quantitative results from the acquired dataset in the form of 3D strain maps which can be directly correlated to the material properties. Furthermore, we show that the developed framework is capable of strongly reducing motion artifacts even in a dataset containing a single 360 degrees rotation

    Motion compensation and very low bit rate video coding

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    Recently, many activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Standard Organization (ISO) are leading to define new standards for very low bit-rate video coding, such as H.263 and MPEG-4 after successful applications of the international standards H.261 and MPEG-1/2 for video coding above 64kbps. However, at very low bit-rate the classic block matching based DCT video coding scheme suffers seriously from blocking artifacts which degrade the quality of reconstructed video frames considerably. To solve this problem, a new technique in which motion compensation is based on dense motion field is presented in this dissertation. Four efficient new video coding algorithms based on this new technique for very low bit-rate are proposed. (1) After studying model-based video coding algorithms, we propose an optical flow based video coding algorithm with thresh-olding techniques. A statistic model is established for distribution of intensity difference between two successive frames, and four thresholds are used to control the bit-rate and the quality of reconstructed frames. It outperforms the typical model-based techniques in terms of complexity and quality of reconstructed frames. (2) An efficient algorithm using DCT coded optical flow. It is found that dense motion fields can be modeled as the first order auto-regressive model, and efficiently compressed with DCT technique, hence achieving very low bit-rate and higher visual quality than the H.263/TMN5. (3) A region-based discrete wavelet transform video coding algorithm. This algorithm implements dense motion field and regions are segmented according to their content significance. The DWT is applied to residual images region by region, and bits are adaptively allocated to regions. It improves the visual quality and PSNR of significant regions while maintaining low bit-rate. (4) A segmentation-based video coding algorithm for stereo sequence. A correlation-feedback algorithm with Kalman filter is utilized to improve the accuracy of optical flow fields. Three criteria, which are associated with 3-D information, 2-D connectivity and motion vector fields, respectively, are defined for object segmentation. A chain code is utilized to code the shapes of the segmented objects. it can achieve very high compression ratio up to several thousands