430 research outputs found

    In situ method for power re-equalization of wavelength pulses inside of OCDMA codes

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    A simple in-situ method to equalize power among individual wavelengths pulses representing two-dimensional wavelength-hopping time-spreading OCDMA code originally generated by a fibre Bragg grating-based OCDMA encoder is presented. Experimental data obtained in a field-based multiuser OCDMA testbed shows that applying this method results in system performance enhancements which was demonstrated by observing improved bit error rate (BER) during the field trials

    Applications of perfect difference codes in fiber-optics and wireless optical code-division multiplexing/multiple-access systems

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    After establishing itself in the radio domain, Spread spectrum code-division multiplexing/multiple-access (CDMA) has seen a recent upsurge in optical domain as well. Due to its fairness, flexibility, service differentiation and increased inherent security, CDMA is proved to be more suitable for the bursty nature of local area networks than synchronous multiplexing techniques like Frequency/Wavelength Division Multiplexing (F/WDM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). In optical domain, CDMA techniques are commonly known as Optical-CDMA (O-CDMA). All optical CDMA systems are plagued with the problem of multiple-access interference (MAI). Spectral amplitude coding (SAC) is one of the techniques used in the literature to deal with the problem of MAI. The choice of spreading code in any CDMA system is another way to ensure the successful recovery of data at the receiving end by minimizing the effect of MAI and it also dictates the hardware design of the encoder and decoder. This thesis focuses on the efficient design of encoding and decoding hardware. Perfect difference codes (PDC) are chosen as spreading sequences due to their good correlation properties. In most of the literature, evaluation of error probability is based on the assumptions of ideal conditions. Such assumptions ignore major physical impairments such as power splitting losses at the multiplexers of transmitters and receivers, and gain losses at the receivers, which may in practice be an overestimate or underestimate of the actual probability of error. This thesis aims to investigate thoroughly with the consideration of practical impairments the applications of PDCs and other spreading sequences in optical communications systems based on spectral-amplitude coding and utilizing codedivision as multiplexing/multiple-access technique. This work begins with a xix general review of optical CDMA systems. An open-ended practical approach has been used to evaluate the actual error probabilities of OCDM/A systems under study. It has been concluded from results that mismatches in the gains of photodetectors, namely avalanche photodiode (APDs), used at the receiver side and uniformity loss in the optical splitters results in the inaccurate calculation of threshold level used to detect the data and can seriously degrade the system bit error rate (BER) performance. This variation in the threshold level can be compensated by employing techniques which maintain a constant interference level so that the decoding architecture does not have to estimate MAI every time to make a data bit decision or by the use of balanced sequences. In this thesis, as a solution to the above problem, a novel encoding and decoding architecture is presented for perfect difference codes based on common zero code technique which maintains a constant interference level at all instants in CDM system and thus relieves the need of estimating interference. The proposed architecture only uses single multiplexer at the transmitters for all users in the system and a simple correlation based receiver for each user. The proposed configuration not only preserves the ability of MAI in Spectral-Amplitude Coding SAC-OCDM system, but also results in a low cost system with reduced complexity. The results show that by using PDCs in such system, the influence of MAI caused by other users can be reduced, and the number of active users can be increased significantly. Also a family of novel spreading sequences are constructed called Manchestercoded Modified Legendre codes (MCMLCs) suitable for SAC based OCDM systems. MCMLCs are designed to be used for both single-rate and Multirate systems. First the construction of MCMLCs is presented and then the bit error rate performance is analyzed. Finally the proposed encoding/decoding architecture utilizing perfect difference codes is applied in wireless infrared environment and the performance is found to be superior to other codes

    Optical multiple access techniques for on-board routing

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    The purpose of this research contract was to design and analyze an optical multiple access system, based on Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, for on board routing applications on a future communication satellite. The optical multiple access system was to effect the functions of a circuit switch under the control of an autonomous network controller and to serve eight (8) concurrent users at a point to point (port to port) data rate of 180 Mb/s. (At the start of this program, the bit error rate requirement (BER) was undefined, so it was treated as a design variable during the contract effort.) CDMA was selected over other multiple access techniques because it lends itself to bursty, asynchronous, concurrent communication and potentially can be implemented with off the shelf, reliable optical transceivers compatible with long term unattended operations. Temporal, temporal/spatial hybrids and single pulse per row (SPR, sometimes termed 'sonar matrices') matrix types of CDMA designs were considered. The design, analysis, and trade offs required by the statement of work selected a temporal/spatial CDMA scheme which has SPR properties as the preferred solution. This selected design can be implemented for feasibility demonstration with off the shelf components (which are identified in the bill of materials of the contract Final Report). The photonic network architecture of the selected design is based on M(8,4,4) matrix codes. The network requires eight multimode laser transmitters with laser pulses of 0.93 ns operating at 180 Mb/s and 9-13 dBm peak power, and 8 PIN diode receivers with sensitivity of -27 dBm for the 0.93 ns pulses. The wavelength is not critical, but 830 nm technology readily meets the requirements. The passive optical components of the photonic network are all multimode and off the shelf. Bit error rate (BER) computations, based on both electronic noise and intercode crosstalk, predict a raw BER of (10 exp -3) when all eight users are communicating concurrently. If better BER performance is required, then error correction codes (ECC) using near term electronic technology can be used. For example, the M(8,4,4) optical code together with Reed-Solomon (54,38,8) encoding provides a BER of better than (10 exp -11). The optical transceiver must then operate at 256 Mb/s with pulses of 0.65 ns because the 'bits' are now channel symbols

    A comparative study of the performance of seven- and 63-chip optical code-division multiple-access encoders and decoders based on superstructured fiber Bragg gratings

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    We report a range of elementary optical coding and decoding experiments employing superstructured fiber Bragg grating (SSFBG) components: first, we perform a comparative study of the relative merits of bipolar and unipolar coding: decoding schemes and show that the SSFBG approach allows high-quality unipolar and bipolar coding. A performance close to that-theoretically predicted for seven-chip, 160-Gchip/s M-sequence codes is obtained. Second, we report the fabrication and performance of 63-chip, 160-Gchip/s, bipolar Gold sequence grating pairs. These codes are at least eight times longer than those generated by any other scheme based on fiber grating technology so far reported. Last, we describe a range of transmission system experiments for both the seven- and 63-bit bipolar grating pairs. Error-free performance is obtained over transmission distances of ~25 km of standard fiber. In addition, we have demonstrated error-free performance under multiuser operation (two simultaneous users). Our results highlight the precision and flexibility of our particular grating writing process and show that SSFBG technology represents a promising technology not just for optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) but also for an extended range of other pulse-shaping optical processing applications

    Dark signalling and code division multiple access in an optical fibre LAN with a bus topology

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    This thesis describes an optical fibre network that uses a bus topology and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Various potential configurations are analysed and compared and it is shown that a serious limitation of optical CDMA schemes using incoherent correlators is the effect of optical beating due to the presence of multiple incoherent optical signals at the receiver photodiode. The network proposed and analysed in this thesis avoids beating between multiple optical fields because it only uses a single, shared, optical source. It does this through the SLIM (Single Light-source with In-line Modulation) configuration in which there is a continuously-operating light source at the head-end of a folded bus, and modulators at the nodes to impose signals on the optical field in the form of pulses of darkness which propagate along the otherwise continuously bright bus. Optical CDMA can use optical-fibre delay-line correlators as matched filters, and these may be operated either coherently or incoherently.Coherent operation is significantly more complex than incoherent operation, but incoherent correlators introduce further beating even in a SLIM network. A new design of optical delay-line correlator, the hybrid correlator, is therefore proposed, analysed and demonstrated. It is shown to eliminate beating. A model of a complete network predicts that a SLIMbus using optical CDMA with hybrid correlators can be operated at TeraBaud rates with the number of simultaneous users limited by multiple access interference (MAI), determined only by the combinatorics of the code set

    Overlapped CDMA system in optical packet networks : resource allocation and performance evalutation

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    Dans cette thèse, la performance du système CDMA à chevauchement optique (OVCDMA) au niveau de la couche de contrôle d'accès au support (MAC) et l'allocation des ressources au niveau de la couche physique (PRY) sont étudiées. Notre but est d'apporter des améliorations pour des applications à débits multiples en répondant aux exigences de délai minimum tout en garantissant la qualité de service (QoS). Nous proposons de combiner les couches PRY et MAC par une nouvelle approche d'optimisation de performance qui consolide l'efficacité potentielle des réseaux optiques. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous réalisons plusieurs étapes d'analyse. Tout d 'abord, nous suggérons le protocole S-ALOHA/OV-CDMA optique pour sa simplicité de contrôler les transmissions optiques au niveau de la couche liaison. Le débit du réseau, la latence de transmission et la stabilité du protocole sont ensuite évalués. L'évaluation prend en considération les caractéristiques physiques du système OY-CDMA, représentées par la probabilité de paquets bien reçus. Le système classique à traitement variable du gain (YPG) du CDMA, ciblé pour les applications à débits multiples, et le protocole MAC ±round-robin¿ récepteur/émetteur (R31), initialement proposé pour les réseaux par paquets en CDMA optique sont également pris en compte. L'objectif est d ' évaluer comparativement la performance du S-ALOHA/OY-CDMA en termes de l'immunité contre l'interférence d'accès lTIultiple (MAI) et les variations des charges du trafic. Les résultats montrent que les performances peuvent varier en ce qui concerne le choix du taux de transmission et la puissance de transmission optique au niveau de la couche PRY. Ainsi, nous proposons un schéma de répartition optimale des ressources pour allouer des taux de transmission à chevauchement optique et de puissance optique de transmission dans le système OY-CDMA comme des ressources devant être optimalement et équitablement réparties entre les utilisateurs qui sont regroupés dans des classes de différentes qualités de service. La condition d'optimalité est basée sur la maximisation de la capacité par utilisateur de la couche PHY. De ce fait, un choix optimal des ressources physiques est maintenant possible, mais il n'est pas équitable entre les classes. Par conséquent, pour améliorer la performance de la couche liaison tout en éliminant le problème d'absence d'équité, nous proposons comme une approche unifiée un schéma équitable et optimal pour l'allocation des ressources fondé sur la qualité de service pour des multiplexages temporels des réseaux par paquets en CDMA à chevauchement optique. Enfin, nous combinons cette dernière approche avec le protocole MAC dans un problème d'optimisation d'allocation équitable des ressources à contrainte de délai afin de mieux améliorer le débit du réseau et le délai au niveau de la couche liaison avec allocation équitable et optimale des ressources au niveau de la couche PHY


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    There has been growing interests in using optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems for the next generation high-speed optical fiber networks. The advantage of spectral amplitude coding (SAC-OCDMA) over conventional OCDMA systems is that, when using appropriate detection technique, the multiple access interference (MAI) can totally be canceled. The motivation of this research is to develop new code families to enhance the overall performance of optical OCDMA systems. Four aspects are tackled in this research. Firstly, a comprehensive discussion takes place on all important aspects of existing codes from advantages and disadvantages point of view. Two algorithms are proposed to construct several code families namely Vector Combinatorial (VC). Secondly, a new detection technique based on exclusive-OR (XOR) logic is developed and compared to the reported detection techniques. Thirdly, a software simulation for SAC OCDMA system with the VC families using a commercial optical system, Virtual Photonic Instrument, “VPITM TransmissionMaker 7.1” is conducted. Finally, an extensive investigation to study and characterize the VC-OCDMA in local area network (LAN) is conducted. For the performance analysis, the effects of phase-induced intensity noise (PIIN), shot noise, and thermal noise are considered simultaneously. The performances of the system compared to reported systems were characterized by referring to the signal to noise ratio (SNR), the bit error rate (BER) and the effective power (Psr). Numerical results show that, an acceptable BER of 10−9 was achieved by the VC codes with 120 active users while a much better performance can be achieved when the effective received power Psr > -26 dBm. In particular, the BER can be significantly improved when the VC optimal channel spacing width is carefully selected; best performance occurs at a spacing bandwidth between 0.8 and 1 nm. The simulation results indicate that VC code has a superior performance compared to other reported codes for the same transmission quality. It is also found that for a transmitted power at 0 dBm, the BER specified by eye diagrams patterns are 10-14 and 10-5 for VC and Modified Quadratic Congruence (MQC) codes respectively

    A femtosecond code-division multiple-access communication system test bed

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