7,676 research outputs found

    Stylistic markers of “serious relief” in Wilde s Lord Arthur Savile s Crime

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    Autor w strukturze opowiadania O. Wilde'a wyróżnia części o reliefie serio i reliefie komicznym. Poddaje analizie fragment - dość wyjątkowy w opowiadaniu - w którym elementów humoru jest bardzo mało. Brak humoruu stanowi tu wynik celowego zamiaru Wilde'a i został uzyskany m.in. poprzez użycie określonych przymiotników, innych niż w innych partiach opowiadania

    The Se-Ma-For Film Studio from 1990 to 1999

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    The Se-Ma-For Film Studio from 1990 to 1999One of the key roles in the cinematic image of Łódź (the centre of Polish film production in the 1950s and 1960s) was played by “Se-Ma-For” Film Studio. The political and economic changes that Poland underwent at the beginning of the 1990s resulted in the liquidation of most state-owned companies. Se-Ma-For studio managed to operate until 1999, when it was closed. Th is text elaborates on the circumstances that resulted in the liquidation of the studio in 1999

    Role model (in) advertising?

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    The article concentrates on analysing the growing interest of academics in studying advertisements. While arguing why this perspective of reading literature may bring interesting critical results, the article focuses mainly on the character of Anna Csillag and its evolution through the twentieth century. Originally Anna Csillag was created as an advertising strategy to be used in selling hairgrowth cream. Boasting beautiful hair, the character grew in popularity across Europe, turning into a public icon of the first half of the twentieth century. Anna Csillag appears as a fictional character in Bruno Schultz’s story Księga (The Book). The article also traces other references to this figure in the twentieth and twenty-first century literary and artistic works

    Neoserial, serial premium czy post soap opera? W poszukiwaniu wyznaczników dla seriali nowej generacji

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    Borowiecki Artur, Neoserial, serial premium czy post soap opera? W poszukiwaniu wyznaczników dla seriali nowej generacji [Neo series, premium series or post soap opera? In looking for characteristics of the new generation TV series]. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 163–171.ISSN 1731–450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.11. Modern television series are a product of quality television and thus significantly differ from the models that have been deeply rooted in serial culture since the very beginning of the media’s existence. In the past, television formats were thematically subject to the requirements of television broadcast programming. They were characterized by five-act structures, with climaxes forced by television stations to occur before subsequent commercial breaks. At that time, the dominating category constituted series with an episodic structure closed within one episode. This resulted in the appearance of the currently widespread procedurals. Nonetheless, the three-act structure of sitcom plots dominates nowadays, in the post-network era. Another significant feature of the post soap is its narrative complexity (Mittell), which, in addition to formal procedures, often uses quotes, and autotematic references. The purpose of this article is to analyze the narrative complexity of new generation TV series, called “post soap”. A new genre of TV series has been examined through the examples of a popular show: Ślepnąc od świateł (2018).Borowiecki Artur, Neoserial, serial premium czy post soap opera? W poszukiwaniu wyznaczników dla seriali nowej generacji [Neo series, premium series or post soap opera? In looking for characteristics of the new generation TV series]. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 163–171.ISSN 1731–450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.11. Modern television series are a product of quality television and thus significantly differ from the models that have been deeply rooted in serial culture since the very beginning of the media’s existence. In the past, television formats were thematically subject to the requirements of television broadcast programming. They were characterized by five-act structures, with climaxes forced by television stations to occur before subsequent commercial breaks. At that time, the dominating category constituted series with an episodic structure closed within one episode. This resulted in the appearance of the currently widespread procedurals. Nonetheless, the three-act structure of sitcom plots dominates nowadays, in the post-network era. Another significant feature of the post soap is its narrative complexity (Mittell), which, in addition to formal procedures, often uses quotes, and autotematic references. The purpose of this article is to analyze the narrative complexity of new generation TV series, called “post soap”. A new genre of TV series has been examined through the examples of a popular show: Ślepnąc od świateł (2018)

    About the Film Adaptation of Zofia Nałkowska’ short story “Aside of the Railway”

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    About the Film Adaptation of Zofia Nałkowska’ short story “Aside of the Railway”Andrzej Brzozowski directed a live action short subject based on Zofia Nałkowska’s short story Aside of the Railway in 1963. The film was banned by the communist authorities and presented for the first time as late as in 1992. This is a story of runaway Jewish woman who jumped out of a train aiming at a concentration camp somewhere inPoland occupied by he Nazis. With a heavily wounded knee she lies aside of the railway looking at Polish countrymen who gathered near her and see no chance to help her as they fear of the Nazis. When she ask them not to carry her to Germans’ one of the onlookers shots her on the spot. Brzozowski made numerous modifications to present the tragic situation from the short story in film. One of them is the change of the point of view. In film it is the POV of the wounded woman, when in the short story it is presented by a witness who told the writer about the events only after the war. Brzozowski also changed the time of events from spring in the story to snowy winter in the film and focused on two main characters – the Jewish woman and the man who seemed most determined to help her and shot her in the end.Andrzej Brzozowski directed a live action short subject based on Zofia Nałkowska’s short story Aside of the Railway in 1963. The film was banned by the communist authorities and presented for the first time as late as in 1992. This is a story of runaway Jewish woman who jumped out of a train aiming at a concentration camp somewhere inPoland occupied by he Nazis. With a heavily wounded knee she lies aside of the railway looking at Polish countrymen who gathered near her and see no chance to help her as they fear of the Nazis. When she ask them not to carry her to Germans’ one of the onlookers shots her on the spot. Brzozowski made numerous modifications to present the tragic situation from the short story in film. One of them is the change of the point of view. In film it is the POV of the wounded woman, when in the short story it is presented by a witness who told the writer about the events only after the war. Brzozowski also changed the time of events from spring in the story to snowy winter in the film and focused on two main characters – the Jewish woman and the man who seemed most determined to help her and shot her in the end

    Rozwój złożonej narracyjności w amerykańskich serialach

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    Modern television series are a product of quality television and thus significantly differ from the models that have been deeply rooted in serial culture since the very beginning of the media’s existence. At that time, the dominating category constituted series with an episodic structure closed within one episode. Nowadays, the dominant format is the narrative continuity The text aims to show the series in which the creators used innovative solutions as a result of which a new narrative paradigm was formed, described as a „narrative complexity”. The article briefly analyzes various series genres: soap operas, sitcoms and postmodernist series. All the examples cited represent a different types of multi-threaded balance, that affects the evolution of narrative pattern

    Żelary Květy Legátovej w reżyserii Ondřeja Trojana – beskidzki melodramat

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Narration and Biographical Research Perspective

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    Biography researchers notice an increase in the number of works referring to biographical research and a simultaneous decrease in their cognitive value. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the misjudged conviction about their simplicity emerging from transferring obviousness of natural attitudes into the ground of scientific research. The author of this paper seeks for sources of inspiration for more careful reflection on pedagogical biographical research in concepts of narration and in works of literary critics. The author presents two various ways of understanding narration. The first one acknowledges the assumptions of structuralism (narration as feature codes of prose statements). The second one – being a consequence of the theoretical expansion of the concept on the whole area of human sciences and a part of social sciences – perceives narration as a human ability to organize events and actions into comprehensive structures that evolve in time. This understanding of narration is linked to life course and its reporting and thus to biographical research.Badacze biografii zauważają wzrost liczby prac odwołujących się do badań biograficznych, przy jednoczesnym spadku ich wartości poznawczej. Jedną z przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy jest nietrafne przekonanie o ich łatwości, wynikające z przenoszenia na grunt badań naukowych oczywistości naturalnego nastawienia. Źródeł inspiracji do staranniejszego namysłu nad pedagogicznymi badaniami biograficznymi autorka artykułu poszukuje w koncepcjach narracji, w pracach literaturoznawców. Autorka przedstawia dwa odmienne sposoby rozumienia narracji. Pierwsze – przyjmujące założenia strukturalizmu (narracje jako kody fabularne wypowiedzi prozatorskich). Drugie – będące konsekwencją teoretycznej ekspansji pojęcia na całą dziedzinę nauk humanistycznych i część nauk społecznych – ujmujące narrację jako ludzką zdolność organizowania zdarzeń i działań w całościowe, rozwijające się w czasie struktury. Takie rozumienie narracji wiąże się z przebiegiem życia i jego relacjonowaniem, a tym samym z badaniami biograficznymi