2,877 research outputs found

    Joint effect of ageing and multilayer structure prevents ordering in the voter model

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    The voter model rules are simple, with agents copying the state of a random neighbor, but they lead to non-trivial dynamics. Besides opinion processes, the model has also applications for catalysis and species competition. Inspired by the temporal inhomogeneities found in human interactions, one can introduce ageing in the agents: the probability to update decreases with the time elapsed since the last change. This modified dynamics induces an approach to consensus via coarsening in complex networks. Additionally, multilayer networks produce profound changes in the dynamics of models. In this work, we investigate how a multilayer structure affects the dynamics of an ageing voter model. The system is studied as a function of the fraction of nodes sharing states across layers (multiplexity parameter q ). We find that the dynamics of the system suffers a notable change at an intermediate value q*. Above it, the voter model always orders to an absorbing configuration. While, below, a fraction of the realizations falls into dynamical traps associated to a spontaneous symmetry breaking in which the majority opinion in the different layers takes opposite signs and that due to the ageing indefinitely delay the arrival at the absorbing state.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Comparison of voter and Glauber ordering dynamics on networks

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    We study numerically the ordering process of two very simple dynamical models for a two-state variable on several topologies with increasing levels of heterogeneity in the degree distribution. We find that the zero-temperature Glauber dynamics for the Ising model may get trapped in sets of partially ordered metastable states even for finite system size, and this becomes more probable as the size increases. Voter dynamics instead always converges to full order on finite networks, even if this does not occur via coherent growth of domains. The time needed for order to be reached diverges with the system size. In both cases the ordering process is rather insensitive to the variation of the degreee distribution from sharply peaked to scale-free.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    The Naming Game in Social Networks: Community Formation and Consensus Engineering

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    We study the dynamics of the Naming Game [Baronchelli et al., (2006) J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp. P06014] in empirical social networks. This stylized agent-based model captures essential features of agreement dynamics in a network of autonomous agents, corresponding to the development of shared classification schemes in a network of artificial agents or opinion spreading and social dynamics in social networks. Our study focuses on the impact that communities in the underlying social graphs have on the outcome of the agreement process. We find that networks with strong community structure hinder the system from reaching global agreement; the evolution of the Naming Game in these networks maintains clusters of coexisting opinions indefinitely. Further, we investigate agent-based network strategies to facilitate convergence to global consensus.Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/70370l311m1u0ng3

    Competition in the presence of aging: order, disorder, and synchronized collective behavior

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    We study the stochastic dynamics of coupled states with transition probabilities depending on local persistence, this is, the time since a state has changed. When the population has a preference to adopt older states the system orders quickly due to the dominance of the old state. When preference for new states prevails, the system can show coexistence of states or synchronized collective behavior resulting in long ordering times. In this case, the magnetization m(t)m(t) of the system oscillates around m(t)=0m(t)=0. Implications for social systems are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, lette

    Timing interactions in social simulations: The voter model

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    The recent availability of huge high resolution datasets on human activities has revealed the heavy-tailed nature of the interevent time distributions. In social simulations of interacting agents the standard approach has been to use Poisson processes to update the state of the agents, which gives rise to very homogeneous activity patterns with a well defined characteristic interevent time. As a paradigmatic opinion model we investigate the voter model and review the standard update rules and propose two new update rules which are able to account for heterogeneous activity patterns. For the new update rules each node gets updated with a probability that depends on the time since the last event of the node, where an event can be an update attempt (exogenous update) or a change of state (endogenous update). We find that both update rules can give rise to power law interevent time distributions, although the endogenous one more robustly. Apart from that for the exogenous update rule and the standard update rules the voter model does not reach consensus in the infinite size limit, while for the endogenous update there exist a coarsening process that drives the system toward consensus configurations.Comment: Book Chapter, 23 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Electoral surveys influence on the voting processes: a cellular automata model

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    Nowadays, in societies threatened by atomization, selfishness, short-term thinking, and alienation from political life, there is a renewed debate about classical questions concerning the quality of democratic decision-making. In this work a cellular automata (CA) model for the dynamics of free elections based on the social impact theory is proposed. By using computer simulations, power law distributions for the size of electoral clusters and decision time have been obtained. The major role of broadcasted electoral surveys in guiding opinion formation and stabilizing the ``{\it status quo}'' was demonstrated. Furthermore, it was shown that in societies where these surveys are manipulated within the universally accepted statistical error bars, even a majoritary opposition could be hindered from reaching the power through the electoral path.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Microscopic activity patterns in the Naming Game

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    The models of statistical physics used to study collective phenomena in some interdisciplinary contexts, such as social dynamics and opinion spreading, do not consider the effects of the memory on individual decision processes. On the contrary, in the Naming Game, a recently proposed model of Language formation, each agent chooses a particular state, or opinion, by means of a memory-based negotiation process, during which a variable number of states is collected and kept in memory. In this perspective, the statistical features of the number of states collected by the agents becomes a relevant quantity to understand the dynamics of the model, and the influence of topological properties on memory-based models. By means of a master equation approach, we analyze the internal agent dynamics of Naming Game in populations embedded on networks, finding that it strongly depends on very general topological properties of the system (e.g. average and fluctuations of the degree). However, the influence of topological properties on the microscopic individual dynamics is a general phenomenon that should characterize all those social interactions that can be modeled by memory-based negotiation processes.Comment: submitted to J. Phys.

    Ordering dynamics in the voter model with aging

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    The voter model with memory-dependent dynamics is theoretically and numerically studied at the mean-field level. The `internal age', or time an individual spends holding the same state, is added to the set of binary states of the population, such that the probability of changing state (or activation probability pip_i) depends on this age. A closed set of integro-differential equations describing the time evolution of the fraction of individuals with a given state and age is derived, and from it analytical results are obtained characterizing the behavior of the system close to the absorbing states. In general, different age-dependent activation probabilities have different effects on the dynamics. When the activation probability pip_i is an increasing function of the age ii, the system reaches a steady state with coexistence of opinions. In the case of aging, with pip_i being a decreasing function, either the system reaches consensus or it gets trapped in a frozen state, depending on the value of p∞p_\infty (zero or not) and the velocity of pip_i approaching p∞p_\infty. Moreover, when the system reaches consensus, the time ordering of the system can be exponential (p∞>0p_\infty>0) or power-law like (p∞=0p_\infty=0). Exact conditions for having one or another behavior, together with the equations and explicit expressions for the exponents, are provided

    Algebraic coarsening in voter models with intermediate states

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    The introduction of intermediate states in the dynamics of the voter model modifies the ordering process and restores an effective surface tension. The logarithmic coarsening of the conventional voter model in two dimensions is eliminated in favour of an algebraic decay of the density of interfaces with time, compatible with Model A dynamics at low temperatures. This phenomenon is addressed by deriving Langevin equations for the dynamics of appropriately defined continuous fields. These equations are analyzed using field theoretical arguments and by means of a recently proposed numerical technique for the integration of stochastic equations with multiplicative noise. We find good agreement with lattice simulations of the microscopic model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; minor typos correcte
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