96,672 research outputs found

    BRST operator for quantum Lie algebras and differential calculus on quantum groups

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    For a Hopf algebra A, we define the structures of differential complexes on two dual exterior Hopf algebras: 1) an exterior extension of A and 2) an exterior extension of the dual algebra A^*. The Heisenberg double of these two exterior Hopf algebras defines the differential algebra for the Cartan differential calculus on A. The first differential complex is an analog of the de Rham complex. In the situation when A^* is a universal enveloping of a Lie (super)algebra the second complex coincides with the standard complex. The differential is realized as an (anti)commutator with a BRST- operator Q. A recurrent relation which defines uniquely the operator Q is given. The BRST and anti-BRST operators are constructed explicitly and the Hodge decomposition theorem is formulated for the case of the quantum Lie algebra U_q(gl(N)).Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, Lecture given at the Workshop on "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems", 8 - 11 January, Protvino, Russia; corrected some typo

    Macaulay inverse systems revisited

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    Since its original publication in 1916 under the title "The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems", the book by F. S. Macaulay has attracted a lot of scientists with a view towards pure mathematics (D. Eisenbud,...) or applications to control theory (U. Oberst,...).However, a carefull examination of the quotations clearly shows that people have hardly been looking at the last chapter dealing with the so-called "inverse systems", unless in very particular situations. The purpose of this paper is to provide for the first time the full explanation of this chapter within the framework of the formal theory of systems of partial differential equations (Spencer operator on sections, involution,...) and its algebraic counterpart now called "algebraic analysis" (commutative and homological algebra, differential modules,...). Many explicit examples are fully treated and hints are given towards the way to work out computer algebra packages.Comment: From a lecture at the International Conference : Application of Computer Algebra (ACA 2008) july 2008, RISC, LINZ, AUSTRI

    Symbolic Computation of Conservation Laws of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Multi-dimensions

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    A direct method for the computation of polynomial conservation laws of polynomial systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in multi-dimensions is presented. The method avoids advanced differential-geometric tools. Instead, it is solely based on calculus, variational calculus, and linear algebra. Densities are constructed as linear combinations of scaling homogeneous terms with undetermined coefficients. The variational derivative (Euler operator) is used to compute the undetermined coefficients. The homotopy operator is used to compute the fluxes. The method is illustrated with nonlinear PDEs describing wave phenomena in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and quantum physics. For PDEs with parameters, the method determines the conditions on the parameters so that a sequence of conserved densities might exist. The existence of a large number of conservation laws is a predictor for complete integrability. The method is algorithmic, applicable to a variety of PDEs, and can be implemented in computer algebra systems such as Mathematica, Maple, and REDUCE.Comment: To appear in: Thematic Issue on ``Mathematical Methods and Symbolic Calculation in Chemistry and Chemical Biology'' of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Eds.: Michael Barnett and Frank Harris (2006

    The Lax Integrable Differential-Difference Dynamical Systems on Extended Phase Spaces

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    The Hamiltonian representation for the hierarchy of Lax-type flows on a dual space to the Lie algebra of shift operators coupled with suitable eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions evolutions of associated spectral problems is found by means of a specially constructed Backlund transformation. The Hamiltonian description for the corresponding set of squared eigenfunction symmetry hierarchies is represented. The relation of these hierarchies with Lax integrable (2+1)-dimensional differential-difference systems and their triple Lax-type linearizations is analysed. The existence problem of a Hamiltonian representation for the coupled Lax-type hierarchy on a dual space to the central extension of the shift operator Lie algebra is solved also