6 research outputs found

    Merchant Electricity Transmission Expansion: A European Case Study

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    We apply a merchant transmission model to the trilateral market coupling (TLC) arrangement among the Netherlands, Belgium and France as a generic example, and note that it can be applied to any general market splitting or coupling of Europe's different national power markets. In this merchant framework; the system operator allocates financial transmission rights (FTRs) to investors in transmission expansion based upon their preferences, and revenue adequacy. The independent system operator (ISO) preserves some proxy FTRs to deal with potential negative externalities due to an expansion project. This scheme proves to be capable in providing incentives for investment in transmission expansion projects within TLC areas.transmission expansion, trilateral market coupling, Europe, financial transmission rights, congestion management

    Theory of Algorithm Suitability on Managing Radio Resources in Next Generation Mobile Networks

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    Beyond 2020, wireless networking model will be radically changed and oriented to business-driven concept as foreseen by the next generation mobile network (NGMN) alliance. As the available spectrum granted to a given operator is physically limited, new radio resource management techniques are required to ensure massive connectivity for wireless devices. Given this situation, we investigate in this paper how the key network functionalities as self-optimizing network (SON) must be thought to meet NGMN requirements. We propose therefore, algorithm suitability theory (AST) combined to the notion of network operator infrastructure convergence. The approach is based on software-defined networking (SDN) principle that allows an adaptability of the load balance algorithm to the dynamic network status. Besides, we use the concept of network function virtualization (NFV) that alleviates the constraint of confining the wireless devices to their home network operator only. Relying on these two technologies, we build AST through a lexicographic optimality criterion based on SPC (Status, Performance, and Complexity) order. Numerical results demonstrate a better network coverage verified by the improvement of metrics such as call blocking rate, spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency and load balance index

    Theory of Algorithm Suitability on Managing Radio Resources in Next Generation Mobile Networks

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    Beyond 2020, wireless networking model will be radically changed and oriented to business-driven concept as foreseen by the next generation mobile network (NGMN) alliance. As the available spectrum granted to a given operator is physically limited, new radio resource management techniques are required to ensure massive connectivity for wireless devices. Given this situation, we investigate in this paper how the key network functionalities as self-optimizing network (SON) must be thought to meet NGMN requirements. We propose therefore, algorithm suitability theory (AST) combined to the notion of network operator infrastructure convergence. The approach is based on software-defined networking (SDN) principle that allows an adaptability of the load balance algorithm to the dynamic network status. Besides, we use the concept of network function virtualization (NFV) that alleviates the constraint of confining the wireless devices to their home network operator only. Relying on these two technologies, we build AST through a lexicographic optimality criterion based on SPC (Status, Performance, and Complexity) order. Numerical results demonstrate a better network coverage verified by the improvement of metrics such as call blocking rate, spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency and load balance index

    Vertex colorings of graphs

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    Import 23/08/2017V této práci se zabývám vrcholovým barvením grafů a především algoritmy k nalezení vrcholového barvení. Vrcholovým dobrým m - barvením grafu rozumíme takové přiřazení m barev vrcholům, že sousední vrcholy jsou obarveny různě. O vrcholovém m - barvení grafu je známo, že je to NP - kompletní problém, pro m ≥ 3. Tedy zatím žádný algoritmus nedokáže tento problém vyřešit obecně v polynomiálním čase (předpokládáme, že P ≠ NP). V práci ukazuji heuristický algoritmus využívající hladové barvení i s jeho optimalizovanou verzí a uvádím příklad deterministického algoritmu. Algoritmy porovnávám a na jednoduchých příkladech ukazuji jejich princip a funkčnost.In this bachelor thesis I am dealing with vertex colorings of simple graphs with focus on vertex coloring algorithms. A proper vertex m - coloring of a graph is an assignment of m colors to the vertices so that, no two adjacent vertices share a color. The problem of the proper vertex m - coloring of a graph is well known to be an NP - complete problem for m ≥ 3. So far, no algorithm can solve this problem generaly in polynomial time (we assume that P ≠ NP). I present a heuristic algorithm based on the greedy coloring and it's optimized version, then example of deterministic algorithm is examined. I compare these algorithms and on simple examples show their principles and functionality.470 - Katedra aplikované matematikyvelmi dobř

    Desenvolvimento de sequenciador para um Problema de Roteamento de Veículos

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    Este projecto tem como objectivo a optimização das rotas dos técnicos de serviço após venda da Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores, associadas à realização das manutenções preventivas a cada elemento contratado à empresa (elevadores, escadas rolantes, etc). Como tal, é necessário fazer uma distribuição dos equipamentos que se encontram em carteira, por um dos técnicos que assegura a manutenção, pelos vários dias úteis de cada mês, e pelas horas de trabalho de cada dia. Apesar do técnico ter disponíveis, por dia, 8h de trabalho, apenas 6h podem ser preenchidas com manutenções preventivas. As 2h restantes são essencialmente para possíveis manutenções correctivas para as quais o técnico seja solicitado. Caso o técnico não seja contactado para resolver nenhuma avaria, essas horas podem ser utilizadas pelo mesmo para adiantar trabalho do dia seguinte, isto é, visitar já alguns dos próximos pontos de manutenção preventiva do dia seguinte, ou para compensar trabalho que esteja atrasado. De salientar que, para cada dia, as deslocações do técnico de qualquer local ao primeiro ponto de uma rota ou de regresso do último ponto de uma rota não são contabilizadas. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação pretende dar resposta ao problema apresentado pela Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma heurística para a optimização das rotas dos técnicos. Esta é baseada no conceito de “vizinho mais próximo” que procura sempre o ponto que se apresenta mais perto do último ponto que foi adicionado à rota. Com base nesta metodologia, nos processos de escolha dos pontos que formam clusters, e na selecção dos pontos iniciais de cada uma das rotas diárias, a ferramenta de optimização resultante define as rotas diárias para que o percurso efectuado por cada técnico num mês seja o menor possível. São feitas alterações às rotas definidas inicialmente quando encontrados pontos de uma mesma entrada a serem visitados em dias diferentes. Isto obrigaria o técnico a fazer duas viagens ao mesmo local. Por fim, o resultado é apresentado num documento Word a ser utilizado pelo técnico como guia diário das suas deslocações aos equipamentos que necessitam de verificações periódicas. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com as rotas que estavam a ser usadas pela empresa, tendo apresentado resultados de melhor qualidade, constatando-se a eficiência da solução criada pelo algoritmo proposto neste trabalho.The objective of this project is to optimize the routes of the service technicians after sales of Schmitt+Sohn Elevators, related to the execution of the preventive maintenance to each element contracted to the company (elevators, escalators, etc). Thus, it is necessary to make a distribution of the equipments that are on the wallet, by one of the technicians that ensure the maintenance, by all the available days of the week of each month and by the hours of work of each day. Although the technician has 8 hours of work available by day, only 6 of them can be associated with planned preventive maintenances. The other 2 hours are essencially to possible corrective maintenances that the technician could be called to solve. If the technician isn’t called to solve a breakdown those other hours could be used by him to advance work of the next day, like visiting already some of the following points of preventive maintenance of the next day, or compensate work that is late. Noteworthy that, for each day, the traveling time of the technician from any location to the first point of a route or from the last point of a route at the end of the day aren’t count in the solution. The work developed in this thesis provides an answer to the problem presented by Schmitt+Sohn Elevators. For that was developed an heuristic to the optimization of the technician routes. This heuristic is based on the “nearest neighbor” concept which searches always for the point that is closer to the last one that was added to the route. Based on this methodology, on the choice processes of the points that form clusters, and on the selection of the initial points of each route for each day, the optimization tool defines the daily routes for the course done by each technician on a month to be the shortest possible. Changes are made to the routes defined initially when points from the same entry are founded being visited in different days. This would force the technician to do two trips to the same place. In the end, the result is presented in a Word document to be used by the technician as a daily guide to his travels to the equipments that need periodic verifications. The obtained results were compared with the routes that were being used by the company, with the first ones presenting results of better quality, confirming the efficiency of the algorithm proposed in this work