28 research outputs found

    Studying China’s IT Services Industry: Generalizations, Particularities, and the Competitive Outlook

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    China’s IT Services industry has grown rapidly in the last decade. Chinese government has made it a priority to invest in the improvement of the capabilities of Chinese vendors, which helped vendors to expand and grow in local and global markets. Despite the fact that China is the second largest industrial economy, IS researchers are only now starting to pay serious attention to China’s IT Services industry. This panel is aimed at stimulating research in this area by debating two approaches: one approach that focuses on unique opportunities offered by this setting for developing insights generalizable to other settings and a second approach focused on generating theories that focus on the specifics of the Chinese context. Academic panelists, all of whom have conducted studies of China’s IT Services, will argue these different positions. They will be joined by an industry leader from IT services industry in China, who would talk about the future of the industry


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    Outsourcing has become a buzz word in strategic management as the competition of modern business is the competition among business networks. The reviews on the measure of outsourcing success are conceptually fragmented due to different theories that have been applied in different studies. The overall aim of this paper is to develop an integrated framework in measuring the performance of services outsourcing. The framework is derived from Social Exchange Theory. Each party responsibility in dyadic relationship over outsourcing success is examined. This is followed by the identification of the mediating effect of compatibility between partners, and moderating effect of partnership quality to the aforementioned relationship. Outsourcing performance is proposed to be evaluated from the perspectives of tactical, strategic and behavioral dimensionsBuyer related factors, Compatibility, Outsourcing, and Partnership quality, Services ,Supplier related factors

    What are the Most Important Classes of Information Systems for eSourcing Service Providers? Experiences from Three Case Studies in the Chinese eSourcing Market

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    Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-enabled international sourcing of software-intensive systems and services (eSourcing) is increasingly used as a means of adding value, reducing costs, sharing risks, and achieving strategic aims. To maximally reap the benefits from eSourcing and mitigate the risks, providers and clients have to be aware of and build capabilities for the entire eSourcing life-cycle. China is in a remarkable position to become a superpower for eSourcing service provisioning within the next 10 years. Yet, the extant literature does not offer a comprehensive enough guidance for eSourcing management in the Chinese context. This research project will probe the eSourcing life-cycle in Information and Communications Technology Outsourcing (ICTO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) contexts. It will provide as generalizable scientific knowledge as possible concerning the most important business practices and classes of information systems for eSourcing service providers from the viewpoint of service provisioning, breakdown recovery, and the redesign of the eSourcing life-cycle

    Social Capital Sebagai Mediator Antara Trust Dan Knowledge Sharing Studi Empiris Di Minimarket

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    The objective of this study is to identify the relation between trust, social capital, and knowledge sharing of mini market employee in Bandung. Employee have to depend on trust in their cooperative activities to justify their expected benefits from the knowledge sharing. Hence, cooperative act as mediator between trust and knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is an activity through which knowledge (namely, information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, families, communities or organizations; they are social processedfacilitated by social capital. The results of the analysis highlight significance relationship between trust – knowledge sharing and trust – knowledge sharing via social capital as mediator. As a result, trust is highly overrated as a main driver of knowledge sharing. Hence, social capital plays important role in knowledge sharing process, not trust

    The Cultural Frame Management: The Emergence of Cultural Intelligence in Chinese IT Service Vendors

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    As China transforms itself toward a leading destination for global IT service outsourcing, major Chinese vendors increasingly face the challenge of collaborating simultaneously and effectively with three major client bases with diverse national cultural backgrounds, namely domestic, Asia especially Japan, and the West especially the U.S. and Western Europe. This provides a good opportunity to study how firm-level cultural intelligence is formed within vendors. To explore this question, qualitative case studies of twelve leading China-based IT service vendors, including all of the most globally recognized Chinese vendors, were conducted. Based on interviews with top and middle level managers, and drawing on the practice-oriented view of culture and the cultural frame perspective, this paper develops the notion of collective cultural frame and identifies the process of cultural frame management within the vendor. This process functions as a mechanism by which firm-level cultural intelligence emerges within vendor organizations

    IT Innovation in China: Industry and Business Capabilities

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    China is investing heavily in leading-edge and innovative information technologies to support its continuing economic growth. At the same time, Chinese businesses increasingly need to innovate with IT to create competitive difference and expand internationally. However, to what extent has China developed the capabilities to develop IT innovations and adopt them successfully? This 2011 ICIS panel session built a rich picture of maturity, skills, and management processes concerning IT adoption and innovation, bringing together diverse perspectives from research and practice. By drawing on experience from Europe and the U.S., as well as China itself, it also reflected on distinct aspects of the Chinese business environment and the impact of these on IT


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    In IT outsourcing alliances, the service suppliers acquire significant capabilities through repeated interaction with a variety and multitude of clients. This learning process is especially critical for the survival and growth of suppliers that are in the early or expansionary stages of their lifecycle. This research focuses on the dynamic strategy process by which suppliers acquire capabilities in outsourcing alliances. Specifically, we conducted an interview-based qualitative case study of one of the largest Chinese IT service suppliers that had a diverse client portfolio including Japanese, Western, as well as domestic firms, and was actively expanding its business in the Western market. Drawing on the perspective of evolutionary economics, this research develops a theoretical model that conceptualizes the emergence and evolution of routines and capabilities within the suppliers

    Internationalization Strategies of IT Vendors from Emerging Economies: The Case of China

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    As China rapidly emerges as the new frontier of IT offshoring, the country’s IT outsourcing industry undergoes a profound change: many vendors are strategically shifting their client bases from Japan to the U.S. and Europe. This trend provides us with a good opportunity to investigate an understudied topic in the IS literature: the internationalization strategies of IT service vendors from emerging economies. Specifically, this study explores how China-based IT vendors transform their capabilities acquired in domestic and Japanese markets to expand into the Western market. Through qualitative case studies of six major IT service firms in China, this paper develops a theoretical model for conceptualizing the internationalization strategies of IT vendors based in emerging economies. This model consists of three unique key processes: i) an internationalization process; ii) a strategic decision-making process; iii) a capability-building process. These three processes continuously interact with one another to shape firms’ internationalization practices

    How do IT capabilities support fast delivery of big data services to clients across industries?

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    IT capabilities have been an important research area, especially in the big data era, when much business value can be drawn from external data. This study reports an interesting phenomenon, the transformation of an internal IT department of a traditional manufacturing company into an IT service provider. It adopts the single case study approach to explaining how the newly transformed business unit rapidly delivers IT services to external clients across industries. Results show that the IT service providers can provide fast service delivery to different clients across industries through developing digital assets, bridging business-data and standardizing services/products, which interact with each other. The whole process of service delivery is supported by IT capabilities such as IT infrastructures, IT managerial skills and IT technical skills. We extend the IT capability and IT service provider literature to the big data context

    Outsourcing and offshore : an analysis of the academic literature

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    Outsourcing and offshore are strategies adopted by businesses to manage their Information Sys­tems. There has been an increase in the volume of literature devoted to outsourcing and offshore during the past years. This paper provides a review of articles about outsourcing and offshore published in various journals. This list of journals was obtained by consulting the Journal Citation Report with an impact factor of over 3.0 in the last five years. This research was a survey with data collection from the following journals: Information & Management, Information Systems Journal, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Information Systems and MIS Quarterly. The results obtained are: the majority of articles have two or three authors (83,9%); the majority of co-authors work in different universities (73,8%); the majority of the authors are associated with a USA-based uni­versity (54,5%). The result of this research assists in the identification of researchers and research gaps in this subject