29 research outputs found

    Operads, clones, and distributive laws

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    International audienceWe show how non-symmetric operads (or multicategories), symmetric operads, and clones, arise from three suitable monads on Cat, each extending to a (pseudo-)monad on the bicategory of categories and profunctors. We also explain how other previous categorical analyses of operads (via Day's tensor products, or via analytical functors) fit with the profunctor approach

    Operads, clones, and distributive laws

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    International audienceWe show how non-symmetric operads (or multicategories), symmetric operads, and clones, arise from three suitable monads on Cat, each extending to a (pseudo-)monad on the bicategory of categories and profunctors. We also explain how other previous categorical analyses of operads (via Day's tensor products, or via analytical functors) fit with the profunctor approach

    Monads of regular theories

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    We characterize the category of monads on SetSet and the category of Lawvere theories that are equivalent to the category of regular equational theories.Comment: 36 page

    Foundations of Algebraic Theories and Higher Dimensional Categories

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    Universal algebra uniformly captures various algebraic structures, by expressing them as equational theories or abstract clones. The ubiquity of algebraic structures in mathematics and related fields has given rise to several variants of universal algebra, such as symmetric operads, non-symmetric operads, generalised operads, and monads. These variants of universal algebra are called notions of algebraic theory. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a unified framework for notions of algebraic theory which includes all of the above examples. Our key observation is that each notion of algebraic theory can be identified with a monoidal category, in such a way that theories correspond to monoid objects therein. We introduce a categorical structure called metamodel, which underlies the definition of models of theories. We also consider morphisms between notions of algebraic theory, which are a monoidal version of profunctors. Every strong monoidal functor gives rise to an adjoint pair of such morphisms, and provides a uniform way to establish isomorphisms between categories of models in different notions of algebraic theory. A general structure-semantics adjointness result and a double categorical universal property of categories of models are also shown. In the second part of this thesis, we shift from the general study of algebraic structures, and focus on a particular algebraic structure: higher dimensional categories. Among several existing definitions of higher dimensional categories, we choose to look at the one proposed by Batanin and later refined by Leinster. We show that the notion of extensive category plays a central role in Batanin and Leinster's definition. Using this, we generalise their definition by allowing enrichment over any locally presentable extensive category.Comment: 134 pages, PhD thesi

    On the formal theory of pseudomonads and pseudodistributive laws

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    We contribute to the formal theory of pseudomonads, i.e. the analogue for pseudomonads of the formal theory of monads. In particular, we solve a problem posed by Steve Lack by proving that, for every Gray-category K, there is a Gray-category Psm(K) of pseudomonads, pseudomonad morphisms, pseudomonad transformations and pseudomonad modifications in K. We then establish a triequivalence between Psm(K) and the Gray-category of pseudomonads introduced by Marmolejo. Finally, these results are applied to give a clear account of the coherence conditions for pseudodistributive laws. 40 pages. Comments welcome.Comment: This submission replaces arXiv:0907:1359v1, titled "On the coherence conditions for pseudo-distributive laws". 40 page

    Truncation of Unitary Operads

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    We introduce truncation ideals of a k\Bbbk-linear unitary symmetric operad and use them to study ideal structure, growth property and to classify operads of low Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

    Strong pseudomonads and premonoidal bicategories

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    Strong monads and premonoidal categories play a central role in clarifying the denotational semantics of effectful programming languages. Unfortunately, this theory excludes many modern semantic models in which the associativity and unit laws only hold up to coherent isomorphism: for instance, because composition is defined using a universal property. This paper remedies the situation. We define premonoidal bicategories and a notion of strength for pseudomonads, and show that the Kleisli bicategory of a strong pseudomonad is premonoidal. As often in 2-dimensional category theory, the main difficulty is to find the correct coherence axioms on 2-cells. We therefore justify our definitions with numerous examples and by proving a correspondence theorem between actions and strengths, generalizing a well-known category-theoretic result.Comment: Comments and feedback welcome