6 research outputs found

    Routing Aware DSME Networks

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    Best oral communication Award (in ex aequo)3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering will be held at FEUP on the 27th to 28th of June, 2019Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME) is a prominent MAC behavior of IEEE 802.15.4e can avail deterministic service using its multisuperframe structure. RPL is a routing protocol for wireless networks with low power consumption and generally susceptible to packet loss. A combination of these two protocols can integrate real-time QoS demanding and large-scale IoT networks. In this paper, we propose an architecture to integrate routing with DSME. We also show a simulation result by which we improve reliability by 40 % using routing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects many heterogeneous embedded devices either locally between each other, or globally with the Internet. These things are resource-constrained, e.g., powered by battery, and typically communicate via low-power and lossy wireless links. Communication needs to be secured and relies on crypto-operations that are often resource-intensive and in conflict with the device constraints. These challenging operational conditions on the cheapest hardware possible, the unreliable wireless transmission, and the need for protection against common threats of the inter-network, impose severe challenges to IoT networks. In this thesis, we advance the current state of the art in two dimensions. Part I assesses Information-centric networking (ICN) for the IoT, a network paradigm that promises enhanced reliability for data retrieval in constrained edge networks. ICN lacks a lower layer definition, which, however, is the key to enable device sleep cycles and exclusive wireless media access. This part of the thesis designs and evaluates an effective media access strategy for ICN to reduce the energy consumption and wireless interference on constrained IoT nodes. Part II examines the performance of hardware and software crypto-operations, executed on off-the-shelf IoT platforms. A novel system design enables the accessibility and auto-configuration of crypto-hardware through an operating system. One main focus is the generation of random numbers in the IoT. This part of the thesis further designs and evaluates Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to provide novel randomness sources that generate highly unpredictable secrets, on low-cost devices that lack hardware-based security features. This thesis takes a practical view on the constrained IoT and is accompanied by real-world implementations and measurements. We contribute open source software, automation tools, a simulator, and reproducible measurement results from real IoT deployments using off-the-shelf hardware. The large-scale experiments in an open access testbed provide a direct starting point for future research

    Topics in Distributed Algorithms: On Wireless Networks, Distributed Storage and Streaming

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    Distributed algorithms are executed on a set of computational instances. Werefer to these instances as nodes. Nodes are runningconcurrently and are independent from each other. Furthermore, they have their own instructions and information. In this context, the challenges are to show thatthe algorithm is correct, regardless of computational, or communication delaysand to show bounds on the usage of communication.We are especially interested the behaviour after transient faults and underthe existence of Byzantine nodes.This thesis discusses fundamental communication models for distributed algorithms. These models are implementing abstract communication methods. First, we address medium access control for a wireless medium with guaranteeson the communication delay. We discuss time division multiple access(TDMA) protocols for ad-hoc networks and we introduce an algorithm that creates aTDMA schedule without using external references for localisation, or time. We justify our algorithm by experimental results.The second topic is the emulation of shared memory on message passingnetworks. Both, shared memory and message passing are basic interprocessorcommunication models for distributed algorithms. We are providing a way ofemulating shared memory on top of an existing message passing network underthe presence of data corruption and stop-failed nodes. Additionally, we ensurethe privacy of the data that is stored in the shared memory. The third topic looks into streaming algorithms and optimisation. We study the problem of sorting a stream ofvehicles on a highway with severallanes so that each vehicle reaches its target lane. We look into optimality interms of minimising the number of move operations, as well as, minimising the length of the output stream. We present an exact algorithm for the case oftwo lanes and show that NP-Hardness for a increasing number of lanes