4 research outputs found

    How do the women of Open Source support each other?

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    This paper presents an analysis of 10,698 messages from five online forums with 1,344 participants to identify patterns of activity, major topics of discussion, and the type of social support available for participants in these Open Source Software (OSS) forums. We found that these forums serve as safe spaces shared by marginalized populations, for collaborating, networking and most importantly providing social support to each other

    Trans Time: Safety, Privacy, and Content Warnings on a Transgender-Specific Social Media Site

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    Trans people often use social media to connect with others, find and share resources, and post transition-related content. However, because most social media platforms are not built with trans people in mind and because online networks include people who may not accept one鈥檚 trans identity, sharing trans content can be difficult. We studied Trans Time, a social media site developed particularly for trans people to document transition and build community. We interviewed early Trans Time users (n = 6) and conducted focus groups with potential users (n = 21) to understand how a trans-specific site uniquely supports its users. We found that Trans Time has the potential to be a safe space, encourages privacy, and effectively enables its users to selectively view content using content warnings. Together, safety, privacy, and content warnings create an online space where trans people can simultaneously build community, find support, and express both the mundanity and excitement of trans life. Yet in each of these areas, we also learned ways that the site can improve. We provide implications for how social media sites may better support trans users, as well as insular communities of people from other marginalized groups.Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162569/1/HaimsonTransTime.pdfDescription of HaimsonTransTime.pdf : Main articleSEL

    Open Source Software Community Inclusion Initiatives to Support Women Participation

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    Part 3: FLOSS AdoptionInternational audienceThis paper focuses on the inclusion initiatives of Open Source Software (OSS) Communities to support women who participate in their online communities. In recent years, media and research has highlighted the negative experiences of women in OSS and we believe that could be detrimental to the women of OSS. Therefore, in this research, we built upon the research that demonstrates the value of Codes of Conduct for minorities in an online community. Additionally, we focus on women only spaces in OSS, because past research on women and IT shows that women perform better when they can build connections and mentoring networks with other women. We investigated 355 OSS websites for presence of women only spaces and searched for, collected and analyzed the Codes of Conduct on the websites of these OSS. Qualitative content analysis of the websites show that only 12 out of 355 websites have women only sections. Less than ten percent (28) of the analyzed websites had a code of conduct

    Espacios culturales en la inclusi贸n social en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho

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    La presente investigaci贸n va dirigida a todos aquellos estudiantes o personas interesadas en la b煤squeda de informaci贸n relacionado a los espacios culturales en la inclusi贸n social. El trabajo surgi贸 ante la intenci贸n de demostrar la importancia de los espacios culturales como influencia en la poblaci贸n para el desarrollo social de una comunidad. Ante ello el objetivo principal se expresa como analizar la influencia de los espacios culturales en la inclusi贸n social de la poblaci贸n de San Juan de Lurigancho, se帽alando la relevancia de espacios culturales como medio para el desarrollo de identidad cultural, sentido de pertenencia comunitaria, haciendo hincapi茅 en los aspectos f铆sicos como la correcta iluminaci贸n, ambientes adecuados y la implementaci贸n de servicios a brindar a la comunidad. Asimismo, para la obtenci贸n de los resultados se hizo uso de instrumentos como ficha de an谩lisis de contenido y la gu铆as de entrevista aplicada a los especialistas con la intenci贸n que mediante su an谩lisis ayuden a brindar una respuesta clara a los objetivos planteados previamente, teniendo como propuesta arquitect贸nica una remodelaci贸n de la biblioteca comunal Helen Keller como un espacio de desarrollo dentro de la ciudad, dicha propuesta se obtuvo mediante una exhaustiva investigaci贸n y an谩lisis el cual se tom贸 como referencias el uso de antecedentes tanto nacionales como internacionales con diversidad de autores e investigaciones que finalmente aporten a esta investigaci贸n. Se tuvo como conclusi贸n general, que los espacios destinados hacia la cultura aportan en el conocimiento cultural y las expresiones art铆sticas mejoran la interacci贸n ciudadana dentro de los ambientes destinados