7 research outputs found

    Parameterized complexity of machine scheduling: 15 open problems

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    Machine scheduling problems are a long-time key domain of algorithms and complexity research. A novel approach to machine scheduling problems are fixed-parameter algorithms. To stimulate this thriving research direction, we propose 15 open questions in this area whose resolution we expect to lead to the discovery of new approaches and techniques both in scheduling and parameterized complexity theory.Comment: Version accepted to Computers & Operations Researc

    Atomic Splittable Flow Over Time Games

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    In an atomic splittable flow over time game, finitely many players route flow dynamically through a network, in which edges are equipped with transit times, specifying the traversing time, and with capacities, restricting flow rates. Infinitesimally small flow particles controlled by the same player arrive at a constant rate at the player's origin and the player's goal is to maximize the flow volume that arrives at the player's destination within a given time horizon. Here, the flow dynamics are described by the deterministic queuing model, i.e., flow of different players merges perfectly, but excessive flow has to wait in a queue in front of the bottle-neck. In order to determine Nash equilibria in such games, the main challenge is to consider suitable definitions for the players' strategies, which depend on the level of information the players receive throughout the game. For the most restricted version, in which the players receive no information on the network state at all, we can show that there is no Nash equilibrium in general, not even for networks with only two edges. However, if the current edge congestions are provided over time, the players can adapt their route choices dynamically. We show that a profile of those strategies always lead to a unique feasible flow over time. Hence, those atomic splittable flow over time games are well-defined. For parallel-edge networks Nash equilibria exists and the total flow arriving in time equals the value of a maximum flow over time leading to a price of anarchy of 1.ISSN:1868-896

    On the Fine-Grained Parameterized Complexity of Partial Scheduling to Minimize the Makespan

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    We study a natural variant of scheduling that we call partial scheduling: In this variant an instance of a scheduling problem along with an integer k is given and one seeks an optimal schedule where not all, but only k jobs, have to be processed. Specifically, we aim to determine the fine-grained parameterized complexity of partial scheduling problems parameterized by k for all variants of scheduling problems that minimize the makespan and involve unit/arbitrary processing times, identical/unrelated parallel machines, release/due dates, and precedence constraints. That is, we investigate whether algorithms with runtimes of the type f(k)n^?(1) or n^?(f(k)) exist for a function f that is as small as possible. Our contribution is two-fold: First, we categorize each variant to be either in ?, NP-complete and fixed-parameter tractable by k, or ?[1]-hard parameterized by k. Second, for many interesting cases we further investigate the run time on a finer scale and obtain run times that are (almost) optimal assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. As one of our main technical contributions, we give an ?(8^k k(|V|+|E|)) time algorithm to solve instances of partial scheduling problems minimizing the makespan with unit length jobs, precedence constraints and release dates, where G = (V,E) is the graph with precedence constraints

    Approximations for Throughput Maximization

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    In this paper we study the classical problem of throughput maximization. In this problem we have a collection JJ of nn jobs, each having a release time rjr_j, deadline djd_j, and processing time pjp_j. They have to be scheduled non-preemptively on mm identical parallel machines. The goal is to find a schedule which maximizes the number of jobs scheduled entirely in their [rj,dj][r_j,d_j] window. This problem has been studied extensively (even for the case of m=1m=1). Several special cases of the problem remain open. Bar-Noy et al. [STOC1999] presented an algorithm with ratio 11/(1+1/m)m1-1/(1+1/m)^m for mm machines, which approaches 11/e1-1/e as mm increases. For m=1m=1, Chuzhoy-Ostrovsky-Rabani [FOCS2001] presented an algorithm with approximation with ratio 11eε1-\frac{1}{e}-\varepsilon (for any ε>0\varepsilon>0). Recently Im-Li-Moseley [IPCO2017] presented an algorithm with ratio 11/eε01-1/e-\varepsilon_0 for some absolute constant ε0>0\varepsilon_0>0 for any fixed mm. They also presented an algorithm with ratio 1O(logm/m)ε1-O(\sqrt{\log m/m})-\varepsilon for general mm which approaches 1 as mm grows. The approximability of the problem for m=O(1)m=O(1) remains a major open question. Even for the case of m=1m=1 and c=O(1)c=O(1) distinct processing times the problem is open (Sgall [ESA2012]). In this paper we study the case of m=O(1)m=O(1) and show that if there are cc distinct processing times, i.e. pjp_j's come from a set of size cc, then there is a (1ε)(1-\varepsilon)-approximation that runs in time O(nmc7ε6logT)O(n^{mc^7\varepsilon^{-6}}\log T), where TT is the largest deadline. Therefore, for constant mm and constant cc this yields a PTAS. Our algorithm is based on proving structural properties for a near optimum solution that allows one to use a dynamic programming with pruning