2,827,995 research outputs found

    Introductory Editorial

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    The Open Journal of Information Systems is a new open-access journal covering all aspects of information systems. In this introductory issue, we present two articles. In the first article, Kessler et al. present new techniques to achieve better anonymity in time series. In the second article, Iivari introduces a new model from which we can derive recommendations to improve the use of social network services

    The user experience of the open journal systems platform as means to familiarize the master course students with the principles of working with electronic editions

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    The importance of the introduction of information and communication technologies in education is recognized by virtually all foreign countries. This paper presents brief analysis of the publishing platform Open Journal Systems as a teaching tool for future scientists training, the detailed overview of the system and the expediency of its use among other products of that class. Presents the experience of open journal systems implementing in the educational process of the university, as well as the peculiarities of different forms of working of graduate students in the interface of Open Journal Systems. It is presented the structure of the university electronic edition site, and described a technical solution for its implementation by means of Open Journal SystemsВажность внедрения информационно-коммуникационных технологий в системах образования признается практически всеми зарубежными странами. В статье представлен краткий анализ издательской платформы Open Journal Systems как учебного инструмента при подготовке будущих ученых. Осуществлен детальный обзор свойств данной системы и обоснована целесообразность ее использования среди других продуктов соответствующего класса. Изложен опыт внедрения открытых журнальных систем в учебный процесс высшего учебного заведения, а также рассмотрены особенности различных форм работы студентов-магистрантов в интерфейсе Open Journal Systems. Приведена структура сайта университетского электронного издания и описано техническое решение её реализации средствами Open Journal SystemsВажливість упровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у системах освіти визнається практично всіма зарубіжними країнами. У статті представлено стислий аналіз видавничої платформи Open Journal Systems як навчального інструменту у процесі підготовці майбутніх учених. Здійснено детальний огляд властивостей даної системи й обґрунтовано доцільність її використання з-поміж інших продуктів відповідного класу. Викладено досвід впровадження відкритих журнальних систем у навчальний процес вищого навчального закладу, а також розглянуто особливості різних форм роботи студентів- магістрантів у інтерфейсі Open Journal Systems. Наведено структуру сайту університетського електронного видання й описано технічне рішення її реалізації засобами Open Journal System

    Use the "Open Journal Systems" electronic open journal system for information and communication support of the educational process

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    Розглнуто основні напрями використання електронної відкритої журнальної системи Open Journal Systems для інформаційно-комунікаційної підтримки освітнього процесу.The main directions of using the Open Journal Systems for information and communication support of the educational process are discussed

    ISC/OSI Journal Authors Survey Report

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    On behalf of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) a survey of journal authors has been carried out by Key Perspectives Ltd. The terms of reference were to poll a cohort of authors who had published on an open access basis and another cohort of authors who had published their work in conventional journals without making the article available on open access. The survey’s aims were to investigate the authors’ awareness of new open access possibilities, the ease of identification of and submission to open access outlets, their experiences of publishing their work in this way, their concerns about any implications open access publishing may have upon their careers, and the reasons why (or not) they chose to publish through an open access outlet

    Open Journal Systems as ICT for support the scientific communication in the process of psychological and pedagogical research

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    В роботі запропоновано електронну журнальну систему Open Journal Systems як найоптимальнішу інформаційно-комунікаційну технологію підтримки наукової комунікації в процесі проведення психолого-педагогічних досліджень.The paper proposes the electronic journal system "Open Journal Systems" as the most optimal information and communication technology for support the scientific communication in the process of psychological and pedagogical research

    Student-Run Journals and Experiential Learning: Introducing Emerging Library & Information Perspectives

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    Beginning in 2017 the Masters of Library and Information Science program decided to put together a student-run open access academic journal that would be tied together with a scholarly communication and open access course. This journal, Emerging Library & Information Perspectives (ELIP), was developed so that it coincided with course content and allowed students enrolled in the class experiential learning as peer reviewers. ELIP is published digitally and physically by the FIMS Graduate Library using Open Journal Systems, a free and open source software developed by the Public Knowledge Project

    A Retrospective and Prospective Perspective on the Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems

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    The Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems has published two issues per year from 2015 through 2023. The open access journal has fostered research and teaching on information systems and information technology in the Midwest through its openness to a variety of research methodologies, topics, and perspectives. Special issues on health information systems and information security, privacy, and ethics have been published along with several manuscripts on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Midwest businesses and universities. The journal will continue to focus on information systems and information technology research focused on the Midwest and beyond while encouraging additional special issues and research on leading edge topics of interest to scholars and business practitioners

    Invited Panel: Evidence Based Practice (EBP) – The Problem and Challenges, The Need within IS research and practice, Open Access Publishing.

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    Launch of the ‘Journal for Evidence Based Information Systems’ (EBIS): An open access journal for IS researchers and practitioners – An independent journal in association with the UKAI

    Information and analytical support of scientific and pedagogical researches on the basis of electronic open journal systems

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    В тезах виокремлено три основні групи засобів інформаційно-аналітичної підтримки наукових досліджень на основі електронних відкритих журнальних систем, а саме власні плагіни Open Journal Systems, плагіни, розроблені спільнотою користувачів OJS, та статистичні модулі, що постачаються сторонніми ресурсами. Подано коротку характеристику кожного статистичного модуля.The theses identify three main groups of information and analytical support for scientific research on the basis of electronic open journal systems: Open Journal Systems own plugins, plugins developed by the community of OJS users, and statistical modules provided by third-party resources. A brief description of each statistical module was given.В тезисах выделены три основные группы средств информационно-аналитической поддержки научных исследований на основе электронных открытых журнальных систем, а именно собственные плагины Open Journal Systems, плагины, разработанные сообществом пользователей OJS, и статистические модули, поставляемые сторонними ресурсами. Дана краткая характеристика каждого статистического модуля

    Open source repositories: Implications for libraries

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    Software that is accepted as “Open source” should comply with 10 conditions which are itinerated in the paper. The paper subsequently describes the application of open source initiatives in the digital library context. Three open source digital library initiatives developed by the Digital Library Research Group at the Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology, University of Malaya are highlighted. These are; (a) MyManuskrip: digital library of Malay manuscripts; (b) MyAIS : Digital library of Malaysian scholarly journals and conference proceedings; and (d) DSpace@Um: a digital library of dissertations, theses and final year project reports. Other “free” systems such as EJUM: electronic journal of university of Malaya is also described to highlight the slight difference between open source and being free. The paper also describes the libraries involved in the initiatives and the changing eco-system which libraries must accept to embrace the open source culture