7 research outputs found

    Verification of business process workflows

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    Modeling of Business processes is essential in many areas. Workflows represent the Business processes. It is possible to identify potential problems while performing verification of workflows. One of the objectives of the verification is to assure reachability. This includes analysis of the deadlock and tempo blocking freeness properties. The paper presents verification approach based on using an adjacency matrix. Spreadsheets are used as a verification tool. The approach is illustrated by the examples which justify the importance of verification in workflow processes

    Uma Arquitetura de business intelligence para processamento analítico baseado em tecnologias semânticas e em linguagem natural

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2011A necessidade de obtenção e uso de conhecimento para apoio à tomada de decisão motiva a convergência das novas gerações de Business Intelligence (BI) com os instrumentos da Engenharia do Conhecimento. Não obstante a aplicação de tecnologias semânticas e métodos de representação de conhecimento, as pesquisas de BI pouco exploram o uso de linguagem natural para a condução das análises. A metáfora de busca de informações conjeturada na Web Semântica revela-se como tendência para a área de BI. Assim, propõe-se uma arquitetura de BI em que a estratificação das informações estratégicas das fontes de dados corporativas é conduzida por meio da interpretação semântica de perguntas declaradas em linguagem natural. Esta arquitetura aproxima a área de BI da disciplina de Question Answering (QA) e dos formalismos oriundos da Web Semântica em uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Alguns recursos de representação de conhecimento, como ontologia, regras de inferência, padrões idiomáticos e heurísticas auxiliam os módulos funcionais da arquitetura na interpretação de perguntas e na obtenção de cubos OLAP. A demonstração da viabilidade da arquitetura é verificada em um estudo de caso relacionado ao domínio de C&T da Plataforma Lattes Institucional da UFSC. Uma interface analítica foi construída para permitir a entrada de perguntas em idioma português, a interação com o tomador de decisão para a resolução de ambigüidades e a visualização de hipercubos. Assim, tal como o modo de localização de informações já familiarizado por bilhões de usuários da Web, essa pesquisa proporciona um método inovador para auxiliar o processo decisório

    Dynamic Approach to Competitive Intelligence: Case Studies of Large-Scale Swiss Telecom Firms

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    The research aim is to understand how the competitive intelligence (CI) process in large-scale Swiss telecom companies contributes to management decision-making. Studying CI activities of the Swiss large-scale telecom firms (Swisscom, Sunrise, Orange/Salt, Cablecom) in a dynamic European context offers useful insight into the critical challenges that service firms now face when developing intelligence in disruptive market contexts where aggressive competitive behaviour is evident. In considering CI theory, this study has reviewed perspectives drawn from research on the CI process, studies on knowledge management and work on systems thinking. In extending the predominant modular view of CI to include elements of systems thinking, this study has added to our academic understanding of CI at firm level. An Integrative CI Activities framework was developed that enables a more holistic perspective of CI to be adopted, taking account of operational, organisational and strategic perspectives. A diagram representing the range of CI analysis methodologies has also been generated, that differentiates between internal/external orientation and static/dynamic forms of CI analysis. Such frameworks can be used by CI researchers in other market contexts. The methodology for this study drew on a pragmatist philosophy, using a case study strategy that adopted mixed methods in data collection, including semi-structured depth interviews with top CI Analysts in each firm. Findings have shown differences in the scope of CI Activities that link to stages of CI development (developing, developed) and variation between headquarters-centred and firm-centred approaches to CI planning and implementation. The adoption of query based, flexible analysis approaches in firm-centred settings differ from more structured CI analysis techniques in headquarters-based firms. Evidence from this study suggests that networked communication, strong feedback mechanisms and the adoption of more flexible CI analyst roles link to more effective CI processes and to greater potential for direct CI contribution to decision-making. Key contributions emerge through the three lenses of analysis adopted (operational, organisational and strategic); in terms of operational CI processes, the study identifies a complex integrated system at work in firms that implement CI effectively. In studying the link between organisational structure and CI analysis, the study has mapped organisational support patterns and how they shape the CI process at firm level. With respect to the strategic lens, following a detailed worked study of predictive analysis in one case firm, findings have identified adaptiveness in CI design as essential to address disruptive market change. Managerial consideration include a need for a) greater flexibility in CI implementation at firm level to adapt to turbulent markets, b) acknowledgement of the importance of the CI analyst role further and c) more dynamic CI content to be generated by CI analysts

    Hierarchical Multi-Project Planning and Supply Chain Management: an Integrated Framework

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    This work focuses on the need for new knowledge to allow hierarchical multi-project management to be conducted in the construction industry, which is characterised by high uncertainty, fragmentation, complex decisions, dynamic changes and long-distance communication. A dynamic integrated project management approach is required at strategic, tactical and operational levels in order to achieve adaptability. The work sees the multi-project planning and control problem in the context of supply chain management at main contractor companies. A portfolio manager must select and prioritise the projects, bid and negotiate with a wide range of clients, while project managers are dealing with subcontractors, suppliers, etc whose relationships and collaborations are critical to the optimisation of schedules in which time, cost and safety (etc) criteria must be achieved. Literature review and case studies were used to investigate existing approaches to hierarchical multi-project management, to identify the relationships and interactions between the parties concerned, and to investigate the possibilities for integration. A system framework was developed using a multi-agent-system architecture and utilising procedures adapted from literature to deal with short, medium and long-term planning. The framework is based on in-depth case study and integrates time-cost trade-off for project optimisation with multi-attribute utility theory to facilitate project scheduling, subcontractor selection and bid negotiation at the single project level. In addition, at the enterprise level, key performance indicator rule models are devised to align enterprise supply chain configuration (strategic decision) with bid selection and bid preparation/negotiation (tactical decision) and project supply chain selection (operational decision). Across the hierarchical framework the required quantitative and qualitative methods are integrated for project scheduling, risk assessment and subcontractor evaluation. Thus, experience sharing and knowledge management facilitate project planning across the scattered construction sites. The mathematical aspects were verified using real data from in-depth case study and a test case. The correctness, usefulness and applicability of the framework for users was assessed by creating a prototype Multi Agent System-Decision Support System (MAS-DSS) which was evaluated empirically with four case studies in national, international, large and small companies. The positive feedback from these cases indicates strong acceptance of the framework by experienced practitioners. It provides an original contribution to the literature on planning and supply chain management by integrating a practical solution for the dynamic and uncertain complex multi-project environment of the construction industry

    Ontology‐based multi‐agent system to support business users and management / Daugiaagentine sistema grindžiama ontologija verslo vartotojams ir vadybininkams paremti

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    For some decision processes a significant added value is achieved when enterprises’ internal Data Warehouse (DW) can be integrated and combined with external data gained from web sites of competitors and other relevant Web sources. In this paper we discuss the agent‐based integration approach using ontologies (DSS‐MAS). In this approach data from internal DW and external sources are scanned by coordinated group of agents, while semantically integrated and relevant data is reported to business users according to business rules. After data from internal DW, Web sources and business rules are acquired, agents using these data and rules can infer new knowledge and therefore facilitate decision making process. Knowledge represented in enterprises’ ontologies is acquired from business users without extensive technical knowledge using user friendly user interface based on constraints and predefined templates. The approach presented in the paper was verified using the case study from the domain of mobile communications with the emphasis on supply and demand of mobile phones. Santrauka Priimant kai kuriuos sprendimus reikšminga pridetinė vertė pasiekiama, kai įmones duomenų saugykla gali būti integruojama ir sujungiama su išoriniu konkurentų bei kitais svarbiais duomenimis, gaunamais iš interneto šaltiniu. Straipsnyje nagrinejamas tokio uždavinio sprendimas taikant ontologiją ir daugia‐agenčių integracijos metodų grindžiama būdą, naudotą daugiaagentėje sistemoje sprendimams rengti (DSS‐MAS). Taikant ši būdą duomenys iš vidinių duomenų saugyklų ir išorinių šaltiniu nagrinėjami bei renkami koordinuojamų agentų grupių. Veliau semantiškai integruoti bei atrinkti reikšmingi duomenys pateikiami verslo vartotojams pagal galiojančias verslo taisykles. Kai verslo taisykles, duomenys iš vidiniu duomenų saugyklų ir interneto šaltinių yra gauti, agentai naudodami šiuos duomenis, gali išvesti naujas žinias ir palengvinti sprendimu rengimo procesą. Žinios, vaizduojamos įmonės ontologijoje, gaunamos iš verslo vartotoju nekeliant jiems aukštu išsilavinimo reikalavimu, nes naudojama nežalinga sąsaja, kuri grindžiama prasmingais ribojimais ir iš anksto apibrėžtais šablonais. Straipsnyje pateiktas būdas buvo patikrintas nagrinėjant atvejį iš mobiliujų komunikacijų dalykinės srities ir pabrežiant mobiliųjų telefonų tiekimą bei paklausa. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: sprendimų priėmimas, agentai, daugiaagentė sistema, ontologija, duomenų saugykla, informacijos išrinkimas, verslo taisyklės, verslo procesų valdymas, DSS‐MA