37 research outputs found

    Towards an ontology-based platform-independent framework for developing KBE systems in the aerospace industry

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    Aerospace engineering is considered to be one of the most complex and advanced branches of engineering. The use of knowledge based engineering (KBE) technologies has played a major role in automating routine design activities in view of supporting the cost-effective and timely development of a product. However, technologies employed within KBE systems are usually platform-specific. The nature of these platform-specific models has significantly limited knowledge abstraction and reusability in KBE systems. This research paper presents a novel approach that illustrates the use of platform-independent knowledge models for the development of KBE systems in the aerospace industry. The use of semantic technologies through the definition of generic-purposed ontologies has been employed to support the notion of independent knowledge models that strengthens knowledge reusability in KBE systems. This approach has been validated qualitatively through experts’ opinion and its benefit realised in the abstraction, reusability and maintainability of KBE systems

    Leveraging knowledge from different communities using ontologies

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide research based understanding of leveraging knowledge and managing knowledge within and across several communities using the poverty domain as a case study. We hypothesize that leveraging knowledge with a good taxonomy and a good integration process are good approaches to organize and share knowledge. Problems appear when a group of people in different communities share data and collaborate using different perceptions, different concepts, different terms (terminologies), and different semantics to represent the same reality. In this paper we present an approach to solve this problem. We will generate a common set of terms based on the terms of several different storage devices, used by different communities, in order to make data retrieval independent of the different perceptions and terminologies used by those communities. We use ontologies to represent the particular knowledge of each community and discuss the use of mapping and integration techniques to find correspondences between the concepts used in those ontologies

    A novel hybrid engineering methodology to enhance collaboration during the design and development of meta product services

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    Since the Product-Service System (PSS) is accompanied by a paradigm shift towards the sustainability of the production process, it demands an advanced level of collaboration throughout the design and development process. This poses new challenges to enhance collaboration among cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary design teams in order to incorporate a variety of interdisciplinary services in a complex service-oriented system. Therefore, a new collaboration methodology is needed to reduce barriers to collaboration in a cross- organizational structure domain. This research work aims at highlighting the collaboration challenges that Meta-Product design teams face and also proposes a novel methodology to enhance collaboration among multi-disciplinary teams. The proposed methodology is a hybrid engineering model designed by integrating an Information Delivery Manual approach with a traditional software development process along with three interlinked collaboration services

    An Ontology-based approach to integrating life cycle analysis and computer aided design

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    Ponencia presentada en el XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Zaragoza en el año 2008One of the principal problems faced by engineering design today is the exchange of product information across different applications and environments. Ontological engineering systems, an evolution of KBE (Knowledge-Based Engineering) systems, seek to facilitate this integration while incorporating additional design information. An ontology, in the engineering domain, can be defined as an explicit specification of a shared conceptualization. This paper proposes the integration of an ontology with a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program, while also accessing a database of information on environmental impact. The proposed ontology is based on the AsD (Assembly Design) formalism, which describes spatial relationships and features of CAD models. The use of OWL (Web Ontology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) ensures machine interpretability and exchange across different environments. Ultimately, the ontology will be used to represent a CAD model and related information (such as joining methods, materials, tolerances) in formal terms. Concurrently, a database of information on environmental impact of the materials, processes and transport involved will be accessed to evaluate the model on an environmental level. As a practical illustration, the evaluation of an underwater camera is used as an example

    Semantic interoperability for an integrated product development process: a systematic literature review

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    International audienceGlobal competitiveness challenges manufacturing industry to rationalise different ways of bringing to the market new products in a short lead-time with competitive prices while ensuring higher quality levels and customisation. Industries need to effectively share heterogeneous information during Product Development Process (PDP) within and across their institutional boundaries to be competitive. However, problems with misinterpretation and mistakes have been identified during information exchange due to the semantic interoperability obstacles. Thus, this research proposes a systematic literature review to identify the main researches and the milestones reference works on semantic interoperability field. A rigorous methodology was conducted in different databases, covering the articles published in scientific journals from 2005 to 2015 as a preliminary study had indicated that the incidence of articles related to the subject was more frequent from the second half of the 2000s. The research structure consisted of four steps: Survey-searching, analysis and selection of recent researches; Categorization-categorization of the selected papers; References citation frequency analysis-the selected papers were analysed and the main researches and milestones references were identified; and Main researches critical analysis – the main researches were analysed for their contributions and limitations, their contributions and limitations, resulting in 14 selected scientific articles and 8 identified milestones references. It is evident that this field has interesting perspectives on future research opportunities on semantic interoperability of information issues across PDP, contributing to the new concepts of future factories

    Aplicación de OntoRFB a un caso práctico: ¿Taxonomías de funciones o de comportamientos?

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    Ponencia presentada en el XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Zaragoza en el año 2008The development of ontologies in the field of engineering design is progressively gaining relevance. This expansion originates from the improvements achieved once the knowledge available within a design context is formalized and made explicit. Based on a thorough study of the different design theories, Garbacz proposes OntoRFB (Ontologically clean Reconciled Functional Basis); a taxonomy of artifact functions based on DOLCE (Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering) and RFB (Reconciled functional basis) and assessed from a philosophical logic perspective. This work proposes the application of OntoRFB to a practical case: the study of a mechanical pencil. To that avail, a classic analysis from FAST (Function Analysis System Technique) and from value analysis is used. Through this research, an explanation is given of how the functions defined by Garbacz may be interpreted as behaviours, considering the definition given in the FBS (Function- Behaviour-Structure) framework.En el campo de la ingeniería del diseño, el desarrollo de las ontologías cada vez va cobrando más importancia. El origen de esta expansión se debe a las mejoras logradas al formalizar y hacer explícito el conocimiento disponible en un diseño. Basado en un estudio exhaustivo de las diferentes teorías de diseño, Garbacz expone OntoRFB (Base funcional armonizada ontológicamente limpia), una taxonomía de funciones de artefactos, basada en DOLCE (Ontología descriptiva para la ingeniería cognitiva y lingüística) y en RFB (Base funcional reconciliada) y analizada desde una perspectiva de la lógica filosófica. En este trabajo se plantea la aplicación de OntoRFB en un caso práctico: el estudio de un portaminas. Para ello se utiliza el análisis clásico proveniente del FAST (Técnica sistemática de análisis funcional) y del análisis del valor. A partir de esta investigación, se explica cómo las funciones definidas por Garbacz se pueden interpretar como comportamientos, considerando la definición a partir del esquema FBS (Función – Comportamiento - Estructura)

    Las Ontologías y el marco FBS

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    Ponencia presentada en el XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Zaragoza en el año 2008In the past years there have been great advances in the development of ontologies applied to the field of engineering design, essentially in functional and structural models. A great diversity of methodologies for the analysis of the design process in relation to the FBS (Function - Behaviour - Structure) framework have been modelled, thereby attaining a profound knowledge of the subject. Hence, it is possible to carry this knowledge to the industrial domain through the use of ontologies. In the article, an in-depth analysis of the existing methodologies based on the FBS framework is carried out. Later, the focus is shifted onto the ontologies that were based upon the aforementioned framework. From this review, a discussion of the ontologies is made, pointing out their main virtues. The aim is to insist upon the benefits of ontologies and to encourage their wider industrial application.En los últimos años, se han producido grandes avances en el desarrollo de ontologías aplicadas al campo de la ingeniería de diseño, esencialmente en modelos funcionales y estructurales. Se han modelado una gran diversidad de metodologías para el análisis del proceso de diseño en relación al marco FBS (Función – Comportamiento - Estructura), logrando un conocimiento profundo sobre la materia. Con ello, es posible trasladar dicho conocimiento a través de las ontologías al ámbito industrial. En el desarrollo del artículo se realiza un análisis en profundidad de las metodologías existentes basadas en el marco FBS. Posteriormente, se centra en las ontologías que se han basado en el citado marco. A partir de esta revisión, se establece una discusión indicando las principales virtudes. El objetivo es incidir en los beneficios de las ontologías para que este trabajo pueda servir como un primer paso para conseguir una mayor aplicación industrial

    Semantic representation of engineering knowledge:pre-study

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    Template-based geometric transformations of a functionally enriched DMU into FE assembly models

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    International audiencePre-processing of CAD models derived from Digital Mock-Ups (DMUs) into finite element (FE) models is usually completed after many tedious tasks of model preparation and shape transformations. It is highly valuable for simulation engineers to automate time-consuming sequences of assembly preparation processes. Here, it is proposed to use an enriched DMU with geometric interfaces between components (contacts and interferences) and functional properties. Then, the key concept of template-based transformation can connect to assembly functions to locate consistent sets of components in the DMU. Subsequently, sets of shape transformations feed the template content to adapt components to FE requirements. To precisely monitor the friction areas and the mesh around bolts, the template creates sub-domains into their tightened components and preserves the consistency of geometric interfaces for the mesh generation purposes. From a user-selected assembly function, the method is able to robustly identify, locate and transform groups of components while preserving the consistency of the assembly needed for FE models. To enlarge the scope of the template in the assembly function taxonomy, it is shown how the concept of dependent function enforces the geometric and functional consistency of the transformed assembly. To demonstrate the proposed approach, a business oriented prototype processes bolted junctions of aeronautical structures