3 research outputs found

    Mobile application for obesity prevention based on living parameters collection

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    U ovom radu razvijen je sustav za prevenciju pretilosti koji se sastoji od mobilne aplikacije te Fitbit narukvice. Sustav je razvijen u svrhu lakšeg i boljeg praćenje dnevnih aktivnosti korisnika s ciljem alarmiranja i upozoravanja korisnika u situacijama u kojima se nedozvoljeno ponaša, odnosno u situacijama u kojima bi njegova tjelesna težina krenula rasti. Tijekom dana korisnik nosi Fitbit Charge HR koja cijelo vrijeme prikuplja podatke o korisnikovim aktivnostima te ih šalje na web poslužitelj. Nakon što se aplikacija pokrene kreće sinkronizacija s Fitbit narukvicom te dohvaćanje prikupljenih podataka s web poslužitelja. Nakon toga, aplikacija analizira i obrađuje podatke na osnovu čega prosljeđuje odgovarajuću poruku korisniku. Analizom rada aplikacije utvrđena je učinkovitost aplikacije na poticanje veće tjelesne aktivnosti korisnika čime se postiže prevencija pretilosti.This paper elaborates on a system for the obesity prevention developed for the purpose of this final paper. The system consists of a mobile application and Fitbit bracelet. The system was developed in order to facilitate and monitor a user’s daily activities with a purpose of alerting and warning a user in situations where illegal activities are to be undertaken, i.e. in situations where a user’s weight starts to grow. During a day, a user carries Fitbit Charge HR which constantly collects information about a user's activity and sends them to the Web server. Once the application is run, the synchronization with the Fitbit bracelet and retrieval of collected data from the Web server are simultaneously initiated. The application analyzes and processes data upon which, it forwards an appropriate message to a user. Application performance analysis determined the effectiveness of the application to encourage greater body activity of the user and achieving obesity prevention

    Ontology-Based Obesity Tracking System for Children and Adolescents

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    42nd IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2018 -- 23 July 2018 through 27 July 2018 -- -- 140235Obesity is a public health problem that has become widespread worldwide. Obesity may increase the risk for many health problems such as early puberty, Type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and sleep apnea. The detection of obesity in children and adolescents at early stages is important and it is crucial to start individual based treatments. Due to the widespread use of smart mobile devices among family members and increasing number of m-Health applications to fight against obesity as well as other diseases, m-Health applications can be a good choice for early detection of obesity in childhood and adolescence stages. Recently, many studies about mobile-based obesity tracking system that mostly for adults have been done. This research study especially emphases obesity management in childhood and adolescence stages with the contribution of Semantic Web technology. Therefore, the system is an ontology-based obesity tracking system for children and adolescents which has its own Obesity Tracking Ontology and medical semantic rule knowledge base with an inference engine. © 2018 IEEE