9 research outputs found

    ArCo: the Italian Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graph

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    ArCo is the Italian Cultural Heritage knowledge graph, consisting of a network of seven vocabularies and 169 million triples about 820 thousand cultural entities. It is distributed jointly with a SPARQL endpoint, a software for converting catalogue records to RDF, and a rich suite of documentation material (testing, evaluation, how-to, examples, etc.). ArCo is based on the official General Catalogue of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC) - and its associated encoding regulations - which collects and validates the catalogue records of (ideally) all Italian Cultural Heritage properties (excluding libraries and archives), contributed by CH administrators from all over Italy. We present its structure, design methods and tools, its growing community, and delineate its importance, quality, and impact

    Data-Driven Methodology for Knowledge Graph Generation Within the Tourism Domain

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    The tourism and hospitality sectors have become increasingly important in the last few years and the companies operating in this field are constantly challenged with providing new innovative services. At the same time, (big-) data has become the 'new oil' of this century and Knowledge Graphs are emerging as the most natural way to collect, refine, and structure this heterogeneous information. In this paper, we present a methodology for semi-automatic generating a Tourism Knowledge Graph (TKG), which can be used for supporting a variety of intelligent services in this space, and a new ontology for modelling this domain, the Tourism Analytics Ontology (TAO). Our approach processes and integrates data from Booking.com, Airbnb, DBpedia, and GeoNames. Due to its modular structure, it can be easily extended to include new data sources or to apply new enrichment and refinement functions. We report a comprehensive evaluation of the functional, logical, and structural dimensions of TKG and TAO

    Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs

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    Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) have become an established and recognised practice for guaranteeing good quality ontology engineering. There are several ODP repositories where ODPs are shared as well as ontology design methodologies recommending their reuse. Performing rigorous testing is recommended as well for supporting ontology maintenance and validating the resulting resource against its motivating requirements. Nevertheless, it is less than straightforward to find guidelines on how to apply such methodologies for developing domain-specific knowledge graphs. ArCo is the knowledge graph of Italian Cultural Heritage and has been developed by using eXtreme Design (XD), an ODP- and test-driven methodology. During its development, XD has been adapted to the need of the CH domain e.g. gathering requirements from an open, diverse community of consumers, a new ODP has been defined and many have been specialised to address specific CH requirements. This paper presents ArCo and describes how to apply XD to the development and validation of a CH knowledge graph, also detailing the (intellectual) process implemented for matching the encountered modelling problems to ODPs. Relevant contributions also include a novel web tool for supporting unit-testing of knowledge graphs, a rigorous evaluation of ArCo, and a discussion of methodological lessons learned during ArCo development

    Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Intelligent Applications in the Tourism Domain

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    In the current era of big data, the World Wide Web is transitioning from being merely a repository of content to a complex web of data. Two pivotal technologies underpinning this shift are Knowledge Graphs (KGs) and Data Lakes. Concurrently, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a potent means to leverage data, creating knowledge and pioneering new tools across various sectors. Among these advancements, Large Language Models (LLM) stand out as transformative technologies in many domains. This thesis delves into an integrative exploration, juxtaposing the structured world of KGs and the raw data reservoirs of Data Lakes, together with a focus on harnessing LLM to derive meaningful insights in the domain of tourism. Starting with an exposition on the importance of KGs in the present digital milieu, the thesis delineates the creation and management of KGs that utilize entities and their relations to represent intricate data patterns within the tourism sector. In this context, we introduce a semi-automatic methodology for generating a Tourism Knowledge Graph (TKG) and a novel Tourism Analytics Ontology (TAO). Through integrating information from enterprise data lakes with public knowledge graphs, the thesis illustrates the creation of a comprehensive semantic layer built upon the raw data, demonstrating versatility and scalability. Subsequently, we present an in-depth investigation into transformer-based language models, emphasizing their potential and limitations. Addressing the exigency for domain-specific knowledge enrichment, we conduct a methodical study on knowledge enhancement strategies for transformers based language models. The culmination of this thesis is the presentation of an innovative method that fuses large language models with domain-specific knowledge graphs, targeting the optimisation of hospitality offers. This approach integrates domain KGs with feature engineering, enriching data representation in LLMs. Our scientific contributions span multiple dimensions: from devising methodologies for KG construction, especially in tourism, to the design and implementation of a novel ontology; from the analysis and comparison of techniques for enriching LLMs with specialized knowledge, to deploying such methods in a novel framework that effectively combines LLMs and KGs within the context of the tourism domain. In our research, we explore the potential benefits and challenges arising from the integration of knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence, with a specific emphasis on the tourism sector. We believe our findings offer a promising avenue and serve as a foundational platform for subsequent studies and practical implementations for the academic community and the tourism industry alike

    Supporting requirement elicitation and ontology testing in knowledge graph engineering

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    Knowledge graphs and ontologies are closely related concepts in the field of knowledge representation. In recent years, knowledge graphs have gained increasing popularity and are serving as essential components in many knowledge engineering projects that view them as crucial to their success. The conceptual foundation of the knowledge graph is provided by ontologies. Ontology modeling is an iterative engineering process that consists of steps such as the elicitation and formalization of requirements, the development, testing, refactoring, and release of the ontology. The testing of the ontology is a crucial and occasionally overlooked step of the process due to the lack of integrated tools to support it. As a result of this gap in the state-of-the-art, the testing of the ontology is completed manually, which requires a considerable amount of time and effort from the ontology engineers. The lack of tool support is noticed in the requirement elicitation process as well. In this aspect, the rise in the adoption and accessibility of knowledge graphs allows for the development and use of automated tools to assist with the elicitation of requirements from such a complementary source of data. Therefore, this doctoral research is focused on developing methods and tools that support the requirement elicitation and testing steps of an ontology engineering process. To support the testing of the ontology, we have developed XDTesting, a web application that is integrated with the GitHub platform that serves as an ontology testing manager. Concurrently, to support the elicitation and documentation of competency questions, we have defined and implemented RevOnt, a method to extract competency questions from knowledge graphs. Both methods are evaluated through their implementation and the results are promising