24 research outputs found

    An evaluation model for information security strategies in healthcare data systems

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    This thesis presents a newly developed evaluation model, EMISHD (An "Evaluation Model for Information Security Strategies in Healthcare Data Systems") which can address the specific requirements of information security in healthcare sector. Based on a systematic literature review and case study, the information security requirements and the existing evaluation models used to examine the information security strategies of healthcare data systems have been analysed. The requirements of information security in any sector generally vary in line with changes in laws and regulations, and the emergence of new technologies and threats, which require existing information security strategies to be strengthened to deal with new challenges. The systemic review of the existing evaluation models identified from the previous research resulted in the development of a new evaluation model (EMISHD) specifically designed to examine the information security strategies in healthcare data systems according to the specific requirements. A case study of a healthcare organisation in Saudi Arabia is conducted in order to apply the newly developed evaluation model (EMISHD) in a real life case and to validate the evaluation results through observation

    An evaluation model for information security strategies in healthcare data systems

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    This thesis presents a newly developed evaluation model, EMISHD (An "Evaluation Model for Information Security Strategies in Healthcare Data Systems") which can address the specific requirements of information security in healthcare sector. Based on a systematic literature review and case study, the information security requirements and the existing evaluation models used to examine the information security strategies of healthcare data systems have been analysed. The requirements of information security in any sector generally vary in line with changes in laws and regulations, and the emergence of new technologies and threats, which require existing information security strategies to be strengthened to deal with new challenges. The systemic review of the existing evaluation models identified from the previous research resulted in the development of a new evaluation model (EMISHD) specifically designed to examine the information security strategies in healthcare data systems according to the specific requirements. A case study of a healthcare organisation in Saudi Arabia is conducted in order to apply the newly developed evaluation model (EMISHD) in a real life case and to validate the evaluation results through observation

    Farmers’ choice of seed strategy : a case study of farmers’ operational decision making

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    Farmers make challenging and complex decisions almost every day. The focus of this study is farmers’ choice of seed. They can choose to buy certified seed, use seed that they clean from the previous year’s harvest or use a combination. The farmers’ choice of seed is an operational decision, which may have both economic and environmental consequences. They need to consider many factors in their decision, analyse their current situation and future risks. There is no earlier research about farmers’ choice of seed, which means that the present study contributes to a new dimension of research. The farmers’ choice is complex and includes many factors, such as choice of seed, what soil the farmers have, past harvest and the price for crops. In their choice, the farmers have to consider different types of risks. Their cognitive process affects how they make decisions. This study aims to clarify farmers’ decision-making regarding the choice between using purchased certified seed or seed from their own preceding yearÂŽs harvest. The empirical basis consists of data about how 13 Swedish farmers assess this choice, their sources of information and social networks. A qualitative method is suited for this study because the study requires deeper answers from the farmers that participated. To get viewpoints that are more varied the data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework is behavioral theories, i.e., decision-making process, social network, trust and collection of information. The result shows that when farmers choose seed by cleaning the previous year's harvest, this main reason is that they find this cheaper. One farmer, however, chose only certified seed, because he considered certified seed to be a high-quality commodity. Other farmers had the opposite opinion, i.e., cleaned harvest from previous year is of higher quality. Some farmers experienced that they were limited as concerns their choice of seed. The conclusion is that the farmers in this study do not consider the choice of seed to be particularly difficult, because it is an operational decision. They have a habit and experience enough to make these decisions. Furthermore, the farmers’ social network affects the decision making. Not the least, the choice between certified seed and farm-saved seed is influenced by economic factors.Lantbrukare fattar dagligen beslut som kan vara bĂ„de utmanande och komplexa. Fokus i denna studie Ă€r lantbrukarnas val av utsĂ€de. De kan vĂ€lja mellan att köpa certifierat utsĂ€de, rensa utsĂ€de frĂ„n föregĂ„ende Ă„rs skörd eller anvĂ€nda en kombination av bĂ„da metoderna. Lantbrukarnas val av utsĂ€de har bĂ„de ekonomiska och miljömĂ€ssiga konsekvenser. De mĂ„ste vĂ€ga in mĂ„nga faktorer i beslutet, analysera sin nuvarande situation och framtida risker. Studier av lantbrukares beteende vid val av utsĂ€de har aldrig tidigare gjorts, vilket betyder att studien bidrar med en ny dimension till forskning. Studiens problem Ă€r att lantbrukarnas val Ă€r komplexa och inkluderar mĂ„nga faktorer i beslutsprocessen, till exempel val av sort, vilken jord de har, tidigare skörd och spannmĂ„lspriser. I valet mĂ„ste lantbrukaren Ă€ven beakta olika risker. Lantbrukarens kognitiva förmĂ„ga pĂ„verkar besluten. Syftet med studien Ă€r att klargöra lantbrukares beslutsprocess vid val mellan att anvĂ€nda inköpt certifierat utsĂ€de och utsĂ€de frĂ„n tidigare Ă„rs skörd. Studien bygger pĂ„ intervjuer med 13 lantbrukare. Fokus ligger pĂ„ deras bedömningar och vad som pĂ„verkar dessa sĂ„som sociala nĂ€rverk och informationskĂ€llor. En kvalitativ metod Ă€r lĂ€mplig, eftersom studien krĂ€ver djupare svar frĂ„n lantbrukarna. Empirin Ă€r insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att fĂ„ flera synvinklar. Studiens teoretiska bas bestĂ„r av beteendevetenskapliga teorier om beslutsfattande, sociala nĂ€tverk, tillit och informationsinsamling. Resultatet visar att nĂ€r lantbrukarna vĂ€ljer egen rensat utsĂ€de, Ă€r det frĂ€mst för att detta innebĂ€r lĂ€gre kostnader. NĂ„gra lantbrukare upplevde att det fanns begrĂ€sningar vad gĂ€ller deras val av utsĂ€de. En lantbrukare valde enbart certifierat utsĂ€de, eftersom han ansĂ„g att det var en kvalitetsrĂ„vara. Motsatsen uttrycktes av andra lantbrukare, som ansĂ„g att det egna utsĂ€det var en kvalitetsrĂ„vara. Slutsatsen Ă€r att lantbrukarna inte upplever val av utsĂ€de som sĂ€rskilt svĂ„rt, eftersom det Ă€r ett operationellt beslut, och lantbrukarna har en vana och erfarenhet att fatta sĂ„dana beslut. Lantbrukarnas sociala nĂ€tverk pĂ„verkar deras beslutsprocesser. Valet mellan certifierat och egen rensat utsĂ€de pĂ„verkas inte minst av ekonomiska faktorer

    Opportunities for Short Food Supply Chains : attractive communication strategies within a Swedish REKO-ring

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    The interest in locally produced food has increased in Sweden, this has led to several initiatives where consumers can buy products directly from producers. One example of an initiative is REKO-rings, which is an initiative based on contact via the internet, where consumers can shop directly from producers without intermediaries. Initiatives within in SFSC receive support from both the Swedish government and the EU, as REKO-rings are considered to be SFSC that contribute to a more sustainable market. Despite the recognition and an otherwise great interest in REKO-rings, there are few studies on the subject. The aim of the study was to understand how producers communicate with consumers in a SFSC. The study has used a qualitative methodology and had an inductive approach. A case study was conducted with five producers in the network linked to REKO Jönköping-Huskvarna. The gathered data is presented and analysed as a SFSC and a network where communication strategies are used by the producers. In order to fulfil the aim, the research question is about what elements are perceived by producers within SFSC to attract consumers. The research question is analysed and answered based on the theoretical framework of this study which consists of SFSC, network theory and the 4C marketing model. The study's findings show that several elements are perceived as important for the producers when trying to attract consumers. Some of the elements are direct relationship, being active within the network, meeting the consumers demand, generating awareness and informing. An interesting topic for future research would be to include the consumer's perspectives and insights on the communication between producer and consumer in REKO-rings.Intresset för lokalproducerad mat har ökat i Sverige, vilket lett till att flera initiativ dÀr konsumenter kan köpa produkter direkt frÄn producenter har ökat. Ett exempel av ett sÄdant initiativ Àr REKO-ringar, vilket Àr ett initiativ som baseras pÄ kontakt via internet, dÀr konsumenter kan handla direkt ifrÄn lokala producenter utan mellanhÀnder. Initiativ inom SFSCs erhÄller stöd bÄde frÄn den svenska regeringen och EU, dÄ REKO-ringar anses vara SFSCs som bidrar till en mer hÄllbar marknad. Trots erkÀnnandet och ett i övrigt stort intresse för REKO-ringar finns fÄ studier i Àmnet. Syftet med denna studie var att förstÄ hur producenter kommunicerar med konsumenter i en SFSC. Studien anvÀnde sig av en kvalitativ strategi och hade en induktiv ansats. En fallstudie har utförts genom intervjuer med fem producenter i nÀtverket kopplat till REKO Jönköping-Huskvarna. Insamlad data presenteras och analyseras som en SFSC och ett nÀtverk dÀr kommunikationsstrategier anvÀnds av producenterna. För att uppfylla syftet handlar forskningsfrÄgan om vilka element som uppfattas av producenter inom en SFSC för att attrahera konsumenter. ForskningsfrÄgan analyseras och besvaras utifrÄn det teoretiska ramverket i denna uppsats vilket bestÄr av SFSC, nÀtverksteori och 4C marknadsföringsmodell. Studien visar att flera element uppfattas som viktiga för producenterna nÀr de kommunicerar pÄ ett sÀtt som attraherar konsumenter. NÄgra av elementen Àr direkta relationer, möta konsumenternas efterfrÄgan, generera medvetenhet och informera. Ett intressant Àmne för framtida forskning skulle vara att inkludera konsumentens perspektiv och insikter pÄ kommunikationen mellan producent och konsument i REKO-ringar

    Exploring understandings of the competence vocabulary : implications for understanding teacher competence

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore the vocabulary of competence, to analyse conceptualisations of competence and to unravel understandings that then have implications for preparation and professional development of teachers in Scotland. Through discussion of the context for assessing teacher competence and a presentation of the accountability movement’s proposals for criteria that purport to measure teacher competence, differing conceptualisations of teaching are examined. At one end of the spectrum there are conceptions of teaching as a dialectical activity while at the opposite end there are conceptions of teaching as a mechanistic activity. It is the contention of this thesis that the conceptualisation of teacher competence reflects directly on the conceptualisation of teaching that dominates current political thinking on the purposes of education. An analysis of the discourse of competence and the vocabulary of competence is then revelatory of the underlying dimensions and conceptualisations of teaching held by the ‘leadership class’ or ‘policy community’. Following a lengthy critique of alternative conceptions of competence where it is realised that there is little real consensus – even among advocates of competence approaches to training and education – about what constitutes a definitive conceptualisation of competence, there is an attempt to regain ground through an understanding of competence that accords with a more traditional understanding of what the ‘notion of competence’ implies. Competence in this regard is considered as a deep understanding that is actually constitutive of action. Understood, this is not just that understanding lies behind action, but that understanding determines the approach to action. Such a notion of competence reflects how a person conceives their world and what then drives them to action

    A composite index for enhancing sustainability within public housing projects in Libya

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    The attention on sustainable homes is driven by the desire to use more environmentally friendly products, that are aligned with sustainable technologies and which improve the health and wellbeing of the occupants, whilst attributing to the reduction of house building costs over a life cycle. It is widely acknowledged that sustainable homes should satisfy the overarching principles of sustainability, fitting in with the local influences of the regional specialities they are built in. The ambition of the Libyan government for imbedding sustainability within the construction industry could benefit greatly from such a rigorous set of sustainability ssessment-based criteria that aid to design, evaluate and monitor the desired development. The aim of this study is to develop a sustainability-based index of multi-criterion to assist Libyan public home projects in addressing sustainability issues in their activities and strategies. It is argued that well-known sustainable assessment methods are not designed to be used in various countries including Libya. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the appropriateness of using these methods to integrate their commonalities and establish a new scheme of building sustainability-based criteria for the Libyan context. To achieve the aim of this study a variety of research methods and techniques within a triangulated approach have been adopted. These included (1) a focus group interview; (2) a wide questionnaire survey; and the (3) Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (AHP). The components of the developed model were derived from a thorough analysis of data collection obtained from a variety of sources including practitioners and professionals from contractors, the Libyan government, industry, and academia. A triangulation approach has been utilised within and across the methods and techniques adopted. It has facilitated access to different levels of reality, through the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The sustainability-based index that has been developed through this research is composed of 43 criteria, grouped into 7 main categories. Water efficiency ranked at the top with 32 credits, reflecting Libyan crisis due to water scarcity. Whilst Libya has alternative and abundant natural energy resources (i.e. so-lar energy, wend, etc.). This has made energy efficiency issues at the second highest priority (24 credits), which can encourage the adoption of more sustainable, renewable energy resources. Fundamentally, it provides a clear vision of what needs to be addressed and what would enable the achievement of sustainable homes in Libya. Validation has been conducted through a review of the results obtained on the journey of this research. Utilising a group of local and international experts, who have been selected based on their knowledge in sustainable housing and the construction profession, thus providing the basis for a more successful formula and a final model of sustainable housing for the Libyan context. The contribution of this study to the existing body of knowledge is threefold: (i) academic, through addressing significant research questions that have not been addressed before and providing an evidential base of the findings; (ii) procedural, through the development of a comprehensive model to assist Libyan home projects in better addressing sustainability aspects in their activities and strategies; and (iii) methodological, through the use of triangulation, which construction management research haS been reluctant to use in the past, and through the provision of a comprehensive review, successful application and a clear demonstration of the use of focus group interviews and questionnaire methods