21,830 research outputs found

    Online Searching with an Autonomous Robot

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    We discuss online strategies for visibility-based searching for an object hidden behind a corner, using Kurt3D, a real autonomous mobile robot. This task is closely related to a number of well-studied problems. Our robot uses a three-dimensional laser scanner in a stop, scan, plan, go fashion for building a virtual three-dimensional environment. Besides planning trajectories and avoiding obstacles, Kurt3D is capable of identifying objects like a chair. We derive a practically useful and asymptotically optimal strategy that guarantees a competitive ratio of 2, which differs remarkably from the well-studied scenario without the need of stopping for surveying the environment. Our strategy is used by Kurt3D, documented in a separate video.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 12 photographs, 1 table, Latex, submitted for publicatio

    Polygon Exploration with Time-Discrete Vision

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    With the advent of autonomous robots with two- and three-dimensional scanning capabilities, classical visibility-based exploration methods from computational geometry have gained in practical importance. However, real-life laser scanning of useful accuracy does not allow the robot to scan continuously while in motion; instead, it has to stop each time it surveys its environment. This requirement was studied by Fekete, Klein and Nuechter for the subproblem of looking around a corner, but until now has not been considered in an online setting for whole polygonal regions. We give the first algorithmic results for this important algorithmic problem that combines stationary art gallery-type aspects with watchman-type issues in an online scenario: We demonstrate that even for orthoconvex polygons, a competitive strategy can be achieved only for limited aspect ratio A (the ratio of the maximum and minimum edge length of the polygon), i.e., for a given lower bound on the size of an edge; we give a matching upper bound by providing an O(log A)-competitive strategy for simple rectilinear polygons, using the assumption that each edge of the polygon has to be fully visible from some scan point.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, 2 photographs, 3 tables, Latex. Updated some details (title, figures and text) for final journal revision, including explicit assumption of full edge visibilit


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    This paper presents collaboration of behavior based control and fuzzy Q-learning for five legs robot navigation systems. There are many fuzzy Q-learning algorithms that have been proposed to yield individual behavior like obstacle avoidance, find target and so on. However, for complicated tasks, it is needed to combine all behaviors in one control schema using behavior based control. Based this fact, this paper proposes a control schema that incorporate fuzzy q-learning in behavior based schema to overcome complicated tasks in navigation systems of autonomous five legs robot. In the proposed schema, there are two behaviors which is learned by fuzzy q-learning. Other behaviors is constructed in design step. All behaviors are coordinated by hierarchical hybrid coordination node. Simulation results demonstrate that the robot with proposed schema is able to learn the right policy, to avoid obstacle and to find the target. However, Fuzzy q-learning failed to give right policy for the robot to avoid collision in the corner location. Keywords : behavior based control, fuzzy q-learnin


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    Fuzzy Q-learning is extending of Q-learning algorithm that uses fuzzy inference system to enable Q-learning holding continuous action and state. This learning has been implemented in various robot learning application like obstacle avoidance and target searching. However, most of them have not been realized in embedded robot. This paper presents implementation of fuzzy Q-learning for obstacle avoidance navigation in embedded mobile robot. The experimental result demonstrates that fuzzy Q-learning enables robot to be able to learn the right policy i.e. to avoid obstacle

    Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots

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    J. Monroy, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, "Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots", Electronic Nose Technologies and Advances in Machine Olfaction, IGI Global, pp. 244--263, 2018, doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3862-2.ch012 VersiĂłn preprint, con permiso del editorOut of all the components of a mobile robot, its sensorial system is undoubtedly among the most critical ones when operating in real environments. Until now, these sensorial systems mostly relied on range sensors (laser scanner, sonar, active triangulation) and cameras. While electronic noses have barely been employed, they can provide a complementary sensory information, vital for some applications, as with humans. This chapter analyzes the motivation of providing a robot with gas-sensing capabilities and also reviews some of the hurdles that are preventing smell from achieving the importance of other sensing modalities in robotics. The achievements made so far are reviewed to illustrate the current status on the three main fields within robotics olfaction: the classification of volatile substances, the spatial estimation of the gas dispersion from sparse measurements, and the localization of the gas source within a known environment
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