73 research outputs found

    Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design

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    Computer hardware researchers have perennially focussed on improving the performance of computers while stipulating the energy consumption under a strict budget. While several innovations over the years have led to high performance and energy efficient computers, more challenges have also emerged as a fallout. For example, smaller transistor devices in modern multi-core systems are afflicted with several reliability and security concerns, which were inconceivable even a decade ago. Tackling these bottlenecks happens to negatively impact the power and performance of the computers. This dissertation explores novel techniques to gracefully solve some of the pressing challenges of the modern computer design. Specifically, the proposed techniques improve the reliability of on-chip communication fabric under a high power supply noise, increase the energy-efficiency of low-power graphics processing units, and demonstrate an unprecedented security loophole of the low-power computing paradigm through rigorous hardware-based experiments

    A Survey of Software-Defined Networks-on-Chip: Motivations, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Current computing platforms encourage the integration of thousands of processing cores, and their interconnections, into a single chip. Mobile smartphones, IoT, embedded devices, desktops, and data centers use Many-Core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) to exploit their compute power and parallelism to meet the dynamic workload requirements. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) lead to scalable connectivity for diverse applications with distinct traffic patterns and data dependencies. However, when the system executes various applications in traditional NoCs—optimized and fixed at synthesis time—the interconnection nonconformity with the different applications’ requirements generates limitations in the performance. In the literature, NoC designs embraced the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) strategy to evolve into an adaptable interconnection solution for future chips. However, the works surveyed implement a partial Software-Defined Network-on-Chip (SDNoC) approach, leaving aside the SDN layered architecture that brings interoperability in conventional networking. This paper explores the SDNoC literature and classifies it regarding the desired SDN features that each work presents. Then, we described the challenges and opportunities detected from the literature survey. Moreover, we explain the motivation for an SDNoC approach, and we expose both SDN and SDNoC concepts and architectures. We observe that works in the literature employed an uncomplete layered SDNoC approach. This fact creates various fertile areas in the SDNoC architecture where researchers may contribute to Many-Core SoCs designs.Las plataformas informáticas actuales fomentan la integración de miles de núcleos de procesamiento y sus interconexiones, en un solo chip. Los smartphones móviles, el IoT, los dispositivos embebidos, los ordenadores de sobremesa y los centros de datos utilizan sistemas en chip (SoC) de muchos núcleos para explotar su potencia de cálculo y paralelismo para satisfacer los requisitos de las cargas de trabajo dinámicas. Las redes en chip (NoC) conducen a una conectividad escalable para diversas aplicaciones con distintos patrones de tráfico y dependencias de datos. Sin embargo, cuando el sistema ejecuta varias aplicaciones en las NoC tradicionales -optimizadas y fijadas en el momento de síntesis, la disconformidad de la interconexión con los requisitos de las distintas aplicaciones genera limitaciones en el rendimiento. En la literatura, los diseños de NoC adoptaron la estrategia de redes definidas por software (SDN) para evolucionar hacia una solución de interconexión adaptable para los futuros chips. Sin embargo, los trabajos estudiados implementan un enfoque parcial de red definida por software en el chip (SDNoC) de SDN, dejando de lado la arquitectura en capas de SDN que aporta interoperabilidad en la red convencional. Este artículo explora la literatura sobre SDNoC y la clasifica en función de las características SDN que presenta cada trabajo. A continuación, describimos los retos y oportunidades detectados a partir del estudio de la literatura. Además, explicamos la motivación para un enfoque SDNoC, y exponemos los conceptos y arquitecturas de SDN y SDNoC. Observamos que los trabajos en la literatura emplean un enfoque SDNoC por capas no completo. Este hecho crea varias áreas fértiles en la arquitectura SDNoC en las que los investigadores pueden contribuir a los diseños de SoCs de muchos núcleos

    Analyse und Erweiterung eines fehler-toleranten NoC für SRAM-basierte FPGAs in Weltraumapplikationen

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    Data Processing Units for scientific space mission need to process ever higher volumes of data and perform ever complex calculations. But the performance of available space-qualified general purpose processors is just in the lower three digit megahertz range, which is already insufficient for some applications. As an alternative, suitable processing steps can be implemented in hardware on a space-qualified SRAM-based FPGA. However, suitable devices are susceptible against space radiation. At the Institute for Communication and Network Engineering a fault-tolerant, network-based communication architecture was developed, which enables the construction of processing chains on the basis of different processing modules within suitable SRAM-based FPGAs and allows the exchange of single processing modules during runtime, too. The communication architecture and its protocol shall isolate non SEU mitigated or just partial SEU mitigated modules affected by radiation-induced faults to prohibit the propagation of errors within the remaining System-on-Chip. In the context of an ESA study, this communication architecture was extended with further components and implemented in a representative hardware platform. Based on the acquired experiences during the study, this work analyses the actual fault-tolerance characteristics as well as weak points of this initial implementation. At appropriate locations, the communication architecture was extended with mechanisms for fault-detection and fault-differentiation as well as with a hardware-based monitoring solution. Both, the former measures and the extension of the employed hardware-platform with selective fault-injection capabilities for the emulation of radiation-induced faults within critical areas of a non SEU mitigated processing module, are used to evaluate the effects of radiation-induced faults within the communication architecture. By means of the gathered results, further measures to increase fast detection and isolation of faulty nodes are developed, selectively implemented and verified. In particular, the ability of the communication architecture to isolate network nodes without SEU mitigation could be significantly improved.Instrumentenrechner für wissenschaftliche Weltraummissionen müssen ein immer höheres Datenvolumen verarbeiten und immer komplexere Berechnungen ausführen. Die Performanz von verfügbaren qualifizierten Universalprozessoren liegt aber lediglich im unteren dreistelligen Megahertz-Bereich, was für einige Anwendungen bereits nicht mehr ausreicht. Als Alternative bietet sich die Implementierung von entsprechend geeigneten Datenverarbeitungsschritten in Hardware auf einem qualifizierten SRAM-basierten FPGA an. Geeignete Bausteine sind jedoch empfindlich gegenüber der Strahlungsumgebung im Weltraum. Am Institut für Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze wurde eine fehlertolerante netzwerk-basierte Kommunikationsarchitektur entwickelt, die innerhalb eines geeigneten SRAM-basierten FPGAs Datenverarbeitungsmodule miteinander nach Bedarf zu Verarbeitungsketten verbindet, sowie den Austausch von einzelnen Modulen im Betrieb ermöglicht. Nicht oder nur partiell SEU mitigierte Module sollen bei strahlungsbedingten Fehlern im Modul durch das Protokoll und die Fehlererkennungsmechanismen der Kommunikationsarchitektur isoliert werden, um ein Ausbreiten des Fehlers im restlichen System-on-Chip zu verhindern. Im Kontext einer ESA Studie wurde diese Kommunikationsarchitektur um Komponenten erweitert und auf einer repräsentativen Hardwareplattform umgesetzt. Basierend auf den gesammelten Erfahrungen aus der Studie, wird in dieser Arbeit eine Analyse der tatsächlichen Fehlertoleranz-Eigenschaften sowie der Schwachstellen dieser ursprünglichen Implementierung durchgeführt. Die Kommunikationsarchitektur wurde an geeigneten Stellen um Fehlerdetektierungs- und Fehlerunterscheidungsmöglichkeiten erweitert, sowie um eine hardwarebasierte Überwachung ergänzt. Sowohl diese Maßnahmen, als auch die Erweiterung der Hardwareplattform um gezielte Fehlerinjektions-Möglichkeiten zum Emulieren von strahlungsinduzierten Fehlern in kritischen Komponenten eines nicht SEU mitigierten Prozessierungsmoduls werden genutzt, um die tatsächlichen auftretenden Effekte in der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu evaluieren. Anhand der Ergebnisse werden weitere Verbesserungsmaßnahmen speziell zur schnellen Detektierung und Isolation von fehlerhaften Knoten erarbeitet, selektiv implementiert und verifiziert. Insbesondere die Fähigkeit, fehlerhafte, nicht SEU mitigierte Netzwerkknoten innerhalb der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu isolieren, konnte dabei deutlich verbessert werden

    Evolution of Publications, Subjects, and Co-authorships in Network-On-Chip Research From a Complex Network Perspective

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    The academia and industry have been pursuing network-on-chip (NoC) related research since two decades ago when there was an urgency to respond to the scaling and technological challenges imposed on intra-chip communication in SoC designs. Like any other research topic, NoC inevitably goes through its life cycle: A. it started up (2000-2007) and quickly gained traction in its own right; B. it then entered the phase of growth and shakeout (2008-2013) with the research outcomes peaked in 2010 and remained high for another four/five years; C. NoC research was considered mature and stable (2014-2020), with signs showing a steady slowdown. Although from time to time, excellent survey articles on different subjects/aspects of NoC appeared in the open literature, yet there is no general consensus on where we are in this NoC roadmap and where we are heading, largely due to lack of an overarching methodology and tool to assess and quantify the research outcomes and evolution. In this paper, we address this issue from the perspective of three specific complex networks, namely the citation network, the subject citation network, and the co-authorship network. The network structure parameters (e.g., modularity, diameter, etc.) and graph dynamics of the three networks are extracted and analyzed, which helps reveal and explain the reasons and the driving forces behind all the changes observed in NoC research over 20 years. Additional analyses are performed in this study to link interesting phenomena surrounding the NoC area. They include: (1) relationships between communities in citation networks and NoC subjects, (2) measure and visualization of a subject\u27s influence score and its evolution, (3) knowledge flow among the six most popular NoC subjects and their relationships, (4) evolution of various subjects in terms of number of publications, (5) collaboration patterns and cross-community collaboration among the authors in NoC research, (6) interesting observation of career lifetime and productivity among NoC researchers, and finally (7) investigation of whether or not new authors are chasing hot subjects in NoC. All these analyses have led to a prediction of publications, subjects, and co-authorship in NoC research in the near future, which is also presented in the paper

    Reliability-aware and energy-efficient system level design for networks-on-chip

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    2015 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.With CMOS technology aggressively scaling into the ultra-deep sub-micron (UDSM) regime and application complexity growing rapidly in recent years, processors today are being driven to integrate multiple cores on a chip. Such chip multiprocessor (CMP) architectures offer unprecedented levels of computing performance for highly parallel emerging applications in the era of digital convergence. However, a major challenge facing the designers of these emerging multicore architectures is the increased likelihood of failure due to the rise in transient, permanent, and intermittent faults caused by a variety of factors that are becoming more and more prevalent with technology scaling. On-chip interconnect architectures are particularly susceptible to faults that can corrupt transmitted data or prevent it from reaching its destination. Reliability concerns in UDSM nodes have in part contributed to the shift from traditional bus-based communication fabrics to network-on-chip (NoC) architectures that provide better scalability, performance, and utilization than buses. In this thesis, to overcome potential faults in NoCs, my research began by exploring fault-tolerant routing algorithms. Under the constraint of deadlock freedom, we make use of the inherent redundancy in NoCs due to multiple paths between packet sources and sinks and propose different fault-tolerant routing schemes to achieve much better fault tolerance capabilities than possible with traditional routing schemes. The proposed schemes also use replication opportunistically to optimize the balance between energy overhead and arrival rate. As 3D integrated circuit (3D-IC) technology with wafer-to-wafer bonding has been recently proposed as a promising candidate for future CMPs, we also propose a fault-tolerant routing scheme for 3D NoCs which outperforms the existing popular routing schemes in terms of energy consumption, performance and reliability. To quantify reliability and provide different levels of intelligent protection, for the first time, we propose the network vulnerability factor (NVF) metric to characterize the vulnerability of NoC components to faults. NVF determines the probabilities that faults in NoC components manifest as errors in the final program output of the CMP system. With NVF aware partial protection for NoC components, almost 50% energy cost can be saved compared to the traditional approach of comprehensively protecting all NoC components. Lastly, we focus on the problem of fault-tolerant NoC design, that involves many NP-hard sub-problems such as core mapping, fault-tolerant routing, and fault-tolerant router configuration. We propose a novel design-time (RESYN) and a hybrid design and runtime (HEFT) synthesis framework to trade-off energy consumption and reliability in the NoC fabric at the system level for CMPs. Together, our research in fault-tolerant NoC routing, reliability modeling, and reliability aware NoC synthesis substantially enhances NoC reliability and energy-efficiency beyond what is possible with traditional approaches and state-of-the-art strategies from prior work

    Zuverlässige und Energieeffiziente gemischt-kritische Echtzeit On-Chip Systeme

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    Multi- and many-core embedded systems are increasingly becoming the target for many applications that require high performance under varying conditions. A resulting challenge is the control, and reliable operation of such complex multiprocessing architectures under changes, e.g., high temperature and degradation. In mixed-criticality systems where many applications with varying criticalities are consolidated on the same execution platform, fundamental isolation requirements to guarantee non-interference of critical functions are crucially important. While Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are the prevalent solution to provide scalable and efficient interconnects for the multiprocessing architectures, their associated energy consumption has immensely increased. Specifically, hard real-time NoCs must manifest limited energy consumption as thermal runaway in such a core shared resource jeopardizes the whole system guarantees. Thus, dynamic energy management of NoCs, as opposed to the related work static solutions, is highly necessary to save energy and decrease temperature, while preserving essential temporal requirements. In this thesis, we introduce a centralized management to provide energy-aware NoCs for hard real-time systems. The design relies on an energy control network, developed on top of an existing switch arbitration network to allow isolation between energy optimization and data transmission. The energy control layer includes local units called Power-Aware NoC controllers that dynamically optimize NoC energy depending on the global state and applications’ temporal requirements. Furthermore, to adapt to abnormal situations that might occur in the system due to degradation, we extend the concept of NoC energy control to include the entire system scope. That is, online resource management employing hierarchical control layers to treat system degradation (imminent core failures) is supported. The mechanism applies system reconfiguration that involves workload migration. For mixed-criticality systems, it allows flexible boundaries between safety-critical and non-critical subsystems to safely apply the reconfiguration, preserving fundamental safety requirements and temporal predictability. Simulation and formal analysis-based experiments on various realistic usecases and benchmarks are conducted showing significant improvements in NoC energy-savings and in treatment of system degradation for mixed-criticality systems improving dependability over the status quo.Eingebettete Many- und Multi-core-Systeme werden zunehmend das Ziel für Anwendungen, die hohe Anfordungen unter unterschiedlichen Bedinungen haben. Für solche hochkomplexed Multi-Prozessor-Systeme ist es eine grosse Herausforderung zuverlässigen Betrieb sicherzustellen, insbesondere wenn sich die Umgebungseinflüsse verändern. In Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität, in denen viele Anwendungen mit unterschiedlicher Kritikalität auf derselben Ausführungsplattform bedient werden müssen, sind grundlegende Isolationsanforderungen zur Gewährleistung der Nichteinmischung kritischer Funktionen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Während On-Chip Netzwerke (NoCs) häufig als skalierbare Verbindung für die Multiprozessor-Architekturen eingesetzt werden, ist der damit verbundene Energieverbrauch immens gestiegen. Daher sind dynamische Plattformverwaltungen, im Gegensatz zu den statischen, zwingend notwendig, um ein System an die oben genannten Veränderungen anzupassen und gleichzeitig Timing zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir energieeffiziente NoCs für harte Echtzeitsysteme. Das Design basiert auf einem Energiekontrollnetzwerk, das auf einem bestehenden Switch-Arbitration-Netzwerk entwickelt wurde, um eine Isolierung zwischen Energieoptimierung und Datenübertragung zu ermöglichen. Die Energiesteuerungsschicht umfasst lokale Einheiten, die als Power-Aware NoC-Controllers bezeichnet werden und die die NoC-Energie in Abhängigkeit vom globalen Zustand und den zeitlichen Anforderungen der Anwendungen optimieren. Darüber hinaus wird das Konzept der NoC-Energiekontrolle zur Anpassung an Anomalien, die aufgrund von Abnutzung auftreten können, auf den gesamten Systemumfang ausgedehnt. Online- Ressourcenverwaltungen, die hierarchische Kontrollschichten zur Behandlung Abnutzung (drohender Kernausfälle) einsetzen, werden bereitgestellt. Bei Systemen mit gemischter Kritikalität erlaubt es flexible Grenzen zwischen sicherheitskritischen und unkritischen Subsystemen, um die Rekonfiguration sicher anzuwenden, wobei grundlegende Sicherheitsanforderungen erhalten bleiben und Timing Vorhersehbarkeit. Experimente werden auf der Basis von Simulationen und formalen Analysen zu verschiedenen realistischen Anwendungsfallen und Benchmarks durchgeführt, die signifikanten Verbesserungen bei On-Chip Netzwerke-Energieeinsparungen und bei der Behandlung von Abnutzung für Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität zur Verbesserung die Systemstabilität gegenüber dem bisherigen Status quo zeigen

    Thermal-Aware Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Advancements in IC processing technology has led to the innovation and growth happening in the consumer electronics sector and the evolution of the IT infrastructure supporting this exponential growth. One of the most difficult obstacles to this growth is the removal of large amount of heatgenerated by the processing and communicating nodes on the system. The scaling down of technology and the increase in power density is posing a direct and consequential effect on the rise in temperature. This has resulted in the increase in cooling budgets, and affects both the life-time reliability and performance of the system. Hence, reducing on-chip temperatures has become a major design concern for modern microprocessors. This dissertation addresses the thermal challenges at different levels for both 2D planer and 3D stacked systems. It proposes a self-timed thermal monitoring strategy based on the liberal use of on-chip thermal sensors. This makes use of noise variation tolerant and leakage current based thermal sensing for monitoring purposes. In order to study thermal management issues from early design stages, accurate thermal modeling and analysis at design time is essential. In this regard, spatial temperature profile of the global Cu nanowire for on-chip interconnects has been analyzed. It presents a 3D thermal model of a multicore system in order to investigate the effects of hotspots and the placement of silicon die layers, on the thermal performance of a modern ip-chip package. For a 3D stacked system, the primary design goal is to maximise the performance within the given power and thermal envelopes. Hence, a thermally efficient routing strategy for 3D NoC-Bus hybrid architectures has been proposed to mitigate on-chip temperatures by herding most of the switching activity to the die which is closer to heat sink. Finally, an exploration of various thermal-aware placement approaches for both the 2D and 3D stacked systems has been presented. Various thermal models have been developed and thermal control metrics have been extracted. An efficient thermal-aware application mapping algorithm for a 2D NoC has been presented. It has been shown that the proposed mapping algorithm reduces the effective area reeling under high temperatures when compared to the state of the art.Siirretty Doriast