8 research outputs found

    Online Model Estimation of Ultra-Wideband TDOA Measurements for Mobile Robot Localization

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    Ultra-wideband (UWB) localization is a recent technology that promises to outperform many indoor localization methods currently available. Yet, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) positioning scenarios can create large biases in the time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements, and must be addressed with accurate measurement models in order to avoid significant localization errors. In this work, we first develop an efficient, closed-form TDOA error model and analyze its estimation characteristics by calculating the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). We subsequently detail how an online Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is adopted to find an elegant formalism for the maximum likelihood estimate of the model parameters. We perform real experiments on a mobile robot equipped with an UWB emitter, and show that the online estimation algorithm leads to excellent localization performance due to its ability to adapt to the varying NLOS path conditions over time

    Kalman filter based ranging and clock synchronization for ultra wide band sensor networks

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    This Thesis presents the design, implementation, and validation of a Kalman filterbased range estimation technique to precisely calculate the inter-node ranges of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) modules. In addition to that the development and validation of an improved global clock synchronization framework is presented. Noise characteristics of relative time measurements of a stationary UWB anchor pair are first analyzed using an Allan deviation plot. To track the propagation of the imprecise clocks on low cost UWB transceiver platforms, Kalman filters are used in between every anchor pair. These filters track the variation of a remote anchor’s hardware clock relative to it’s own hardware clock, while estimating the time of flight between the anchor pair as a filter state. While adhering to a simple round robin transmission schedule, both inbound and outbound message timestamp data are used to update the filter. These measurements have made the time of flight observable in the chosen state space. A faster relative clock filter convergence has been achieved with the inclusion of the clock offset ratio as a measurement additional to the timestamps. Furthermore, a modified gradient clock synchronization algorithm is used to achieve global clock synchronization throughout the network. A correction term is used in the gradient clock synchronization algorithm to enforce the global clock rate to converge at the average of individual clock rates while achieving asymptotic stability in clock rate error state. Stability of the original and modified methods for time invariant hardware clocks are compared using eigenvalue tests. Experiments are conducted to evaluate synchronization and ranging accuracy of the proposed range estimation approach

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization: A Survey on Theoretical Approaches and Applications

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    Nowadays, the availability of the location information becomes a key factor in today’s communications systems for allowing location based services. In outdoor scenarios, the Mobile Terminal (MT) position is obtained with high accuracy thanks to the Global Positioning System (GPS) or to the standalone cellular systems. However, the main problem of GPS or cellular systems resides in the indoor environment and in scenarios with deep shadowing effect where the satellite or cellular signals are broken. In this paper, we will present a review over different technologies and concepts used to improve indoor localization. Additionally, we will discuss different applications based on different localization approaches. Finally, comprehensive challenges in terms of accuracy, cost, complexity, security, scalability, etc. are presente

    Models and Algorithms for Ultra-Wideband Localization in Single- and Multi-Robot Systems

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    Location is a piece of information that empowers almost any type of application. In contrast to the outdoors, where global navigation satellite systems provide geo-spatial positioning, there are still millions of square meters of indoor space that are unaccounted for by location sensing technology. Moreover, predictions show that people’s activities are likely to shift more and more towards urban and indoor environments– the United Nations predict that by 2020, over 80% of the world’s population will live in cities. Meanwhile, indoor localization is a problem that is not simply solved: people, indoor furnishings, walls and building structures—in the eyes of a positioning sensor, these are all obstacles that create a very challenging environment. Many sensory modalities have difficulty in overcoming such harsh conditions when used alone. For this reason, and also because we aim for a portable, miniaturizable, cost-effective solution, with centimeter-level accuracy, we choose to solve the indoor localization problem with a hybrid approach that consists of two complementary components: ultra-wideband localization, and collaborative localization. In pursuit of the final, hybrid product, our research leads us to ask what benefits collaborative localization can provide to ultra-wideband localization—and vice versa. The road down this path includes diving into these orthogonal sub-domains of indoor localization to produce two independent localization solutions, before finally combining them to conclude our work. As for all systems that can be quantitatively examined, we recognize that the quality of our final product is defined by the rigor of our evaluation process. Thus, a core element of our work is the experimental setup, which we design in a modular fashion, and which we complexify incrementally according to the various stages of our studies. With the goal of implementing an evaluation system that is systematic, repeatable, and controllable, our approach is centered around the mobile robot. We harness this platform to emulate mobile targets, and track it in real-time with a highly reliable ground truth positioning system. Furthermore, we take advantage of the miniature size of our mobile platform, and include multiple entities to form a multi-robot system. This augmented setup then allows us to use the same experimental rigor to evaluate our collaborative localization strategies. Finally, we exploit the consistency of our experiments to perform cross-comparisons of the various results throughout the presented work. Ultra-wideband counts among the most interesting technologies for absolute indoor localization known to date. Owing to its fine delay resolution and its ability to penetrate through various materials, ultra-wideband provides a potentially high ranging accuracy, even in cluttered, non-line-of-sight environments. However, despite its desirable traits, the resolution of non-line-of-sight signals remains a hard problem. In other words, if a non-line-of-sight signal is not recognized as such, it leads to significant errors in the position estimate. Our work improves upon state-of-the-art by addressing the peculiarities of ultra-wideband signal propagation with models that capture the spatiality as well as the multimodal nature of the error statistics. Simultaneously, we take care to develop an underlying error model that is compact and that can be calibrated by means of efficient algorithms. In order to facilitate the usage of our multimodal error model, we use a localization algorithm that is based on particle filters. Our collaborative localization strategy distinguishes itself from prior work by emphasizing cost-efficiency, full decentralization, and scalability. The localization method is based on relative positioning and uses two quantities: relative range and relative bearing. We develop a relative robot detection model that integrates these measurements, and is embedded in our particle filter based localization framework. In addition to the robot detection model, we consider an algorithmic component, namely a reciprocal particle sampling routine, which is designed to facilitate the convergence of a robot’s position estimate. Finally, in order to reduce the complexity of our collaborative localization algorithm, and in order to reduce the amount of positioning data to be communicated between the robots, we develop a particle clustering method, which is used in conjunction with our robot detection model. The final stage of our research investigates the combined roles of collaborative localization and ultra-wideband localization. Numerous experiments are able to validate our overall localization strategy, and show that the performance can be significantly improved when using two complementary sensory modalities. Since the fusion of ultra-wideband positioning sensors with exteroceptive sensors has hardly been considered so far, our studies present pioneering work in this domain. Several insights indicate that collaboration—even if through noisy sensors—is a useful tool to reduce localization errors. In particular, we show that our collaboration strategy can provide the means to minimize the localization error, given that the collaborative design parameters are optimally tuned. Our final results show median localization errors below 10 cm in cluttered environments