7 research outputs found

    Identifying recovery patterns from resource usage data of cluster systems

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    Failure of Cluster Systems has proven to be of adverse effect and it can be costly. System administrators have employed divide and conquer approach to diagnosing the root-cause of such failure in order to take corrective or preventive measures. Most times, event logs are the source of the information about the failures. Events that characterized failures are then noted and categorized as causes of failure. However, not all the ’causative’ events lead to eventual failure, as some faults sequence experience recovery. Such sequences or patterns constitute challenge to system administrators and failure prediction tools as they add to false positives. Their presence are always predicted as “failure causing“, while in reality, they will not. In order to detect such recovery patterns of events from failure patterns, we proposed a novel approach that utilizes resource usage data of cluster systems to identify recovery and failure sequences. We further propose an online detection approach to the same problem. We experiment our approach on data from Ranger Supercomputer System and the results are positive.Keywords: Change point detection; resource usage data; recovery sequence; detection; large-scale HPC system

    Designing Fault Tolerance Strategy by Iterative Redundancy for Component-Based Distributed Computing Systems

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    Reliability is a critical issue for component-based distributed computing systems, some distributed software allows the existence of large numbers of potentially faulty components on an open network. Faults are inevitable in this large-scale, complex, distributed components setting, which may include a lot of untrustworthy parts. How to provide highly reliable component-based distributed systems is a challenging problem and a critical research. Generally, redundancy and replication are utilized to realize the goal of fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose a CFI (critical fault iterative) redundancy technique, by which the efficiency can be guaranteed to make use of resources (e.g., computation and storage) and to create fault-tolerance applications. When operating in an environment with unknown components’ reliability, CFI redundancy is more efficient and adaptive than other techniques (e.g., K-Modular Redundancy and N-Version Programming). In the CFI strategy of redundancy, the function invocation relationships and invocation frequencies are employed to rank the functions’ importance and identify the most vulnerable function implemented via functionally equivalent components. A tradeoff has to be made between efficiency and reliability. In this paper, a formal theoretical analysis and an experimental analysis are presented. Compared with the existing methods, the reliability of components-based distributed system can be greatly improved by tolerating a small part of significant components

    Studying and Detecting Log-related Issues

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    Logs capture valuable information throughout the execution of software systems. The rich knowledge conveyed in logs is leveraged by researchers and practitioners in performing various tasks, both in software development and its operation. Log-related issues, such as missing or having outdated information, may have a large impact on the users who depend on these logs. In this paper, we first perform an empirical study on log-related issues in two large-scale, open-source software systems. We found that the files with log-related issues have undergone statistically significantly more frequent prior changes, and bug fixes. We also found that developers fixing these log-related issues are often not the ones who introduced the logging statement nor the owner of the method containing the logging statement. Maintaining logs is more challenging without experts. Finally, we found that most of the defective logging statements remain unreported for a long period (median 320 days). Once reported, the issues are fixed quickly (median five days). Our empirical findings suggest the need for automated tools that can detect log-related issues promptly. We conducted a manual study and identified seven root-causes of the log-related issues. Based on these root causes, we developed an automated tool that detects four types of log-related issues. Our tool can detect 78 existing inappropriate logging statements reported in 40 log-related issues. We also reported new issues found by our tool to developers and 38 previously unknown issues in the latest release of the subject systems were accepted by developers

    Towards efficient error detection in large-scale HPC systems

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    The need for computer systems to be reliable has increasingly become important as the dependence on their accurate functioning by users increases. The failure of these systems could very costly in terms of time and money. In as much as system's designers try to design fault-free systems, it is practically impossible to have such systems as different factors could affect them. In order to achieve system's reliability, fault tolerance methods are usually deployed; these methods help the system to produce acceptable results even in the presence of faults. Root cause analysis, a dependability method for which the causes of failures are diagnosed for the purpose of correction or prevention of future occurrence is less efficient. It is reactive and would not prevent the first failure from occurring. For this reason, methods with predictive capabilities are preferred; failure prediction methods are employed to predict the potential failures to enable preventive measures to be applied. Most of the predictive methods have been supervised, requiring accurate knowledge of the system's failures, errors and faults. However, with changing system components and system updates, supervised methods are ineffective. Error detection methods allows error patterns to be detected early to enable preventive methods to be applied. Performing this detection in an unsupervised way could be more effective as changes to systems or updates would less affect such a solution. In this thesis, we introduced an unsupervised approach to detecting error patterns in a system using its data. More specifically, the thesis investigates the use of both event logs and resource utilization data to detect error patterns. It addresses both the spatial and temporal aspects of achieving system dependability. The proposed unsupervised error detection method has been applied on real data from two different production systems. The results are positive; showing average detection F-measure of about 75%

    Logging Statements Analysis and Automation in Software Systems with Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Log files are widely used to record runtime information of software systems, such as the timestamp of an event, the name or ID of the component that generated the log, and parts of the state of a task execution. The rich information of logs enables system developers (and operators) to monitor the runtime behavior of their systems and further track down system problems in development and production settings. With the ever-increasing scale and complexity of modern computing systems, the volume of logs is rapidly growing. For example, eBay reported that the rate of log generation on their servers is in the order of several petabytes per day in 2018 [17]. Therefore, the traditional way of log analysis that largely relies on manual inspection (e.g., searching for error/warning keywords or grep) has become an inefficient, a labor intensive, error-prone, and outdated task. The growth of the logs has initiated the emergence of automated tools and approaches for log mining and analysis. In parallel, the embedding of logging statements in the source code is a manual and error-prone task, and developers often might forget to add a logging statement in the software's source code. To address the logging challenge, many e orts have aimed to automate logging statements in the source code, and in addition, many tools have been proposed to perform large-scale log le analysis by use of machine learning and data mining techniques. However, the current logging process is yet mostly manual, and thus, proper placement and content of logging statements remain as challenges. To overcome these challenges, methods that aim to automate log placement and content prediction, i.e., `where and what to log', are of high interest. In addition, approaches that can automatically mine and extract insight from large-scale logs are also well sought after. Thus, in this research, we focus on predicting the log statements, and for this purpose, we perform an experimental study on open-source Java projects. We introduce a log-aware code-clone detection method to predict the location and description of logging statements. Additionally, we incorporate natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning methods to further enhance the performance of the log statements' description prediction. We also introduce deep learning based approaches for automated analysis of software logs. In particular, we analyze execution logs and extract natural language characteristics of logs to enable the application of natural language models for automated log le analysis. Then, we propose automated tools for analyzing log files and measuring the information gain from logs for different log analysis tasks such as anomaly detection. We then continue our NLP-enabled approach by leveraging the state-of-the-art language models, i.e., Transformers, to perform automated log parsing

    Online detection of multi-component interactions in production systems

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    Abstract—We present an online, scalable method for inferring the interactions among the components of large production systems. We validate our approach on more than 1.3 billion lines of log files from eight unmodified production systems, showing that our approach efficiently identifies important relationships among components, handles very large systems with many simultaneous signals in real time, and produces information that is useful to system administrators. Keywords-System management, statistical correlation, modeling, anomalies, signal compression I