64 research outputs found

    Impatient Online Matching

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    We investigate the problem of Min-cost Perfect Matching with Delays (MPMD) in which requests are pairwise matched in an online fashion with the objective to minimize the sum of space cost and time cost. Though linear-MPMD (i.e., time cost is linear in delay) has been thoroughly studied in the literature, it does not well model impatient requests that are common in practice. Thus, we propose convex-MPMD where time cost functions are convex, capturing the situation where time cost increases faster and faster. Since the existing algorithms for linear-MPMD are not competitive any more, we devise a new deterministic algorithm for convex-MPMD problems. For a large class of convex time cost functions, our algorithm achieves a competitive ratio of O(k) on any k-point uniform metric space. Moreover, our deterministic algorithm is asymptotically optimal, which uncover a substantial difference between convex-MPMD and linear-MPMD which allows a deterministic algorithm with constant competitive ratio on any uniform metric space

    Matroid Online Bipartite Matching and Vertex Cover

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    The Adwords and Online Bipartite Matching problems have enjoyed a renewed attention over the past decade due to their connection to Internet advertising. Our community has contributed, among other things, new models (notably stochastic) and extensions to the classical formulations to address the issues that arise from practical needs. In this paper, we propose a new generalization based on matroids and show that many of the previous results extend to this more general setting. Because of the rich structures and expressive power of matroids, our new setting is potentially of interest both in theory and in practice. In the classical version of the problem, the offline side of a bipartite graph is known initially while vertices from the online side arrive one at a time along with their incident edges. The objective is to maintain a decent approximate matching from which no edge can be removed. Our generalization, called Matroid Online Bipartite Matching, additionally requires that the set of matched offline vertices be independent in a given matroid. In particular, the case of partition matroids corresponds to the natural scenario where each advertiser manages multiple ads with a fixed total budget. Our algorithms attain the same performance as the classical version of the problems considered, which are often provably the best possible. We present 1−1/e1-1/e-competitive algorithms for Matroid Online Bipartite Matching under the small bid assumption, as well as a 1−1/e1-1/e-competitive algorithm for Matroid Online Bipartite Matching in the random arrival model. A key technical ingredient of our results is a carefully designed primal-dual waterfilling procedure that accommodates for matroid constraints. This is inspired by the extension of our recent charging scheme for Online Bipartite Vertex Cover.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in EC'1

    Online Algorithms for Maximum Cardinality Matching with Edge Arrivals

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    In the adversarial edge arrival model for maximum cardinality matching, edges of an unknown graph are revealed one-by-one in arbitrary order, and should be irrevocably accepted or rejected. Here, the goal of an online algorithm is to maximize the number of accepted edges while maintaining a feasible matching at any point in time. For this model, the standard greedy heuristic is 1/2-competitive, and on the other hand, no algorithm that outperforms this ratio is currently known, even for very simple graphs. We present a clean Min-Index framework for devising a family of randomized algorithms, and provide a number of positive and negative results in this context. Among these results, we present a 5/9-competitive algorithm when the underlying graph is a forest, and prove that this ratio is best possible within the Min-Index framework. In addition, we prove a new general upper bound of 2/(3+1/phi^2) ~ 0.5914 on the competitiveness of any algorithm in the edge arrival model. Interestingly, this bound holds even for an easier model in which vertices (along with their adjacent edges) arrive online, and when the underlying graph is a tree of maximum degree at most 3

    Online Multidimensional Packing Problems in the Random-Order Model

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    We study online multidimensional variants of the generalized assignment problem which are used to model prominent real-world applications, such as the assignment of virtual machines with multiple resource requirements to physical infrastructure in cloud computing. These problems can be seen as an extension of the well known secretary problem and thus the standard online worst-case model cannot provide any performance guarantee. The prevailing model in this case is the random-order model, which provides a useful realistic and robust alternative. Using this model, we study the d-dimensional generalized assignment problem, where we introduce a novel technique that achieves an O(d)-competitive algorithms and prove a matching lower bound of Omega(d). Furthermore, our algorithm improves upon the best-known competitive-ratio for the online (one-dimensional) generalized assignment problem and the online knapsack problem
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