5 research outputs found

    Knowledge Modeling for Readiness Self-Assessment

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    Online readiness self-assessments are widely used in universities providing distant education, and they can help prospective students to understand the requirements and their readiness to study in these universities. Most of the self-assessment systems are Web-based static questionnaires. In this paper, a novel adaptive online self-assessment system AM I READY is introduced. The system is based on knowledge models, including static and dynamic user model, counseling model and self-assessment process model. It can dynamically filter questions to be asked to a specific user and adjust the contents of webpage dialog between the user and the system according to knowledge models and the user’s responses. The system is more effective and helpful than the usual ones

    An evaluation of programming assistance tools to support the learning of IT programming: a case study in South African secondary schools

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    Worldwide, there is a decline in interest in the computer science profession and in the subject at secondary school level. Novice programmers struggle to understand introductory programming concepts and this difficulty of learning to program is contributing to the lack of interest in the field of computer science. Information Technology (IT) learners in South African secondary schools are novice programmers, introduced to introductory programming concepts in the subject which also includes topics on hardware and system software, e-communication, social and ethical issues, spreadsheets and databases. The difficulties faced by IT learners are worsened by the lack of suitably qualified teachers, a saturated learning programme that allocates very little time to the understanding of complex programming concepts and limited class time where practical examples can be implemented with the support of the IT teacher. This research proposes that IT learners could be supported by a programming assistance tool (PAT). A PAT is a software program that can be used by novice programmers to learn how to program and/or improve their understanding of programming concepts. PATs use different techniques to assist novice programmers. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the use of a PAT impacted IT learners’ understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming. The literature study and feedback from IT learners and teachers were used to identify novice programming difficulties and IT learner programming difficulties, respectively. Selection criteria were derived from the programming difficulties identified. The selection criteria were grouped into three categories, namely, programming concepts, programming knowledge and programming skills. Existing PATs were evaluated using the selection criteria and three PATs, namely, RoboMind, Scratch and B#, were selected as suitable for use by IT learners. RoboMind was adapted in this research study, allowing it to support the Delphi programming language. The three PATs were evaluated by participating IT learners at four schools. The findings of this research provided no conclusive evidence that IT learners who used a PAT had a significantly better understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming than learners who did not use a PAT. IT learner feedback was used to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the three PATs and to provide recommendations for the development of PATs specifically to support IT learners. This research study has provided several theoretical and practical contributions, including the research design, selection criteria, adaptations to RoboMind and the evaluation of the three PATs. In addition, IT teachers and learners have been made aware of PATs and the support that can be provided by these PATs. IT teachers have also been provided with a means of selecting PATs applicable to the IT curriculum. All the research contributions have formed the basis for future work, such as improving and extending RoboMind’s functionality and support of programming concepts, the refinement of the selection criteria and, ultimately, the development of a new PAT, specifically designed to support IT learner understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming

    An evaluation of programming assistance tools to support the learning of IT programming: a case study in South African secondary schools

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    Worldwide, there is a decline in interest in the computer science profession and in the subject at secondary school level. Novice programmers struggle to understand introductory programming concepts and this difficulty of learning to program is contributing to the lack of interest in the field of computer science. Information Technology (IT) learners in South African secondary schools are novice programmers, introduced to introductory programming concepts in the subject which also includes topics on hardware and system software, e-communication, social and ethical issues, spreadsheets and databases. The difficulties faced by IT learners are worsened by the lack of suitably qualified teachers, a saturated learning programme that allocates very little time to the understanding of complex programming concepts and limited class time where practical examples can be implemented with the support of the IT teacher. This research proposes that IT learners could be supported by a programming assistance tool (PAT). A PAT is a software program that can be used by novice programmers to learn how to program and/or improve their understanding of programming concepts. PATs use different techniques to assist novice programmers. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the use of a PAT impacted IT learners’ understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming. The literature study and feedback from IT learners and teachers were used to identify novice programming difficulties and IT learner programming difficulties, respectively. Selection criteria were derived from the programming difficulties identified. The selection criteria were grouped into three categories, namely, programming concepts, programming knowledge and programming skills. Existing PATs were evaluated using the selection criteria and three PATs, namely, RoboMind, Scratch and B#, were selected as suitable for use by IT learners. RoboMind was adapted in this research study, allowing it to support the Delphi programming language. The three PATs were evaluated by participating IT learners at four schools. The findings of this research provided no conclusive evidence that IT learners who used a PAT had a significantly better understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming than learners who did not use a PAT. IT learner feedback was used to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the three PATs and to provide recommendations for the development of PATs specifically to support IT learners. This research study has provided several theoretical and practical contributions, including the research design, selection criteria, adaptations to RoboMind and the evaluation of the three PATs. In addition, IT teachers and learners have been made aware of PATs and the support that can be provided by these PATs. IT teachers have also been provided with a means of selecting PATs applicable to the IT curriculum. All the research contributions have formed the basis for future work, such as improving and extending RoboMind’s functionality and support of programming concepts, the refinement of the selection criteria and, ultimately, the development of a new PAT, specifically designed to support IT learner understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming

    Online self-assessment as a learning method

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    Online Self-Assessment as a Learning Method

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    Algorithms and Programming Languages is a core subject in the BS Degree in Mathematics at the authors' university. Some of the students are very interested in computer science and computer programming but most of them find the subject quite hard. This situation is particularly stressed when concerning theoretic and, in fact, many students point at these contents as the main difficulty of the subject