291 research outputs found

    Provable Robustness for Streaming Models with a Sliding Window

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    The literature on provable robustness in machine learning has primarily focused on static prediction problems, such as image classification, in which input samples are assumed to be independent and model performance is measured as an expectation over the input distribution. Robustness certificates are derived for individual input instances with the assumption that the model is evaluated on each instance separately. However, in many deep learning applications such as online content recommendation and stock market analysis, models use historical data to make predictions. Robustness certificates based on the assumption of independent input samples are not directly applicable in such scenarios. In this work, we focus on the provable robustness of machine learning models in the context of data streams, where inputs are presented as a sequence of potentially correlated items. We derive robustness certificates for models that use a fixed-size sliding window over the input stream. Our guarantees hold for the average model performance across the entire stream and are independent of stream size, making them suitable for large data streams. We perform experiments on speech detection and human activity recognition tasks and show that our certificates can produce meaningful performance guarantees against adversarial perturbations

    Relativistic quantum cryptography

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    In this thesis we explore the benefits of relativistic constraints for cryptography. We first revisit non-communicating models and its applications in the context of interactive proofs and cryptography. We propose bit commitment protocols whose security hinges on communication constraints and investigate its limitations. We explain how some non-communicating models can be justified by special relativity and study the limitations of such models. In particular, we present a framework for analysing security of multiround relativistic protocols. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to analysing specific protocols. We start by considering a recently proposed two-round quantum bit commitment protocol. We propose a fault-tolerant variant of the protocol, present a complete security analysis and report on an experimental implementation performed in collaboration with an experimental group at the University of Geneva. We also propose a new, multiround classical bit commitment protocol and prove its security against classical adversaries. This demonstrates that in the classical world an arbitrarily long commitment can be achieved even if the agents are restricted to occupy a finite region of space. Moreover, the protocol is easy to implement and we report on an experiment performed in collaboration with the Geneva group.Comment: 123 pages, 9 figures, many protocols, a couple of theorems, certainly not enough commas. PhD thesis supervised by Stephanie Wehner at Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapor

    An exploration strategy for non-stationary opponents

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    The success or failure of any learning algorithm is partially due to the exploration strategy it exerts. However, most exploration strategies assume that the environment is stationary and non-strategic. In this work we shed light on how to design exploration strategies in non-stationary and adversarial environments. Our proposed adversarial drift exploration (DE) is able to efficiently explore the state space while keeping track of regions of the environment that have changed. This proposed exploration is general enough to be applied in single agent non-stationary environments as well as in multiagent settings where the opponent changes its strategy in time. We use a two agent strategic interaction setting to test this new type of exploration, where the opponent switches between different behavioral patterns to emulate a non-deterministic, stochastic and adversarial environment. The agent’s objective is to learn a model of the opponent’s strategy to act optimally. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present DE as a strategy for switch detection. Second, we propose a new algorithm called R-max# for learning and planning against non-stationary opponent. To handle such opponents, R-max# reasons and acts in terms of two objectives: (1) to maximize utilities in the short term while learning and (2) eventually explore opponent behavioral changes. We provide theoretical results showing that R-max# is guaranteed to detect the opponent’s switch and learn a new model in terms of finite sample complexity. R-max# makes efficient use of exploration experiences, which results in rapid adaptation and efficient DE, to deal with the non-stationary nature of the opponent. We show experimentally how using DE outperforms the state of the art algorithms that were explicitly designed for modeling opponents (in terms average rewards) in two complimentary domains

    Emergence and resilience in multi-agent reinforcement learning

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    Our world represents an enormous multi-agent system (MAS), consisting of a plethora of agents that make decisions under uncertainty to achieve certain goals. The interaction of agents constantly affects our world in various ways, leading to the emergence of interesting phenomena like life forms and civilizations that can last for many years while withstanding various kinds of disturbances. Building artificial MAS that are able to adapt and survive similarly to natural MAS is a major goal in artificial intelligence as a wide range of potential real-world applications like autonomous driving, multi-robot warehouses, and cyber-physical production systems can be straightforwardly modeled as MAS. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is a promising approach to build such systems which has achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, state-of-the-art MARL commonly assumes very idealized conditions to optimize performance in best-case scenarios while neglecting further aspects that are relevant to the real world. In this thesis, we address emergence and resilience in MARL which are important aspects to build artificial MAS that adapt and survive as effectively as natural MAS do. We first focus on emergent cooperation from local interaction of self-interested agents and introduce a peer incentivization approach based on mutual acknowledgments. We then propose to exploit emergent phenomena to further improve coordination in large cooperative MAS via decentralized planning or hierarchical value function factorization. To maintain multi-agent coordination in the presence of partial changes similar to classic distributed systems, we present adversarial methods to improve and evaluate resilience in MARL. Finally, we briefly cover a selection of further topics that are relevant to advance MARL towards real-world applicability.Unsere Welt stellt ein riesiges Multiagentensystem (MAS) dar, welches aus einer Vielzahl von Agenten besteht, die unter Unsicherheit Entscheidungen treffen müssen, um bestimmte Ziele zu erreichen. Die Interaktion der Agenten beeinflusst unsere Welt stets auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise, wodurch interessante emergente Phänomene wie beispielsweise Lebensformen und Zivilisationen entstehen, die über viele Jahre Bestand haben und dabei unterschiedliche Arten von Störungen überwinden können. Die Entwicklung von künstlichen MAS, die ähnlich anpassungs- und überlebensfähig wie natürliche MAS sind, ist eines der Hauptziele in der künstlichen Intelligenz, da viele potentielle Anwendungen wie zum Beispiel das autonome Fahren, die multi-robotergesteuerte Verwaltung von Lagerhallen oder der Betrieb von cyber-phyischen Produktionssystemen, direkt als MAS formuliert werden können. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, mit dem in den letzten Jahren bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt wurden, um solche Systeme zu entwickeln. Allerdings geht der Stand der Forschung aktuell von sehr idealisierten Annahmen aus, um die Effektivität ausschließlich für Szenarien im besten Fall zu optimieren. Dabei werden weiterführende Aspekte, die für die echte Welt relevant sind, größtenteils außer Acht gelassen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Aspekte Emergenz und Resilienz in MARL betrachtet, welche wichtig für die Entwicklung von anpassungs- und überlebensfähigen künstlichen MAS sind. Es wird zunächst die Entstehung von emergenter Kooperation durch lokale Interaktion von selbstinteressierten Agenten untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz zur Peer-Incentivierung vorgestellt, welcher auf gegenseitiger Anerkennung basiert. Anschließend werden Ansätze zur Nutzung emergenter Phänomene für die Koordinationsverbesserung in großen kooperativen MAS präsentiert, die dezentrale Planungsverfahren oder hierarchische Faktorisierung von Evaluationsfunktionen nutzen. Zur Aufrechterhaltung der Multiagentenkoordination bei partiellen Veränderungen, ähnlich wie in klassischen verteilten Systemen, werden Methoden des Adversarial Learning vorgestellt, um die Resilienz in MARL zu verbessern und zu evaluieren. Abschließend wird kurz eine Auswahl von weiteren Themen behandelt, die für die Einsatzfähigkeit von MARL in der echten Welt relevant sind

    How Physicality Enables Trust: A New Era of Trust-Centered Cyberphysical Systems

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    Multi-agent cyberphysical systems enable new capabilities in efficiency, resilience, and security. The unique characteristics of these systems prompt a reevaluation of their security concepts, including their vulnerabilities, and mechanisms to mitigate these vulnerabilities. This survey paper examines how advancement in wireless networking, coupled with the sensing and computing in cyberphysical systems, can foster novel security capabilities. This study delves into three main themes related to securing multi-agent cyberphysical systems. First, we discuss the threats that are particularly relevant to multi-agent cyberphysical systems given the potential lack of trust between agents. Second, we present prospects for sensing, contextual awareness, and authentication, enabling the inference and measurement of ``inter-agent trust" for these systems. Third, we elaborate on the application of quantifiable trust notions to enable ``resilient coordination," where ``resilient" signifies sustained functionality amid attacks on multiagent cyberphysical systems. We refer to the capability of cyberphysical systems to self-organize, and coordinate to achieve a task as autonomy. This survey unveils the cyberphysical character of future interconnected systems as a pivotal catalyst for realizing robust, trust-centered autonomy in tomorrow's world