65,996 research outputs found

    Interactive Robot Learning for Multimodal Emotion Recognition

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    International audienceInteraction plays a critical role in skills learning for natural communication. In human-robot interaction (HRI), robots can get feedback during the interaction to improve their social abilities. In this context, we propose an interactive robot learning framework using mul-timodal data from thermal facial images and human gait data for online emotion recognition. We also propose a new decision-level fusion method for the multimodal classification using Random Forest (RF) model. Our hybrid online emotion recognition model focuses on the detection of four human emotions (i.e., neutral, happiness, angry, and sadness). After conducting offline training and testing with the hybrid model, the accuracy of the online emotion recognition system is more than 10% lower than the offline one. In order to improve our system, the human verbal feedback is injected into the robot interactive learning. With the new online emotion recognition system, a 12.5% accuracy increase compared with the online system without interactive robot learning is obtained

    Sympathy Begins with a Smile, Intelligence Begins with a Word: Use of Multimodal Features in Spoken Human-Robot Interaction

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    Recognition of social signals, from human facial expressions or prosody of speech, is a popular research topic in human-robot interaction studies. There is also a long line of research in the spoken dialogue community that investigates user satisfaction in relation to dialogue characteristics. However, very little research relates a combination of multimodal social signals and language features detected during spoken face-to-face human-robot interaction to the resulting user perception of a robot. In this paper we show how different emotional facial expressions of human users, in combination with prosodic characteristics of human speech and features of human-robot dialogue, correlate with users' impressions of the robot after a conversation. We find that happiness in the user's recognised facial expression strongly correlates with likeability of a robot, while dialogue-related features (such as number of human turns or number of sentences per robot utterance) correlate with perceiving a robot as intelligent. In addition, we show that facial expression, emotional features, and prosody are better predictors of human ratings related to perceived robot likeability and anthropomorphism, while linguistic and non-linguistic features more often predict perceived robot intelligence and interpretability. As such, these characteristics may in future be used as an online reward signal for in-situ Reinforcement Learning based adaptive human-robot dialogue systems.Comment: Robo-NLP workshop at ACL 2017. 9 pages, 5 figures, 6 table

    Human-robot collaborative task planning using anticipatory brain responses

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    Human-robot interaction (HRI) describes scenarios in which both human and robot work as partners, sharing the same environment or complementing each other on a joint task. HRI is characterized by the need for high adaptability and flexibility of robotic systems toward their human interaction partners. One of the major challenges in HRI is task planning with dynamic subtask assignment, which is particularly challenging when subtask choices of the human are not readily accessible by the robot. In the present work, we explore the feasibility of using electroencephalogram (EEG) based neuro-cognitive measures for online robot learning of dynamic subtask assignment. To this end, we demonstrate in an experimental human subject study, featuring a joint HRI task with a UR10 robotic manipulator, the presence of EEG measures indicative of a human partner anticipating a takeover situation from human to robot or vice-versa. The present work further proposes a reinforcement learning based algorithm employing these measures as a neuronal feedback signal from the human to the robot for dynamic learning of subtask-assignment. The efficacy of this algorithm is validated in a simulation-based study. The simulation results reveal that even with relatively low decoding accuracies, successful robot learning of subtask-assignment is feasible, with around 80% choice accuracy among four subtasks within 17 minutes of collaboration. The simulation results further reveal that scalability to more subtasks is feasible and mainly accompanied with longer robot learning times. These findings demonstrate the usability of EEG-based neuro-cognitive measures to mediate the complex and largely unsolved problem of human-robot collaborative task planning

    Active learning based on computer vision and human-robot interaction for the user profiling and behavior personalization of an autonomous social robot

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    Social robots coexist with humans in situations where they have to exhibit proper communication skills. Since users may have different features and communicative procedures, personalizing human-robot interactions is essential for the success of these interactions. This manuscript presents Active Learning based on computer vision and human-robot interaction for user recognition and profiling to personalize robot behavior. The system identifies people using Intel-face-detection-retail-004 and FaceNet for face recognition and obtains users" information through interaction. The system aims to improve human-robot interaction by (i) using online learning to allow the robot to identify the users and (ii) retrieving users' information to fill out their profiles and adapt the robot's behavior. Since user information is necessary for adapting the robot for each interaction, we hypothesized that users would consider creating their profile by interacting with the robot more entertaining and easier than taking a survey. We validated our hypothesis with three scenarios: the participants completed their profiles using an online survey, by interacting with a dull robot, or with a cheerful robot. The results show that participants gave the cheerful robot a higher usability score (82.14/100 points), and they were more entertained while creating their profiles with the cheerful robot than in the other scenarios. Statistically significant differences in the usability were found between the scenarios using the robot and the scenario that involved the online survey. Finally, we show two scenarios in which the robot interacts with a known user and an unknown user to demonstrate how it adapts to the situation.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects: Robots Sociales para Estimulación Física, Cognitiva y Afectiva de Mayores (ROSES), RTI2018-096338-B-I00, funded by the Spain Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; Robots sociales para mitigar la soledad y el aislamiento en mayores (SOROLI), PID2021-123941OA-I00, funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Spain Ministry of Science and Innovation. This publication is part of the R&D&I project PLEC2021-007819 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/5011000-11033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Toward supervised reinforcement learning with partial states for social HRI

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    Social interacting is a complex task for which machine learning holds particular promise. However, as no sufficiently accurate simulator of human interactions exists today, the learning of social interaction strategies has to happen online in the real world. Actions executed by the robot impact on humans, and as such have to be carefully selected, making it impossible to rely on random exploration. Additionally, no clear reward function exists for social interactions. This implies that traditional approaches used for Reinforcement Learning cannot be directly applied for learning how to interact with the social world. As such we argue that robots will profit from human expertise and guidance to learn social interactions. However, as the quantity of input a human can provide is limited, new methods have to be designed to use human input more efficiently. In this paper we describe a setup in which we combine a framework called Supervised Progressively Autonomous Robot Competencies (SPARC), which allows safer online learning with Reinforcement Learning, with the use of partial states rather than full states to accelerate generalisation and obtain a usable action policy more quickly

    Maximising Coefficiency of Human-Robot Handovers through Reinforcement Learning

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    Handing objects to humans is an essential capability for collaborative robots. Previous research works on human-robot handovers focus on facilitating the performance of the human partner and possibly minimising the physical effort needed to grasp the object. However, altruistic robot behaviours may result in protracted and awkward robot motions, contributing to unpleasant sensations by the human partner and affecting perceived safety and social acceptance. This paper investigates whether transferring the cognitive science principle that “humans act coefficiently as a group” (i.e. simultaneously maximising the benefits of all agents involved) to human-robot cooperative tasks promotes a more seamless and natural interaction. Human-robot coefficiency is first modelled by identifying implicit indicators of human comfort and discomfort as well as calculating the robot energy consumption in performing the desired trajectory. We then present a reinforcement learning approach that uses the human-robot coefficiency score as reward to adapt and learn online the combination of robot interaction parameters that maximises such coefficiency . Results proved that by acting coefficiently the robot could meet the individual preferences of most subjects involved in the experiments, improve the human perceived comfort, and foster trust in the robotic partner

    Multimodal Signal Processing and Learning Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction for an Assistive Bathing Robot

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    We explore new aspects of assistive living on smart human-robot interaction (HRI) that involve automatic recognition and online validation of speech and gestures in a natural interface, providing social features for HRI. We introduce a whole framework and resources of a real-life scenario for elderly subjects supported by an assistive bathing robot, addressing health and hygiene care issues. We contribute a new dataset and a suite of tools used for data acquisition and a state-of-the-art pipeline for multimodal learning within the framework of the I-Support bathing robot, with emphasis on audio and RGB-D visual streams. We consider privacy issues by evaluating the depth visual stream along with the RGB, using Kinect sensors. The audio-gestural recognition task on this new dataset yields up to 84.5%, while the online validation of the I-Support system on elderly users accomplishes up to 84% when the two modalities are fused together. The results are promising enough to support further research in the area of multimodal recognition for assistive social HRI, considering the difficulties of the specific task. Upon acceptance of the paper part of the data will be publicly available

    Comparing Robot and Human guided Personalization: Adaptive Exercise Robots are Perceived as more Competent and Trustworthy

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    Schneider S, Kummert F. Comparing Robot and Human guided Personalization: Adaptive Exercise Robots are Perceived as more Competent and Trustworthy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS. 2020.Learning and matching a user's preference is an essential aspect of achieving a productive collaboration in long-term Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). However, there are different techniques on how to match the behavior of a robot to a user's preference. The robot can be adaptable so that a user can change the robot's behavior to one's need, or the robot can be adaptive and autonomously tries to match its behavior to the user's preference. Both types might decrease the gap between a user's preference and the actual system behavior. However, the Level of Automation (LoA) of the robot is different between both methods. Either the user controls the interaction, or the robot is in control. We present a study on the effects of different LoAs of a Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) on a user's evaluation of the system in an exercising scenario. We implemented an online preference learning system and a user-adaptable system. We conducted a between-subject design study (adaptable robot vs. adaptive robot) with 40 subjects and report our quantitative and qualitative results. The results show that users evaluate the adaptive robots as more competent, warm, and report a higher alliance. Moreover, this increased alliance is significantly mediated by the perceived competence of the system. This result provides empirical evidence for the relation between the LoA of a system, the user's perceived competence of the system, and the perceived alliance with it. Additionally, we provide evidence for a proof-of-concept that the chosen preference learning method (i.e., Double Thompson Sampling (DTS)) is suitable for online HRI

    An online robot collision detection and identification scheme by supervised learning and Bayesian decision theory

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    This article is dedicated to developing an online collision detection and identification (CDI) scheme for human-collaborative robots. The scheme is composed of a signal classifier and an online diagnosor, which monitors the sensory signals of the robot system, detects the occurrence of a physical human-robot interaction, and identifies its type within a short period. In the beginning, we conduct an experiment to construct a data set that contains the segmented physical interaction signals with ground truth. Then, we develop the signal classifier on the data set with the paradigm of supervised learning. To adapt the classifier to the online application with requirements on response time, an auxiliary online diagnosor is designed using the Bayesian decision theory. The diagnosor provides not only a collision identification result but also a confidence index which represents the reliability of the result. Compared to the previous works, the proposed scheme ensures rapid and accurate CDI even in the early stage of a physical interaction. As a result, safety mechanisms can be triggered before further injuries are caused, which is quite valuable and important toward a safe human-robot collaboration. In the end, the proposed scheme is validated on a robot manipulator and applied to a demonstration task with collision reaction strategies. The experimental results reveal that the collisions are detected and classified within 20 ms with an overall accuracy of 99.6%, which confirms the applicability of the scheme to collaborative robots in practice