685 research outputs found

    Online Voltage Stability Assessment for Load Areas Based on the Holomorphic Embedding Method

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    This paper proposes an online steady-state voltage stability assessment scheme to evaluate the proximity to voltage collapse at each bus of a load area. Using a non-iterative holomorphic embedding method (HEM) with a proposed physical germ solution, an accurate loading limit at each load bus can be calculated based on online state estimation on the entire load area and a measurement-based equivalent for the external system. The HEM employs a power series to calculate an accurate Power-Voltage (P-V) curve at each load bus and accordingly evaluates the voltage stability margin considering load variations in the next period. An adaptive two-stage Pade approximants method is proposed to improve the convergence of the power series for accurate determination of the nose point on the P-V curve with moderate computational burden. The proposed method is illustrated in detail on a 4-bus test system and then demonstrated on a load area of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) 48-geneartor, 140-bus power system.Comment: Revised and Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Power System

    Power System Stability Analysis Using Wide Area Measurement System

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    Advances in wide area measurement systems have transformed power system operation from simple visualization, state estimation, and post-mortem analysis tools to real-time protection and control at the systems level. Transient disturbances (such as lightning strikes) exist only for a fraction of a second but create transient stability issues and often trigger cascading type failures. The most common practice to prevent instabilities is with local generator out-of-step protection. Unfortunately, out-of-step protection operation of generators may not be fast enough, and an instability may take down nearby generators and the rest of the system by the time the local generator relay operates. Hence, it is important to assess power system stability over transmission lines as soon as the transient instability is detected instead of relying on purely localized out-of-step protection in generators. This thesis proposes a synchrophasor-based out-of-step prediction methodology at the transmission line level using wide area measurements from optimal phasor measurement unit (PMU) locations in the interconnected system. Voltage and current measurements from wide area measurement systems (WAMS) are utilized to find the swing angles. The proposed scheme was used to predict the first swing out-of-step condition in a Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) 9 bus power system. A coherency analysis was first performed in this multi-machine system to determine the two coherent groups of generators. The coherent generator groups were then represented with a two-machine equivalent system, and the synchrophasor-based out-of-step prediction algorithm then applied to the reduced equivalent system. The coherency among the group of generators was determined within 100 ms for the contingency scenarios tested. The proposed technique is able to predict the instability 141.66 to 408.33 ms before the system actually reaches out-of-step conditions. The power swing trajectory is either a steady-state trajectory, monotonically increasing type (when the system becomes unstable), or oscillatory type (under stable conditions). Un- der large disturbance conditions, the swing could also become non-stationary. The mean and variance of the signal is not constant when it is monotonically increasing or non-stationary. An autoregressive integrated (ARI) approach was developed in this thesis, with differentiation of two successive samples done to make the mean and variance constant and facilitate time series prediction of the swing curve. Electromagnetic transient simulations with a real-time digital simulator (RTDS) were used to test the accuracy of the proposed algorithm with respect to predicting transient in- stability conditions. The studies show that the proposed method is computationally efficient and accurate for larger power systems. The proposed technique was also compared with a conventional two blinder technique and swing center voltage method. The proposed method was also implemented with actual PMU measurements from a relay (General Electric (GE) N60 relay). The testing was carried out with an interface between the N60 relay and the RTDS. The WSCC 9 bus system was modeled in the simulator and the analog time signals from the optimal location in the network communicated to the N60 relay. The synchrophasor data from the PMUs in the N60 were used to back-calculate the rotor angles of the generators in the system. Once the coherency was established, the swing curves for the coherent group of generators were found from time series prediction (ARI model). The test results with the actual PMUs match quite well with the results obtained from virtual PMU-based testing in the RTDS. The calculation times for the time series prediction are also very small. This thesis also discusses a novel out-of-step detection technique that was investigated in the course of this work for an IEEE Power Systems Relaying Committee J-5 Working Group document using real-time measurements of generator accelerating power. Using the derivative or second derivative of a measurement variable significantly amplifies the noise term and has limited the actual application of some methods in the literature, such as local measurements of voltage or voltage deviations at generator terminals. Another problem with the voltage based methods is taking an average over a period; the intermediate values cancel out and, as a result, just the first and last sample values are used to find the speed. This effectively means that the sample values in between are not used. The first solution proposed to overcome this is a polynomial fitting of the points of the calculated derivative points (to calculate speed). The second solution is the integral of the accelerating power method (this eliminates taking a derivative altogether). This technique shows the direct relationship of electrical power deviation to rotor acceleration and the integral of accelerating power to generator speed deviation. The accelerating power changes are straightforward to measure and the values obtained are more stable during transient conditions. A single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system was used for the purpose of verifying the proposed local measurement based method

    Wide-Area Synchrophasor Measurement Applications and Power System Dynamic Modeling

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    The use of synchrophasor measurements system-wide has been providing significant assistance for grid dynamic monitoring, situation awareness and reliability improvement. Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET), as an academia-run synchrophasor measurement system, utilizes a large number of Internet-connected low-cost Frequency Disturbance Recorders (FDRs) installed at the distribution level to measure power system dynamics and provide both online and off-line applications, such as event detection, oscillation modes estimation, event replay, etc. This work aims to further explore applications of the FNET measurements and utilize measurement-based method in dynamic modeling. Measurement-based dynamic reduction is an important application of synchrophasor measurement, especially considering the fact that when the system model is large, measurements provide a precise insight of system dynamics in order to determine equivalent regions. Another important application is to investigate Super Bowl games as an example to evaluate the influence of synchronized human activities on the power system. Featured characteristics drawn from the frequency data detected during the Super Bowl games are discussed. Increased penetration levels of wind generation and retirements of conventional plants have caused concerns about a decline of system inertia and primary frequency response. This work evaluates the impact of wind power on the system inertial response, simulation scenarios with different wind penetration levels are developed based on the U.S. Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) system. A user-defined electrical control model is also introduced to provide inertia and governor control to wind generations. Except for wind generation, frequency regulation can also be achieved by supplementary control of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission line. A multi-terminal Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC model is constructed to prove the effective control. In order to transmit large amount of intermittent and remote renewable energy over long distance to load centers, a potential solution is to upgrade the transmission system at a higher voltage by constructing an overlay HVDC grid on top of the original transmission system. The VSC HVDC model is utilized to build the HVDC overlay grid, and the overlay grid is tested with interconnection models. Conclusions and possible future research topics are given in the end

    Real-time Voltage Stability Monitoring and Control for Load Areas: A Hybrid Approach

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    This dissertation proposes a hybrid approach for real-time monitoring and controlling voltage stability of a load area fed by N tie lines. This hybrid approach integrates both simulation-based and measurement-based approaches for voltage stability assessment (VSA). First, for measurement-based VSA (MBVSA), a new method is proposed for monitoring and control of load areas, which adopts an N+1 buses equivalent system so as to model and monitor individual tie lines of a load area compared to a traditional MBVSA method adopting a Thevenin equivalent. For each tie line, the new method solves the power transfer limit against voltage instability analytically as a function of all parameters of that equivalent, which is online identified from real-time synchronized measurements on boundary buses of the load area. Thus, this new MBVSA method can directly calculate the real-time power transfer limit on each tie line. Second, in order to assess the voltage stability margins under an n-1 contingency, based on the proposed MBVSA method, two sensitivity analyses have been performed, which are respectively for the parameter sensitivity of the equivalent system and the sensitivity of the tie line flow under an n-1 contingency. Third, the proposed MBVSA method implemented for both the real-time condition and potential n-1 contingencies is integrated with the simulation-based VSA approach to form a hybrid approach. The MBVSA method helps reduce the computation burden by eliminating the unimportant contingencies while the simulation-based method provides accurate information for specific “what if” scenarios such as stability limit and margin indices under n-1 contingency conditions. In addition, simulation using the model of the system can provide recommendations for preventive control if potential voltage instability is identified. This proposed hybrid VSA approach has been validated on the NPCC (Northeast Power Coordinating Council) Large-scale Test Bed (LTB) system developed by the CURENT (Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks), and also implemented on the CURENT Hardware Test Bed (HTB) system. The effectiveness of the MBVSA in real-time monitoring and closed-loop control against voltage instability has been validated

    Performance Improvement of Wide-Area-Monitoring-System (WAMS) and Applications Development

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    Wide area monitoring system (WAMS), as an application of situation awareness, provides essential information for power system monitoring, planning, operation, and control. To fully utilize WAMS in smart grid, it is important to investigate and improve its performance, and develop advanced applications based on the data from WAMS. In this dissertation, the work on improving the WAMS performance and developing advanced applications are introduced.To improve the performance of WAMS, the work includes investigation of the impacts of measurement error and the requirements of system based on WAMS, and the solutions. PMU is one of the main sensors for WAMS. The phasor and frequency estimation algorithms implemented highly influence the performance of PMUs, and therefore the WAMS. The algorithms of PMUs are reviewed in Chapter 2. To understand how the errors impact WAMS application, different applications are investigated in Chapter 3, and their requirements of accuracy are given. In chapter 4, the error model of PMUs are developed, regarding different parameters of input signals and PMU operation conditions. The factors influence of accuracy of PMUs are analyzed in Chapter 5, including both internal and external error sources. Specifically, the impacts of increase renewables are analyzed. Based on the analysis above, a novel PMU is developed in Chapter 6, including algorithm and realization. This PMU is able to provide high accurate and fast responding measurements during both steady and dynamic state. It is potential to improve the performance of WAMS. To improve the interoperability, the C37.118.2 based data communication protocol is curtailed and realized for single-phase distribution-level PMUs, which are presented in Chapter 7.WAMS-based applications are developed and introduced in Chapter 8-10. The first application is to use the spatial and temporal characterization of power system frequency for data authentication, location estimation and the detection of cyber-attack. The second application is to detect the GPS attack on the synchronized time interval. The third application is to detect the geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) resulted from GMD and EMP-E3. These applications, benefited from the novel PMU proposed in Chapter 6, can be used to enhance the security and robust of power system
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