416 research outputs found

    SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation

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    Humans excel at transferring manipulation skills across diverse object shapes, poses, and appearances due to their understanding of semantic correspondences between different instances. To endow robots with a similar high-level understanding, we develop a Distilled Feature Field (DFF) for 3D scenes, leveraging large 2D vision models to distill semantic features from multiview images. While current research demonstrates advanced performance in reconstructing DFFs from dense views, the development of learning a DFF from sparse views is relatively nascent, despite its prevalence in numerous manipulation tasks with fixed cameras. In this work, we introduce SparseDFF, a novel method for acquiring view-consistent 3D DFFs from sparse RGBD observations, enabling one-shot learning of dexterous manipulations that are transferable to novel scenes. Specifically, we map the image features to the 3D point cloud, allowing for propagation across the 3D space to establish a dense feature field. At the core of SparseDFF is a lightweight feature refinement network, optimized with a contrastive loss between pairwise views after back-projecting the image features onto the 3D point cloud. Additionally, we implement a point-pruning mechanism to augment feature continuity within each local neighborhood. By establishing coherent feature fields on both source and target scenes, we devise an energy function that facilitates the minimization of feature discrepancies w.r.t. the end-effector parameters between the demonstration and the target manipulation. We evaluate our approach using a dexterous hand, mastering real-world manipulations on both rigid and deformable objects, and showcase robust generalization in the face of object and scene-context variations

    Geometry Matching for Multi-Embodiment Grasping

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    Many existing learning-based grasping approaches concentrate on a single embodiment, provide limited generalization to higher DoF end-effectors and cannot capture a diverse set of grasp modes. We tackle the problem of grasping using multiple embodiments by learning rich geometric representations for both objects and end-effectors using Graph Neural Networks. Our novel method - GeoMatch - applies supervised learning on grasping data from multiple embodiments, learning end-to-end contact point likelihood maps as well as conditional autoregressive predictions of grasps keypoint-by-keypoint. We compare our method against baselines that support multiple embodiments. Our approach performs better across three end-effectors, while also producing diverse grasps. Examples, including real robot demos, can be found at geo-match.github.io

    Dexterous grasping of novel objects from a single view

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    In this thesis, a novel generative-evaluative method was proposed to solve the problem of dexterous grasping of the novel object with a single view. The generative model is learned from human demonstration. The grasps generated by the generative model are used to train the evaluative model. Two novel evaluative network architectures are proposed. The evaluative model is a deep evaluative network that is trained in the simulation. The generative-evaluative method is tested in a real grasp data set with 49 previously unseen challenging objects. The generative-evaluative method achieves a success rate of 78% that outperforms the purely generative method, that has a success rate of 57%. The thesis provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the generative-evaluative method by comparing different deep network architectures

    Deep Learning Approaches to Grasp Synthesis: A Review

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    Grasping is the process of picking up an object by applying forces and torques at a set of contacts. Recent advances in deep learning methods have allowed rapid progress in robotic object grasping. In this systematic review, we surveyed the publications over the last decade, with a particular interest in grasping an object using all six degrees of freedom of the end-effector pose. Our review found four common methodologies for robotic grasping: sampling-based approaches, direct regression, reinforcement learning, and exemplar approaches In addition, we found two “supporting methods” around grasping that use deep learning to support the grasping process, shape approximation, and affordances. We have distilled the publications found in this systematic review (85 papers) into ten key takeaways we consider crucial for future robotic grasping and manipulation research