21 research outputs found

    Predicting protein-protein interactions as a one-class classification problem

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    Protein-protein interactions represent a key step in understanding proteins functions. This is due to the fact that proteins usually work in context of other proteins and rarely function alone. Machine learning techniques have been used to predict protein-protein interactions. However, most of these techniques address this problem as a binary classification problem. While it is easy to get a dataset of interacting protein as positive example, there is no experimentally confirmed non-interacting protein to be considered as a negative set. Therefore, in this paper we solve this problem as a one-class classification problem using One-Class SVM (OCSVM). Using only positive examples (interacting protein pairs) for training, the OCSVM achieves accuracy of 80%. These results imply that protein-protein interaction can be predicted using one-class classifier with reliable accuracy

    External condition removal in bearing diagnostics through EMD and One-Class SVM

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    The removal of the running conditions influencing data acquisitions in rotating machinery is a very important task because it could avoid some misunderstandings when diagnostic techniques are applied. This paper introduces a new parameter that could be able to identify damage in a rotating element of a roller bearing removing the effect of speed and external load. The parameter proposed in this paper is evaluated through Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Our algorithm proposes firstly the decomposition of the acceleration vibration signals into a finite number of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and then the evaluation of the energy for each one of these. Data are acquired both for a healthy bearing and for one with a 450 μm large indentation on a rolling element. Three different speeds and three radial loads are monitored for both cases, so nine conditions can be evaluated for each type of bearing overall. The parameters obtained, namely energy evaluated for a certain number of IMFs, are then used to train a One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM). Healthy data belonging to the nine different conditions are taken into account and OCSVM is trained while other acquisitions are given to the classifier as test object. Since the real class membership is known, we consider how many errors the labelling produces. We compare these results with those obtained by considering a wavelet decomposition. Energies are evaluated for each level of decomposition and the previous approach is then applied to these parameter

    Automated Fault-Detection for Small Satellite Pointing Control Systems Using One-Sided Learning

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    In this paper, we propose a ground-based automated novelty detection system for a small satellite attitude dynamics control system using a one-sided learning algorithm: One-Class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM) method. This fault-detection system was designed to only learn from nominal behavior of the satellite during the commissioning phase and to identify and detect anomalies when there was a subtle behavioral failure in the attitude control system. The detection system was trained by only observing the nominal attitude dynamics behavior of a small satellite for a period of time. Training data was obtained from reaction wheel outputs in a healthy attitude control system, and reaction wheel currents and angular velocities were selected as training features. A one-class classifier was built from a hyperplane decision function during training. An adaptive Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) method was utilized to solve the quadratic problem in the application of OC-SVM algorithm to provide an optimal solution for the hyperplane decision function. Two tests were performed on the system to validate its feasibility and detection accuracy. Untrained reaction wheel bearing failures were added into the attitude control system validation tests to examine whether the fault-detection system was capable of detecting and diagnosing the reaction wheel failures. Training and testing performance for the fault-detection system are presented with discussion

    Radial basis and LVQ neural network algorithm for real time fault diagnosis of bottle filling plant

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    U ovom je radu razvijena umjetna neuronska mreža (ANN) za brzo pronalaženje grešaka na pneumatskom sustavu. Podaci su prikupljeni i procijenjeni smatrajući da sustav radi savršeno, a greške su unaprijed predviđene. Greške uključuju manjak boce, ne funkcioniranje cilindra B za stavljanje poklopca, neispravni cilindar C za stavljanje poklopca na boce, nedovoljan tlak zraka, voda se ne puni i nizak tlak zraka. Tijekom postupka prikupljeni su signali šest senzora te je za ANN kodirano 18 najkarakterističnijih obilježja podataka. Primijenjene su dvije različite umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN) za interpretaciju kodiranih signala. Umjetne neuronske mreže testirane u ispitivanju bile su "learning vector quantization (LVQ)" i "radial basis network (RBN)". Ustanovilo se da te dvije vrste umjetnih neuronskih mreža dobro funkcioniraju u primijenjenim postupcima u sustavu u kojem se sekvencijski podaci ponavljaju.In this study, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed to find faults rapidly on a pneumatic system. The data were saved and evaluated considering system is working perfectly and faults are predetermined. These faults include having no bottle, a nonworking cap closing cylinder B, a nonworking bottle cap closing cylinder C, insufficient air pressure, water not filling and low air pressure faults. The signals of six sensors were collected during the entire sequence and the 18 most descriptive features of the data were encoded to present to the ANNs. Two different ANNs were applied for interpretation of the encoded signals. The ANNs tested in the study were learning vector quantization (LVQ) and radial basis network (RBN). The performance of LVQ and RBN was found to be fine with the presented procedures for a system having very repetitive sequential data

    A novel feature extraction for anomaly detection of roller bearings based on performance improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Teager-Kaiser energy operator

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    Although Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method has been successfully applied to various applications, features extracted using EEMD could not detect anomalies for roller bearings, especially when anomalies includes small defects. In this study a novel feature extraction method is proposed to detect the state of roller bearings. Performance improved EEMD, which is a reliable adaptive method to calculate an appropriate noise amplitude is applied to decompose the acceleration signals into zer0-mean components called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Then, three dimensional feature vectors are created by applying the Teager-Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) to the first three IMFs. The novel features obtained from the healthy bearing signals are utilized to construct the separating hyperplane using one-class support vector machine (SVM). In order to validate the method proposed, a number of operating conditions (shaft speed and load) are considered to generate the data (vibration signals) by means of an assembled test rig. It is shown that the proposed method can successfully identify the states of the new samples (healthy and faulty). The uncertainty of the model prediction is investigated computing Margin and the number of support vectors. It create less complex (less fraction of support vectors) and more reliable (higher Margin) hyperplane than the EEMD method

    A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in a High-Dimensional Classification Problem

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    Background: Large-dimensional data modelling often relies on variable reduction methods in the pre-processing and in the post-processing stage. However, such a reduction usually provides less information and yields a lower accuracy of the model. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to assess the high-dimensional classification problem of recognizing entrepreneurial intentions of students by machine learning methods. Methods/Approach: Four methods were tested: artificial neural networks, CART classification trees, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbour on the same dataset in order to compare their efficiency in the sense of classification accuracy. The performance of each method was compared on ten subsamples in a 10-fold cross-validation procedure in order to assess computing sensitivity and specificity of each model. Results: The artificial neural network model based on multilayer perceptron yielded a higher classification rate than the models produced by other methods. The pairwise t-test showed a statistical significance between the artificial neural network and the k-nearest neighbour model, while the difference among other methods was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Tested machine learning methods are able to learn fast and achieve high classification accuracy. However, further advancement can be assured by testing a few additional methodological refinements in machine learning methods

    A cointegration-based monitoring method for rolling bearings working in time-varying operational conditions

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    Most conventional diagnostic methods for fault diagnosis in rolling bearings are able to work only for the case of stationary operating conditions (constant speed and load), whereas, bearings often work at time-varying conditions. Some methods have been proposed for damage detection in bearings working under time-varying speed conditions. However, their application might increase the instrumentation cost because of providing a phase reference signal. Furthermore, some methods such as order tracking methods can only be applied for limited speed variations. In this study, a novel combined method for fault detection in rolling bearings based on cointegration is proposed for the development of fault features which are sensitive to the presence of defects while in the same time they are insensitive to changes in the operational conditions. The method makes use solely of the measured vibration signals and does not require any additional measurements while it can identify defects even for considerable speed variations. The signals acquired during run-up condition are decomposed into zero-mean modes called intrinsic mode functions using the performance improved ensemble empirical mode decomposition method. Then, the cointegration, which is finding stationary linear combination of some non-stationary time series, is applied to the intrinsic mode functions to extract stationary residuals. The feature vectors are created by applying the Teager–Kaiser energy operator to the obtained stationary residuals. Finally, the feature vectors of the healthy bearing signals are utilized to construct a separating hyperplane using the one-class support vector machine method. Eventually the proposed method was applied to vibration signals measured on an experimental bearing test rig. The results confirm that the method can be successfully applied to distinguish between healthy and faulty bearings even if the shaft speed changes dramatically

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure