5,341 research outputs found


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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2383号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2007/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新447

    A Low-Complexity 6DOF Magnetic Tracking System Based on Pre-Computed Data Sets for Wearable Applications

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    4We present a 6DOF magnetic tracking system based on a low-complexity algorithm, operating with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) orientation estimation and regression functions formed with simulated data sets, capable of running using only a single microcontroller unit (MCU), for use in low-complexity wearable and wireless systems. A prototype based on a commercial magnetometer and IMU, a Cortex-M4 MCU was implemented and tested in both static and dynamic conditions, using a VICON motion tracking system as reference. Static and dynamic spatial accuracy performance is 2.6,mm and 5.4,mm respectively, after applying a calibration procedure based on a two layers Neural Network (NN) and a measured data set. Comparison with the state-of-the-art, supported by a defined Figure-of-Merit (FoM) show excellent performance compared to commercial and research systems in a low-complexity and portable solutionpartially_openopenDavid A. Fernandez Guzman; Paolo Motto Ros; Danilo Demarchi; Marco CrepaldiFernandez Guzman, David A.; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo; Crepaldi, Marc

    Opportunities for asteroid retrieval missions

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    Asteroids and comets are of strategic importance for science in an effort to uncover the formation, evolution and composition of the Solar System. Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) are of particular interest because of their accessibility from Earth, but also because of their speculated wealth of material resources. The exploitation of these resources has long been discussed as a means to lower the cost of future space endeavours. In this chapter, we analyze the possibility of retrieving entire objects from accessible heliocentric orbits and moving them into the Earth’s neighbourhood. The asteroid retrieval transfers are sought from the continuum of low energy transfers enabled by the dynamics of invariant manifolds; specifically, the retrieval transfers target planar, vertical Lyapunov and halo orbit families associated with the collinear equilibrium points of the Sun-Earth Circular Restricted Three Body problem. The judicious use of these dynamical features provides the best opportunity to find extremely low energy transfers for asteroidal material. With the objective to minimise transfer costs, a global search of impulsive transfers connecting the unperturbed asteroid’s orbit with the stable manifold phase of the transfer is performed. A catalogue of asteroid retrieval opportunities of currently known NEOs is presented here. Despite the highly incomplete census of very small asteroids, the catalogue can already be populated with 12 different objects retrievable with less than 500 m/s of Δv. All, but one, of these objects have an expected size in the range that can be met by current propulsion technologies. Moreover, the methodology proposed represents a robust search for future retrieval candidates that can be automatically applied to a growing survey of NEOs

    Development and demonstration of an on-board mission planner for helicopters

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    Mission management tasks can be distributed within a planning hierarchy, where each level of the hierarchy addresses a scope of action, and associated time scale or planning horizon, and requirements for plan generation response time. The current work is focused on the far-field planning subproblem, with a scope and planning horizon encompassing the entire mission and with a response time required to be about two minutes. The far-feld planning problem is posed as a constrained optimization problem and algorithms and structural organizations are proposed for the solution. Algorithms are implemented in a developmental environment, and performance is assessed with respect to optimality and feasibility for the intended application and in comparison with alternative algorithms. This is done for the three major components of far-field planning: goal planning, waypoint path planning, and timeline management. It appears feasible to meet performance requirements on a 10 Mips flyable processor (dedicated to far-field planning) using a heuristically-guided simulated annealing technique for the goal planner, a modified A* search for the waypoint path planner, and a speed scheduling technique developed for this project

    Fault-tolerant computer study

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    A set of building block circuits is described which can be used with commercially available microprocessors and memories to implement fault tolerant distributed computer systems. Each building block circuit is intended for VLSI implementation as a single chip. Several building blocks and associated processor and memory chips form a self checking computer module with self contained input output and interfaces to redundant communications buses. Fault tolerance is achieved by connecting self checking computer modules into a redundant network in which backup buses and computer modules are provided to circumvent failures. The requirements and design methodology which led to the definition of the building block circuits are discussed

    Dynamically optimal treatment allocation using Reinforcement Learning

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    Devising guidance on how to assign individuals to treatment is an important goal in empirical research. In practice, individuals often arrive sequentially, and the planner faces various constraints such as limited budget/capacity, or borrowing constraints, or the need to place people in a queue. For instance, a governmental body may receive a budget outlay at the beginning of a year, and it may need to decide how best to allocate resources within the year to individuals who arrive sequentially. In this and other examples involving inter-temporal trade-offs, previous work on devising optimal policy rules in a static context is either not applicable, or sub-optimal. Here we show how one can use offline observational data to estimate an optimal policy rule that maximizes expected welfare in this dynamic context. We allow the class of policy rules to be restricted for legal, ethical or incentive compatibility reasons. The problem is equivalent to one of optimal control under a constrained policy class, and we exploit recent developments in Reinforcement Learning (RL) to propose an algorithm to solve this. The algorithm is easily implementable with speedups achieved through multiple RL agents learning in parallel processes. We also characterize the statistical regret from using our estimated policy rule by casting the evolution of the value function under each policy in a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) form and using the theory of viscosity solutions to PDEs. We find that the policy regret decays at a n1/2n^{-1/2} rate in most examples; this is the same rate as in the static case.Comment: 67 page

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design