21 research outputs found

    Magnetic field compensation coil design for magnetoencephalography

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    While optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) can be attached to the head of a person and allow for highly sensitive recordings of the human magnetoencephalogram (MEG), they are mostly limited to an operational range of approximately 5 nT. Consequently, even inside a magnetically shielded room (MSR), movements in the remnant magnetic field disable the OPMs. Active suppression of the remnant field utilizing compensation coils is therefore essential. We propose 8 compensation coils on 5 sides of a cube with a side length of approximately 2 m which were optimized for operation inside an MSR. Compared to previously built bi-planar compensation coils, the coils proposed in this report are more complex in geometry and achieved smaller errors for simulated compensation fields. The proposed coils will allow for larger head movements or smaller movement artifacts in future MEG experiments compared to existing coils

    Magnetic Field Mapping and Correction for Moving OP-MEG

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    Background: Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have made moving, wearable magnetoencephalography (MEG) possible. The OPMs typically used for MEG require a low background magnetic field to operate, which is achieved using both passive and active magnetic shielding. However, the background magnetic field is never truly zero Tesla, and so the field at each of the OPMs changes as the participant moves. This leads to position and orientation dependent changes in the measurements, which manifest as low frequency artefacts in MEG data. Objective: We modelled the spatial variation in the magnetic field and used the model to predict the movement artefact found in a dataset. Methods: We demonstrate a method for modelling this field with a triaxial magnetometer, then showed that we can use the same technique to predict the movement artefact in a real OPM-based MEG (OP-MEG) dataset. Results: Using an 86-channel OP-MEG system, we found that this modelling method maximally reduced the power spectral density of the data by 27.8 0.6 dB at 0 Hz, when applied over 5 s non-overlapping windows. Conclusion: The magnetic field inside our state-of-the art magnetically shielded room can be well described by low-order spherical harmonic functions. We achieved a large reduction in movement noise when we applied this model to OP-MEG data. Significance: Real-time implementation of this method could reduce passive shielding requirements for OP-MEG recording and allow the measurement of low-frequency brain activity during natural participant movement

    On-scalp MEG sensor localization using magnetic dipole-like coils: A method for highly accurate co-registration

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    Source modelling in magnetoencephalography (MEG) requires precise co-registration of the sensor array and the anatomical structure of the measured individual\u27s head. In conventional MEG, the positions and orientations of the sensors relative to each other are fixed and known beforehand, requiring only localization of the head relative to the sensor array. Since the sensors in on-scalp MEG are positioned on the scalp, locations of the individual sensors depend on the subject\u27s head shape and size. The positions and orientations of on-scalp sensors must therefore be measured a every recording. This can be achieved by inverting conventional head localization, localizing the sensors relative to the head - rather than the other way around. In this study we present a practical method for localizing sensors using magnetic dipole-like coils attached to the subject\u27s head. We implement and evaluate the method in a set of on-scalp MEG recordings using a 7-channel on-scalp MEG system based on high critical temperature superconducting quantum interference devices (high-T-c SQUIDs). The method allows individually localizing the sensor positions, orientations, and responsivities with high accuracy using only a short averaging time (<= 2 mm, < 3 degrees and < 3%, respectively, with 1-s averaging), enabling continuous sensor localization. Calibrating and jointly localizing the sensor array can further improve the accuracy of position and orientation (< 1 mm and < 1 degrees, respectively, with 1-s coil recordings). We demonstrate source localization of on-scalp recorded somatosensory evoked activity based on coregistration with our method. Equivalent current dipole fits of the evoked responses corresponded well (within 4.2 mm) with those based on a commercial, whole-head MEG system

    Magnetic Field Mapping and Correction for Moving OP-MEG

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    Background: Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have made moving, wearable magnetoencephalography (MEG) possible. The OPMs typically used for MEG require a low background magnetic field to operate, which is achieved using both passive and active magnetic shielding. However, the background magnetic field is never truly zero Tesla, and so the field at each of the OPMs changes as the participant moves. This leads to position and orientation dependent changes in the measurements, which manifest as low frequency artefacts in MEG data. Objective: We model the spatial variation in the magnetic field and use the model to predict the movement artefact found in a dataset. Methods: We demonstrate a method for modelling this field with a triaxial magnetometer, then show that we can use the same technique to predict the movement artefact in a real OPM-based MEG (OP-MEG) dataset. Results: Using an 86-channel OP-MEG system, we found that this modelling method maximally reduced the power spectral density of the data by 27.8 Ā± 0.6 dB at 0 Hz, when applied over 5 s non-overlapping windows. Conclusion: The magnetic field inside our state-of-the art magnetically shielded room can be well described by low-order spherical harmonic functions. We achieved a large reduction in movement noise when we applied this model to OP-MEG data. Significance: Real-time implementation of this method could reduce passive shielding requirements for OP-MEG recording and allow the measurement of low-frequency brain activity during natural participant movement

    Using optically-pumped magnetometers to measure magnetoencephalographic signals in the human cerebellum

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    KEY POINTS: The application of conventional cryogenic magnetoencephalography (MEG) to the study of cerebellar functions is highly limited because typical cryogenic sensor arrays are far away from the cerebellum and naturalistic movement is not allowed in the recording. A new generation of MEG using optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) that can be worn on the head during movement has opened up an opportunity to image the cerebellar electrophysiological activity non-invasively. We use OPMs to record human cerebellar MEG signals elicited by air-puff stimulation to the eye. We demonstrate robust responses in the cerebellum. OPMs pave the way for studying the neurophysiology of the human cerebellum. ABSTRACT: We test the feasibility of an optically pumped magnetometer-based magnetoencephalographic (OP-MEG) system for the measurement of human cerebellar activity. This is to our knowledge the first study investigating the human cerebellar electrophysiology using optically pumped magnetometers. As a proof of principle, we use an air-puff stimulus to the eyeball in order to elicit cerebellar activity that is well characterized in non-human models. In three subjects, we observe an evoked component at approx. 50Ā ms post-stimulus, followed by a second component at approx. 85-115Ā ms post-stimulus. Source inversion localizes both components in the cerebellum, while control experiments exclude potential sources elsewhere. We also assess the induced oscillations, with time-frequency decompositions, and identify additional sources in the occipital lobe, a region expected to be active in our paradigm, and in the neck muscles. Neither of these contributes to the stimulus-evoked responses at 50-115Ā ms. We conclude that OP-MEG technology offers a promising way to advance the understanding of the information processing mechanisms in the human cerebellum

    Non-invasive measurements of ictal and interictal epileptiform activity using optically pumped magnetometers

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    Magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG/EEG) are important techniques for the diagnosis and pre-surgical evaluation of epilepsy. Yet, in current cryogen-based MEG systems the sensors are offset from the scalp, which limits the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and thereby the sensitivity to activity from deep structures such as the hippocampus. This effect is amplified in children, for whom adult-sized fixed-helmet systems are typically too big. Moreover, ictal recordings with fixed-helmet systems are problematic because of limited movement tolerance and/or logistical considerations. Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs) can be placed directly on the scalp, thereby improving SNR and enabling recordings during seizures. We aimed to demonstrate the performance of OPMs in a clinical population. Seven patients with challenging cases of epilepsy underwent MEG recordings using a 12-channel OPM-system and a 306-channel cryogen-based whole-head system: three adults with known deep or weak (low SNR) sources of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs), along with three children with focal epilepsy and one adult with frequent seizures. The consistency of the recorded IEDs across the two systems was assessed. In one patient the OPMs detected IEDs that were not found with the SQUID-system, and in two patients no IEDs were found with either system. For the other patients the OPM data were remarkably consistent with the data from the cryogenic system, noting that these were recorded in different sessions, with comparable SNRs and IED-yields overall. Importantly, the wearability of OPMs enabled the recording of seizure activity in a patient with hyperkinetic movements during the seizure. The observed ictal onset and semiology were in agreement with previous video- and stereo-EEG recordings. The relatively affordable technology, in combination with reduced running and maintenance costs, means that OPM-based MEG could be used more widely than current MEG systems, and may become an affordable alternative to scalp EEG, with the potential benefits of increased spatial accuracy, reduced sensitivity to volume conduction/field spread, and increased sensitivity to deep sources. Wearable MEG thus provides an unprecedented opportunity for epilepsy, and given its patient-friendliness, we envisage that it will not only be used for presurgical evaluation of epilepsy patients, but also for diagnosis after a first seizure

    Real-time, model-based magnetic field correction for moving, wearable MEG

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    Most neuroimaging techniques require the participant to remain still for reliable recordings to be made. Optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) based magnetoencephalography (OP-MEG) however, is a neuroimaging technique which can be used to measure neural signals during large participant movement (approximately 1Ā m) within a magnetically shielded room (MSR) (Boto et al., 2018; Seymour et al., 2021). Nevertheless, environmental magnetic fields vary both spatially and temporally and OPMs can only operate within a limited magnetic field range, which constrains participant movement. Here we implement real-time updates to electromagnetic coils mounted on-board of the OPMs, to cancel out the changing background magnetic fields. The coil currents were chosen based on a continually updating harmonic model of the background magnetic field, effectively implementing homogeneous field correction (HFC) in real-time (Tierney et al., 2021). During a stationary, empty room recording, we show an improvement in very low frequency noise of 24Ā dB. In an auditory paradigm, during participant movement of up to 2Ā m within a magnetically shielded room, introduction of the real-time correction more than doubled the proportion of trials in which no sensor saturated recorded outside of a 50Ā cm radius from the optimally-shielded centre of the room. The main advantage of such model-based (rather than direct) feedback is that it could allow one to correct field components along unmeasured OPM axes, potentially mitigating sensor gain and calibration issues (Borna et al., 2022)

    Wearable neuroimaging: Combining and contrasting magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography

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    One of the most severe limitations of functional neuroimaging techniques, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG), is that participants must maintain a fixed head position during data acquisition. This imposes restrictions on the characteristics of the experimental cohorts that can be scanned and the experimental questions that can be addressed. For these reasons, the use of ā€˜wearableā€™ neuroimaging, in which participants can move freely during scanning, is attractive. The most successful example of wearable neuroimaging is electroencephalography (EEG), which employs lightweight and flexible instrumentation that makes it useable in almost any experimental setting. However, EEG has major technical limitations compared to MEG, and therefore the development of wearable MEG, or hybrid MEG/EEG systems, is a compelling prospect. In this paper, we combine and compare EEG and MEG measurements, the latter made using a new generation of optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs). We show that these new second generation commercial OPMs, can be mounted on the scalp in an ā€˜EEG-likeā€™ cap, enabling the acquisition of high fidelity electrophysiological measurements. We show that these sensors can be used in conjunction with conventional EEG electrodes, offering the potential for the development of hybrid MEG/EEG systems. We compare concurrently measured signals, showing that, whilst both modalities offer high quality data in stationary subjects, OPM-MEG measurements are less sensitive to artefacts produced when subjects move. Finally, we show using simulations that OPM-MEG offers a fundamentally better spatial specificity than EEG. The demonstrated technology holds the potential to revolutionise the utility of functional brain imaging, exploiting the flexibility of wearable systems to facilitate hitherto impractical experimental paradigms

    Wearable neuroimaging: Combining and contrasting magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography

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    One of the most severe limitations of functional neuroimaging techniques, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG), is that participants must maintain a fixed head position during data acquisition. This imposes restrictions on the characteristics of the experimental cohorts that can be scanned and the experimental questions that can be addressed. For these reasons, the use of ā€˜wearableā€™ neuroimaging, in which participants can move freely during scanning, is attractive. The most successful example of wearable neuroimaging is electroencephalography (EEG), which employs lightweight and flexible instrumentation that makes it useable in almost any experimental setting. However, EEG has major technical limitations compared to MEG, and therefore the development of wearable MEG, or hybrid MEG/EEG systems, is a compelling prospect. In this paper, we combine and compare EEG and MEG measurements, the latter made using a new generation of optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs). We show that these new second generation commercial OPMs, can be mounted on the scalp in an ā€˜EEG-likeā€™ cap, enabling the acquisition of high fidelity electrophysiological measurements. We show that these sensors can be used in conjunction with conventional EEG electrodes, offering the potential for the development of hybrid MEG/EEG systems. We compare concurrently measured signals, showing that, whilst both modalities offer high quality data in stationary subjects, OPM-MEG measurements are less sensitive to artefacts produced when subjects move. Finally, we show using simulations that OPM-MEG offers a fundamentally better spatial specificity than EEG. The demonstrated technology holds the potential to revolutionise the utility of functional brain imaging, exploiting the flexibility of wearable systems to facilitate hitherto impractical experimental paradigms