11 research outputs found

    Doubly robust Bayesian inference for non-stationary streaming data with β-divergences

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    We present the very first robust Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection algorithm through General Bayesian Inference (GBI) with β-divergences. The resulting inference procedure is doubly robust for both the predictive and the changepoint (CP) posterior, with linear time and constant space complexity. We provide a construction for exponential models and demonstrate it on the Bayesian Linear Regression model. In so doing, we make two additional contributions: Firstly, we make GBI scalable using Structural Variational approximations that are exact as β→0 . Secondly, we give a principled way of choosing the divergence parameter β by minimizing expected predictive loss on-line. We offer the state of the art and improve the False Discovery Rate of CP S by more than 80% on real world data

    Spatio-temporal Bayesian on-line changepoint detection with model selection

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    Bayesian On-line Changepoint Detection is extended to on-line model selection and non-stationary spatio-temporal processes. We propose spatially structured Vector Autoregressions (VARs) for modelling the process between changepoints (CPs) and give an upper bound on the approximation error of such models. The resulting algorithm performs prediction, model selection and CP detection on-line. Its time complexity is linear and its space complexity constant, and thus it is two orders of magnitudes faster than its closest competitor. In addition, it outperforms the state of the art for multivariate data.Comment: 10 pages, 7f figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning 201

    Restarted Bayesian Online Change-point Detector achieves Optimal Detection Delay

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider the problem of sequential change-point detection where both the changepoints and the distributions before and after the change are assumed to be unknown. For this problem of primary importance in statistical and sequential learning theory, we derive a variant of the Bayesian Online Change Point Detector proposed by (Fearnhead & Liu, 2007) which is easier to analyze than the original version while keeping its powerful message-passing algorithm. We provide a non-asymptotic analysis of the false-alarm rate and the detection delay that matches the existing lower-bound. We further provide the first explicit high-probability control of the detection delay for such approach. Experiments on synthetic and realworld data show that this proposal outperforms the state-of-art change-point detection strategy, namely the Improved Generalized Likelihood Ratio (Improved GLR) while compares favorably with the original Bayesian Online Change Point Detection strategy

    Multiple-Change-Point Modeling and Exact Bayesian Inference of Degradation Signal for Prognostic Improvement

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    Prognostics play an increasingly important role in modern engineering systems for smart maintenance decision-making. In parametric regression-based approaches, the parametric models are often too rigid to model degradation signals in many applications. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian multiple-change-point (CP) modeling framework to better capture the degradation path and improve the prognostics. At the offline modeling stage, a novel stochastic process is proposed to model the joint prior of CPs and positions. All hyperparameters are estimated through an empirical two-stage process. At the online monitoring and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction stage, a recursive updating algorithm is developed to exactly calculate the posterior distribution and RUL prediction sequentially. To control the computational cost, a fixed-support-size strategy in the online model updating and a partial Monte Carlo strategy in the RUL prediction are proposed. The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method are demonstrated through thorough simulation and real case studies