8,567 research outputs found

    Learning recurrent representations for hierarchical behavior modeling

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    We propose a framework for detecting action patterns from motion sequences and modeling the sensory-motor relationship of animals, using a generative recurrent neural network. The network has a discriminative part (classifying actions) and a generative part (predicting motion), whose recurrent cells are laterally connected, allowing higher levels of the network to represent high level phenomena. We test our framework on two types of data, fruit fly behavior and online handwriting. Our results show that 1) taking advantage of unlabeled sequences, by predicting future motion, significantly improves action detection performance when training labels are scarce, 2) the network learns to represent high level phenomena such as writer identity and fly gender, without supervision, and 3) simulated motion trajectories, generated by treating motion prediction as input to the network, look realistic and may be used to qualitatively evaluate whether the model has learnt generative control rules

    Learning Surrogate Models of Document Image Quality Metrics for Automated Document Image Processing

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    Computation of document image quality metrics often depends upon the availability of a ground truth image corresponding to the document. This limits the applicability of quality metrics in applications such as hyperparameter optimization of image processing algorithms that operate on-the-fly on unseen documents. This work proposes the use of surrogate models to learn the behavior of a given document quality metric on existing datasets where ground truth images are available. The trained surrogate model can later be used to predict the metric value on previously unseen document images without requiring access to ground truth images. The surrogate model is empirically evaluated on the Document Image Binarization Competition (DIBCO) and the Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition (H-DIBCO) datasets

    Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing

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    報告番号: 甲15222 ; 学位授与年月日: 2000-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4717号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科情報工学専

    Towards Practicality of Sketch-Based Visual Understanding

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    Sketches have been used to conceptualise and depict visual objects from pre-historic times. Sketch research has flourished in the past decade, particularly with the proliferation of touchscreen devices. Much of the utilisation of sketch has been anchored around the fact that it can be used to delineate visual concepts universally irrespective of age, race, language, or demography. The fine-grained interactive nature of sketches facilitates the application of sketches to various visual understanding tasks, like image retrieval, image-generation or editing, segmentation, 3D-shape modelling etc. However, sketches are highly abstract and subjective based on the perception of individuals. Although most agree that sketches provide fine-grained control to the user to depict a visual object, many consider sketching a tedious process due to their limited sketching skills compared to other query/support modalities like text/tags. Furthermore, collecting fine-grained sketch-photo association is a significant bottleneck to commercialising sketch applications. Therefore, this thesis aims to progress sketch-based visual understanding towards more practicality.Comment: PhD thesis successfully defended by Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Supervisor: Prof. Yi-Zhe Song, Thesis Examiners: Prof Stella Yu and Prof Adrian Hilto

    On-the-fly Historical Handwritten Text Annotation

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    The performance of information retrieval algorithms depends upon the availability of ground truth labels annotated by experts. This is an important prerequisite, and difficulties arise when the annotated ground truth labels are incorrect or incomplete due to high levels of degradation. To address this problem, this paper presents a simple method to perform on-the-fly annotation of degraded historical handwritten text in ancient manuscripts. The proposed method aims at quick generation of ground truth and correction of inaccurate annotations such that the bounding box perfectly encapsulates the word, and contains no added noise from the background or surroundings. This method will potentially be of help to historians and researchers in generating and correcting word labels in a document dynamically. The effectiveness of the annotation method is empirically evaluated on an archival manuscript collection from well-known publicly available datasets

    A First Step Towards Nuance-Oriented Interfaces for Virtual Environments

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    Designing usable interfaces for virtual environments (VEs) is not a trivial task. Much of the difficulty stems from the complexity and volume of the input data. Many VEs, in the creation of their interfaces, ignore much of the input data as a result of this. Using machine learning (ML), we introduce the notion of a nuance that can be used to increase the precision and power of a VE interface. An experiment verifying the existence of nuances using a neural network (NN) is discussed and a listing of guidelines to follow is given. We also review reasons why traditional ML techniques are difficult to apply to this problem

    Deep Learning: Our Miraculous Year 1990-1991

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    In 2020, we will celebrate that many of the basic ideas behind the deep learning revolution were published three decades ago within fewer than 12 months in our "Annus Mirabilis" or "Miraculous Year" 1990-1991 at TU Munich. Back then, few people were interested, but a quarter century later, neural networks based on these ideas were on over 3 billion devices such as smartphones, and used many billions of times per day, consuming a significant fraction of the world's compute.Comment: 37 pages, 188 references, based on work of 4 Oct 201