4 research outputs found

    On-line algorithms for networks of temporal constraints

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    AbstractWe consider a semi-dynamic setting for the Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem (TCSP), where we are requested to maintain the path-consistency of a network under a sequence of insertions of new (further) constraints between pairs of variables. We show how to maintain the path-consistency in O(nR3) amortized time on a sequence of Θ(n2) insertions, where n is the number of vertices of the network and R is its range, defined as the maximum size of the minimum interval containing all the intervals of a single constraint.Furthermore we extend our algorithms to deal with more general temporal networks where variables can be points and/or intervals and constraints can also be defined on pairs of different kinds of variables. For such cases our algorithms maintain their performance. Finally, we adapt our algorithms to also maintain the arc-consistency of such generalized networks in O(R) amortized time for Θ(n2) insertions