19,183 research outputs found

    Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs

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    The recent increase of interest in the graph invariant called tree-depth and in its applications in algorithms and logic on graphs led to a natural question: is there an analogously useful "depth" notion also for dense graphs (say; one which is stable under graph complementation)? To this end, in a 2012 conference paper, a new notion of shrub-depth has been introduced, such that it is related to the established notion of clique-width in a similar way as tree-depth is related to tree-width. Since then shrub-depth has been successfully used in several research papers. Here we provide an in-depth review of the definition and basic properties of shrub-depth, and we focus on its logical aspects which turned out to be most useful. In particular, we use shrub-depth to give a characterization of the lower ω{\omega} levels of the MSO1 transduction hierarchy of simple graphs

    Multigraphs without large bonds are wqo by contraction

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    We show that the class of multigraphs with at most pp connected components and bonds of size at most kk is well-quasi-ordered by edge contraction for all positive integers p,kp,k. (A bond is a minimal non-empty edge cut.) We also characterize canonical antichains for this relation and show that they are fundamental

    Well Structured Transition Systems with History

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    We propose a formal model of concurrent systems in which the history of a computation is explicitly represented as a collection of events that provide a view of a sequence of configurations. In our model events generated by transitions become part of the system configurations leading to operational semantics with historical data. This model allows us to formalize what is usually done in symbolic verification algorithms. Indeed, search algorithms often use meta-information, e.g., names of fired transitions, selected processes, etc., to reconstruct (error) traces from symbolic state exploration. The other interesting point of the proposed model is related to a possible new application of the theory of well-structured transition systems (wsts). In our setting wsts theory can be applied to formally extend the class of properties that can be verified using coverability to take into consideration (ordered and unordered) historical data. This can be done by using different types of representation of collections of events and by combining them with wsts by using closure properties of well-quasi orderings.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2015, arXiv:1509.0685

    Lossy Channel Games under Incomplete Information

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    In this paper we investigate lossy channel games under incomplete information, where two players operate on a finite set of unbounded FIFO channels and one player, representing a system component under consideration operates under incomplete information, while the other player, representing the component's environment is allowed to lose messages from the channels. We argue that these games are a suitable model for synthesis of communication protocols where processes communicate over unreliable channels. We show that in the case of finite message alphabets, games with safety and reachability winning conditions are decidable and finite-state observation-based strategies for the component can be effectively computed. Undecidability for (weak) parity objectives follows from the undecidability of (weak) parity perfect information games where only one player can lose messages.Comment: In Proceedings SR 2013, arXiv:1303.007
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