5,192 research outputs found

    WarpNet: Weakly Supervised Matching for Single-view Reconstruction

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    We present an approach to matching images of objects in fine-grained datasets without using part annotations, with an application to the challenging problem of weakly supervised single-view reconstruction. This is in contrast to prior works that require part annotations, since matching objects across class and pose variations is challenging with appearance features alone. We overcome this challenge through a novel deep learning architecture, WarpNet, that aligns an object in one image with a different object in another. We exploit the structure of the fine-grained dataset to create artificial data for training this network in an unsupervised-discriminative learning approach. The output of the network acts as a spatial prior that allows generalization at test time to match real images across variations in appearance, viewpoint and articulation. On the CUB-200-2011 dataset of bird categories, we improve the AP over an appearance-only network by 13.6%. We further demonstrate that our WarpNet matches, together with the structure of fine-grained datasets, allow single-view reconstructions with quality comparable to using annotated point correspondences.Comment: to appear in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    Mono3D++: Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection with Two-Scale 3D Hypotheses and Task Priors

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    We present a method to infer 3D pose and shape of vehicles from a single image. To tackle this ill-posed problem, we optimize two-scale projection consistency between the generated 3D hypotheses and their 2D pseudo-measurements. Specifically, we use a morphable wireframe model to generate a fine-scaled representation of vehicle shape and pose. To reduce its sensitivity to 2D landmarks, we jointly model the 3D bounding box as a coarse representation which improves robustness. We also integrate three task priors, including unsupervised monocular depth, a ground plane constraint as well as vehicle shape priors, with forward projection errors into an overall energy function.Comment: Proc. of the AAAI, September 201

    Graph matching with a dual-step EM algorithm

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    This paper describes a new approach to matching geometric structure in 2D point-sets. The novel feature is to unify the tasks of estimating transformation geometry and identifying point-correspondence matches. Unification is realized by constructing a mixture model over the bipartite graph representing the correspondence match and by affecting optimization using the EM algorithm. According to our EM framework, the probabilities of structural correspondence gate contributions to the expected likelihood function used to estimate maximum likelihood transformation parameters. These gating probabilities measure the consistency of the matched neighborhoods in the graphs. The recovery of transformational geometry and hard correspondence matches are interleaved and are realized by applying coupled update operations to the expected log-likelihood function. In this way, the two processes bootstrap one another. This provides a means of rejecting structural outliers. We evaluate the technique on two real-world problems. The first involves the matching of different perspective views of 3.5-inch floppy discs. The second example is furnished by the matching of a digital map against aerial images that are subject to severe barrel distortion due to a line-scan sampling process. We complement these experiments with a sensitivity study based on synthetic data

    Nonsubjective priors via predictive relative entropy regret

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    We explore the construction of nonsubjective prior distributions in Bayesian statistics via a posterior predictive relative entropy regret criterion. We carry out a minimax analysis based on a derived asymptotic predictive loss function and show that this approach to prior construction has a number of attractive features. The approach here differs from previous work that uses either prior or posterior relative entropy regret in that we consider predictive performance in relation to alternative nondegenerate prior distributions. The theory is illustrated with an analysis of some specific examples.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000804 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org